17 research outputs found

    Contribution of fibre to the visual perception of fabric roughness

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    Hrapavost je mjera teksture površine tkanina, koja nikad nije savršeno glatka. Općenito, ovisi o karakteristikama vlakana, finoći pređe, broju uvoja na pređi i strukturi tkanine (gustoći taknine u smjeru osbove i potke te vezu tkanine). Tekstura kao složeniji spoj osjeta opipa i vida, može se istraživati bilo mehaničkim metodama, putem sile trenja ili optičkim metodama. Svrha ovoga istraživanja je odrediti do kojeg stupnja finoća vlakana utječe na vizualnu percepciju teksture tkanina, kod subjektivne ocjene i upotrebom analize slike tkanina. Ispitivanje je pokazalo da hrapavost tkanina raste s porastom finoće upotrijebljenih vlakana, a može se utvrditi korištenjem osjetljivih optičkih metoda, dok se oči nisu u stanju da razaznaju ovu razliku.Roughness is a measure of the surface texture of fabrics, which is never ideally smooth. In general, it depends upon fibre properties, yarn count, yarn twist, and fabric structure (weft and warp density, as well as fabric design). Texture as a complex of sight and touch can be investigated by either mechanical methods, through friction or optical methods. The aim of this research is to determine the degree to which fibre count influences the visual perception, firstly by subjective evaluation and then by image analysis. The research showed that optical methods are sensitive enough to distinguish the increase of fabric roughness coming from increased fibre count, while human eyes are unable to make a distinction

    Tekstilni otpad kao materijal za toplinsku izolaciju

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    Toplinsko-izolacijski materijali omogućuju uštedu toplinske energije. Na europskim tržištima prevladavaju klasični izolacijski materijali (kamena vuna i polistiren), a nastojanja istraživača su usmjerena na poboljšanje njihove učinkovitosti i razvitak novih izolacijskih materijala i sustava. Njihova kvaliteta se ocjenjuje s obzirom na njihova fi zikalna svojstva, utjecaj na okoliš I čovjeka, lakoću montiranja i cijene. U ovom radu dizajniran je materijal za toplinsku izolaciju krovne konstrukcije i unutarnje gips-kartonske pregrade od otpada od krojenja, i ispitana je njegova toplinska vodljivost (W/mK). Rezultati pokazuju toplinsku vodljivost 0,05198 - 0,06032 (W/mK), koja se može usporediti s vrijednostima standardnih izolacijskih materijala i s izolacijskim materijalima od tekstila, odnosno tekstila u vlaknastom stanju. Ključne riječi: otpad od krojenja, izolacijski materijali, toplinska vodljivost, toplinska izolacij

    Textile waste as a thermal insulation material

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    Toplinsko-izolacijski materijali omogućuju uštedu toplinske energije. Na europskim tržištima prevladavaju klasični izolacijski materijali (kamena vuna i polistiren), a nastojanja istraživača su usmjerena na poboljšanje njihove učinkovitosti i razvitak novih izolacijskih materijala i sustava. Njihova kvaliteta se ocjenjuju s obzirom na njihova fizikalna svojstva, utjecaj na okoliš i čovjeka, lakoću montiranja i cijene. U ovom radu dizajniran je materijal za toplinsku izolaciju krovne konstrukcije i unutarnje gips-karton pregrade od konfekcijskog otpada, i ispitana je njegova toplinska vodljivost (W/mK). Rezultati pokazuju toplinsku vodljivost 0,05198 - 0,06032 (W/mK), koja se može usporediti s vrijednostima standardnih izolacijskih materijala i s izolacijskim materijalima od tekstila, odnosno tekstila u vlaknastom stanju.S. Jordeva*, E. Tomovska. **, D. Trajković***, K. Zafirova ** Thermal insulation materials provide thermal energy savings. Classic insulation materials (stone wool and polystyrene) dominate the European market, but researchers’ efforts are aimed towards improving their efficiency and developing new insulation materials. They are evaluated according to their physical properties, effect on people and the environment, installation difficulty and price. In this paper a material for thermal insulation of roof construction and internal walls has been designed from apparel cutting waste and its thermal conductivity (W/mK) has been determined. The results show a thermal conductivity of 0.05198-0.06032 (W/mK), comparable to the conductivity of standard insulation materials and insulation materials in the form of textile fibers

    Total design for textile products

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    Product development is less than 20-30 years old and a relatively new area of research compared to the other classic academic disciplines. Integrated product development is a philosophy that systematically employs the teaming of functional disciplines to integrate and concurrently apple all the necessary processes to produce an effective and efficient product that satisfies customer needs. Product development might also be understood as a multidisciplinary field of research. The disciplines directly participating in product development include engineering design, innovation, manufacturing, marketing and management. A background contribution is also generated by disciplines such as psychology, social sciences and information technology. This article is an overview that introduces this philosophy to textile product development

    Kvalitativna i kvantitativna analiza konfekcijskog otpada u Makedoniji

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    Stvaranje tekstilnog otpada je direktno zavisno od masovnosti proizvodnje tekstila. Veća proizvodnja znači više otpada. Iz Makedonije se izvozi mesečno oko 1.400.000 komada odeće, koji za sobom ostavljaju velike količine krojnog otpada u odnosu na veličinu i broj stanovnika u zemlji. Ova analiza je preduslov za bilo kakvu inicijativu o recikliranju ovog otpada, koji je nov, čist i zadržanih fizičko-mehaničkih osobina. Ključne reči: konfekcijski otpad, upravljanje otpadom, reciklaža

    Application of Apparel Cutting Waste as Insulation Material

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    Thermal insulation materials for buildings provide thermal energy cost savings, hence much attention is directed towards improving their performances and construction of new ones. Inorganic fibrous materials - stone and glass wool and organic foamy materials- expanded and extruded polystyrene are dominant on the European market. However, the EU priorities of creating products with improved ecological footprint have led towards research for developing new insulation materials. Evaluation of the performance of insulation materials is a multi-criteria problem, which has to be carried out with respect to: physical properties, health and environmental protection, applicability as building elements and their cost. Recycled textile waste has already found commercial application as insulation material but so far only waste that is easy to open down to fibers has been used. This paper proposes an alternative solution of a new textile structure that will be used for thermal insulation of buildings’ internal walls in order to prevent the loss of a valuable resource, pre-consumer apparel cutting waste. The designed textile structure is composed of polyester fabric apparel cutting waste which is shredded, rather than opened. Thermal conductivity - λ(W/mK) of the textile structure was measured with the Heat flow meter FOX600 instrument. The main goal was to determine the thermal insulation of the structure compared to the standard insulation structures, as well as textile insulating structures in form of fibers. The results of the 10 samples showed thermal conductivity coefficient (λ=0,052-0,060 W/mK), comparable to the values of standard insulation materials (λ=0,030-0,045 W/mK) and the values of insulation materials made from recycled textile fibers (λ=0,039-0,041 W/mK). In addition to the economic benefits, production of this kind of insulation material will have an ecologic benefit by decreasing environmental pollution arising from polyester apparel cutting waste

    Fire resistance of insulation structure from polyester cutting waste

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    The EU priorities of creating products with improved ecological footprint have led towards research for developing new insulation materials. Evaluation of the performance of insulation materials is a multi-criteria problem, which has to be carried out with respect to: physical properties, health and environmental protection, applicability as building elements and their cost. This paper investigates the fire resistance of an insulation structure made of apparel cutting waste. Hot metal nut test was selected as appropriate for insulation structures, as it represents most closely the conditions under exploitation. The results indicate that polyester is convenient for use in internal insulation structures as it is not conductive of flame