3,091 research outputs found

    Effects of Vacancies near Substitutional Implants on Trapping and Desorption of Helium - A Simulation

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    Trapping of He by vacancies and drainage of He from substitutional implants (Ag and Kr in W) to nearby vacancies are investigated using static lattice calculations. The calculations indicate that drainage of He will occur to vacancies within a radius of 2.5 lattice units from the implant. Furthermore the trapping probability of substitutional and interstitial random walkers on a bcc lattice by substitutional traps or vacancies is calculated. When implantation-produced vacancies are present in the vicinity of the observed trap a shielding effect occurs. Trapping constants are calculated with two random walk models for both the unshielded and the shielded defect. For the latter several configurations were taken. The results show that shielding of a defect by one vacancy at a distance of three lattice units leads already to a reduction of He trapping by that defect of 30% to 40%.

    Unraveling the MNE wage premium

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    Unraveling the MNE wage premium

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    Whereas IB has extensively studied MNEs’ generic (positive) impact on host economies, but rarely on employee wages, economics research has only shown an overall MNE wage premium. We ‘unravel’ this premium, considering multiple levels of analysis and accounting for host-country contextual contingencies, to unveil MNEs different (positive or negative) distributional effects. Using unique micro-level data from over 40,000 employees in 13 countries, we examine MNEs’ distributional effects for employees’ gender, experience, and immigrant status; the influence of host-country property rights protection and labor regulation; and interplays with region and industry effects. MNEs’ distributional effects show marked differences that largely depend on the host-country context, and that are positive for experienced and foreign-born employees in developed countries but negative for females working in developing countries. Whereas in developed countries the gender wage gap is smaller in MNEs than in domestic firms as hypothesized, we find evidence of a larger wage gap in developing countries. The analysis also reveals that the higher host-countries’ level of property rights protection, the lower the MNE wage premium. Our study points at the need to reassess statements about the generic positive impact of MNEs in host countries, particularly in developing countries, and discusses (further) research implications

    Indicatoren kwaliteit landelijk gebied : uitwerking van een methode, toepassingsmogelijkheden en een set van indicatoren

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    Een studie naar indicatoren voor een integrale, systematische, overzichtelijke en inzichtelijke beschrijving van de kwaliteit van het landelijk gebied. Deze kwaliteit is daarbij opgevat als een combinatie van natuurkwaliteit, landbouwkwaliteit, landschapskwaliteit, recreatiekwaliteit, veiligheid en gezondheid en leefbaarheid. Deze uitwerking is beschreven in Oenema et al., 2009 (WOt-werkdocument 130). De definiëring en interpretatie van de ‘impact’, de zogenoemde ‘eindpunten’ (natuurkwaliteit, landbouwkwaliteit, landschapskwaliteit, recreatiekwaliteit, veiligheid en gezondheid en leefbaarheid) bleek echter gecompliceerd en onbevredigend omdat de eindpunten van ongelijke orde zijn en ze door elkaar worden beïnvloedt. Daarom is besloten om de zoektocht naar geschikte indicatoren voor de kwaliteit van het landelijk gebied voort te zetten in 2009. De aandacht is hierbij vooral gericht op het vinden van een alternatief van de zogenoemde ‘eindpunten’

    Geochemistry, sedimentology, and stratigraphy of the Lower Cretaceous pebble shale unit, northeastern Alaska

