41 research outputs found

    Termelési regény by Péter Esterházy and the Croatian postmodern novel

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    A dolgozat három regény alapján hasonlítja össze a horvát és a magyar posztmodern irodalom egyes jellemzőit. A posztmodern a 20. század második felének művészettörténeti korszaka, ami az irodalomon kívül, még az építészetben, filozófiában, történelemtudományban és kultúrában jelent meg. A dolgozatban az első magyar posztmodern regényt, Esterházy Péter Termelési-regény című művét fogom elemezni. Esterházy regényét össze fogom hasonlítani első horvát posztmodern regénnyel, Ivan Slamnig Bolja polovica hrabrosti című regényével és Antun Šoljan Luka című művével, ami témában hasonló Termelési-regényhez. Azt szeretném megvizsgálni, hogy mi a hasonlóság a magyar és a horvát posztmodern regény között, illetve menniyben különböznek

    Forensic Medicine and the Medical School of the University of Zagreb (1922–1945)

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    Autor je u radu analizirao položaj sudske medicine na Medicinskom fakultetu Sveučilišta u Zagrebu. Rad je podijeljen u nekoliko cjelina u kojima se problematizira položaj sudske medicine prije i nakon osnutka Medicinskoga fakulteta. Poseban naglasak stavljen je na Zavod za sudsku medicinu i kriminalistiku, čijim je osnutkom postavljen temelj za sustavni razvoj ove grane medicine u Hrvatskoj. U osnivanju Zavoda središnju ulogu imao je Eduard Miloslavić, forenzičar koji je svjetsku slavu postigao u Sjedinjenim Američkim Državama. Glavni je cilj rada sustavnije prikazati razvoj sudske medicine u Hrvatskoj tijekom prve polovine XX. stoljeća s naglaskom na zagrebački Medicinski fakultet. In this paper, the author analyses the position of forensic medicine at the Medical School of the University of Zagreb, focusing on the 1922–45 period. He also sketches the development of forensic medicine before the founding of the school. Emphasis is placed on significant events, such as the introduction of forensic medicine at the Faculty of Law of the University of Zagreb and the opening of the Pathology Unit of the Public Health Institutions of the City of Zagreb. After this, the author analyses the development of forensic medicine from the founding of the Medical School to the launching of the Institute of Forensic Medicine and Criminalistics. With the help of available literature and archival materials, the author has attempted to reconstruct the most important guidelines in the development of forensic medicine at the School of Medicine from 1922 to 1945. Financial troubles, a lack of adequate teaching cadres, and the complex sociopolitical situation greatly slowed the development of forensic medicine at the newly-founded school and characterised this period. A prominent role in introducing forensic medicine to the school was played by Ljudevit Jurak and Ernst Miller, who taught there from 1922 to 1932. Eduard Miloslavić took the leading role afterwards. He was appointed professor of forensic medicine in 1932, and in 1933 founded what is now the Institute of Forensic Medicine and Criminalistics. His arrival marked the launching of a systematic scientific-educational development of forensic medicine. Despite all problems, Miloslavić successfully secured a premises for the new Institute,  launched the first laboratories, and acquired the needed equipment. Miloslavić left the Institute in 1944 and was succeeded by Ante Premeru in 1945

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