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    Thesis (M.S.) University of Alaska Fairbanks, 2010"Organic-rich, marine mudstone known informally as the Lower Cretaceous (Barremian-Aptian) pebble shale unit (PSU) is exposed in the northeastern Brooks Range. Outcrops were examined along the Canning River, an unnamed tributary of the Katakturuk River, and Marsh Creek. Gamma-ray data was measured for each stratigraphic section in order to correlate outcrop with wire-line well logs. Samples of the PSU were collected for thin section petrography, lithostratigraphy, biostratigraphy, total organic carbon (TOC), Rock-Eval II, vitrinite reflectance (R₀), and X-ray Fluorescence. The PSU contains bioturbated and laminated mudstones with thin-bedded siltstones interpreted as interbedded hemipelagites and turbidites. PSU foraminifers were deposited on the outer shelf and upper slope. Intervals with high TOC (2 to 6 wt %) indicate good source-rock quantity in the PSU; however, Rock Eval results suggest poor source-rock quality related to elevated thermal maturities (1.3 to 1.8 %R₀). The PSU is depleted in metals relative to average black shale"--Leaf iiiAlaska’s Division of Geological & Geophysical Surveys, Alaska Geological Society, the American Association of Petroleum Geologists, BP, the Geological Society of America, Geophysical Society of Alaska, University of Alaska Fairbanks1. Introduction -- 2. Source-rock potential of the Lower Cretaceous Pebble Shale Unit, northeastern Alaska -- 3. Geochemistry, sedimentology, and stratigraphy of the Lower Cretaceous Pebble Shale Unit, northeastern Alaska -- 4. Conclusion -- References

    A Systematic Review of Literatures onFactors Associated with Educational ndAcademic Performance in Attention DeficitHyperactivity Disorder

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    __Abstract__ Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD) has been shown to impair major life activities including educational functioning. However, there is no consensus on the specific cause for the impact on this worse educational outcome. This systematic review aims to identify factors that have been associated with educational and academic underperformance of children and adolescents with ADHD. A literature search was conducted using PubMed and the PRISMA guidelines (Preferred Reporting Items for Systematic Reviews and Meta-Analyses). The study focused on articles presenting results of data-based analyses related to ADHD and keywords related to education. The search resulted in 376 records that were screened by title. Of these, 185 articles were screened by abstract and 35 met the eligibility criteria for inclusion in the review. These 35 articles were related to seven domains: educational training, educational environment, pharmacological treatment, ADHD symptoms, associations of ADHD with academic outcomes, self-concept, and specific skills. The main source of educational challenges seems to be related to the inattentive symptoms (or subtype) of ADHD. This outcome is different than expected, since hyperactive symptoms are pronounced more prominently and often refer children to clinical practice. Inattentive symptoms amongst others refer to difficulties in organization skills and can lead to decreased self-efficacy and development of depressive symptoms. This decreased self-efficacy and the depressive symptoms were also found to be related to influence the relation between ADHD and academic performance. Educational outcomes were shown to be improved using small group work, learning via a computer-based service and as a result of coaching and pharmacological treatment. To help children and adults achieve educational goals that now are out of reach, more attention should be spent to the inattentive symptoms of ADHD and possibilities to overcome experienced problems

    What determines success in Initial Coin Offerings?

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    In this paper, we analyse the determinants of success for 630 ICOs performed between August 2015 and December 2017. We find evidence that ICOs are more successful in raisi

    Consultancy haalbaarheid Klimrekscherm

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    Deze haalbaarheidstudie heeft als doel de mogelijkheden van het klimrek systeem in de glastuinbouw in kaart te brengen in een semi-gesloten teelt concept teneinde te komen tot energiebesparing, productieverhoging, betere kwaliteit, betere CO2 benutting en minder uitval ten gevolge van vochtproblemen door een te hoge RV

    What determines success in initial coin offerings?

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    We analyse the determinants of success for 630 ICOs undertaken from August 2015 up until the end of December 2017, a period in which the market for ICOs grew to an unprecented level. We find evidence that ICOs are more successful in raising funding when they disclose more information to investors (i.e. have a higher profile rating), have a higher quality rating by cryptocurrency experts, have a pre-ICO GitHub repository, organise a presale, refrain from offering bonus schemes, have shorter planned token sale durations and have a larger project team. ICOs that disclose more information to investors and that have a higher quality rating at the time of the campaign show stronger ex-post performance. Longer-term project success is positively impacted by having a pre-ICO GitHub repository, a shorter planned token sale duration and having a larger project team at the time of the ICO, although these results depend on the ex-post success measure used. We conclude that for entrepreneurs it is important to make an ICO as transparent as possible and that profile and expert ratings are a valuable means to overcome the information asymmetry problems associated with token sales
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