5 research outputs found

    Zoning of territory on the basis of modeling of efficiency of forest resources use in Russian regions’ economy

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    The purpose of this work is development of the model of evaluation of efficiency of the use of resources in economy of regions of sparsely forested area, which allows offering a typology of zones in the region and performing zoning of territory depending on the efficiency of activities of structures which use forest resources. The offered model is peculiar for calculation of deviations of current income of state and entrepreneur from optimal income from the point of view of the most profitable use of lands. On the basis of the offered model, the typology for regions of sparsely forested area is developed, which includes four types of territories: high-profitable territories – characterized by minimal deviations of profitability of entrepreneur and state, due to which they are considered to be territories with well-balanced use of forest resources in economy; profitable territories with emphasis on state’s interest, where the deviation of profitability of entrepreneur is maximal, and profitability of state is minimal; profitable territories with emphasis on interest of entrepreneurs, where deviation of entrepreneur’s profitability is minimal, and of state’s profitability is maximal; low-income territories, unattractive for forest use, where deviation of profitability of entrepreneur and state is maximal. This typology conforms to the task of formation of differentiated instrumentarium of well-balanced use of forest resources in territories’ economy.peer-reviewe

    Methodical aspects of assessment of the level of economic security on the forest sector of the economy

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    Purpose: The main objective of this study is to develop a methodology for monitoring threats to the economic security of the forestry sector. Design/Methodology/Approach: Based on the principle of consistency, the authors proposed a proper algorithm for assessing the level of economic security of forestry which includes a list of parameters and evaluation criteria. The researchers also described the stages of its implementation and interpreted the results. Findings: The researchers considered the objective and subjective factors that have a negative impact on the forestry sector itself and on the effectiveness of the use of forest resources. The authors argue that there are two groups of threats to the economic security: threats to the forestry sector itself and threats related to the use of forest resources. Practical Implications: The study has practical significance as its results may be used both in forestry to assess the level of economic security of the industry, and in other industries. Originality/Value: The authors contributed to the development of methods for monitoring the threats to economic security in the forestry sector. These methods are aimed at identifying the main risks to the development of the forestry sector that belong to two different groups. The researchers developed the criteria for assessing possible risks and threats to the economic security of the forestry sector.peer-reviewe

    Economic aspects of organizing high-technology resource saving production in the forest sector of Russia

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    Purpose: The article aims at assessing the possibility of organizing high-tech production in the Russian forest industry. Structure/Methodology/Approach: To switch to high-tech and resource-saving technologies in the production of sleepers, it is necessary to assess the influence of a few factors: the cost of production of innovative products, the demand for innovative products, the lifetime of innovative products. To assess the demand, we have used an expert survey. Results: The cost of producing railroad sleepers from modified wood has been established. The use of cheaper softwood wood as raw material (birch, aspen, alder, poplar, etc.) which makes it possible to reduce the cost of production of the sleepers is a competitive advantage of the innovative technology. Practical implications: It has been established that in the future we should expect an increase in demand for the sleepers made of modified wood, especially in the European part of Russia. Originality/Value. The main contribution of this study is the rationale for the transition to the concept of environmental savings in the Russian forest industry. The use of modified wood in the production of sleepers is economically viable and can be an alternative when diversifying production.peer-reviewe

    Issues of the world economy’s assessment : the demographic factor

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    The article analyzes the impact of the demographic factor on the prospects for the development of the world economy. The basis of the methodology is an analysis of the dynamics of macro indicators of the world's 10 leading economies, whose contribution exceeds 61% of world GDP. In the article the dynamics of macroeconomic and demographic indicators were analyzed, and their interrelation was established. The study analyzes the dynamics of the world economy. In the course of the study, it was shown that globalization brings not only advantages, but notable threats. The economic growth within the last 21 years led to the accumulation of colossal debts, which in future will become a limitation of the development of the world economy. The article shows that attempts to overcome demographic problems in the last decades did not have any success, and consequently, in the future it will be a barrier to the sustainable development of the world economy.peer-reviewe

    Systemic crisis of the world economy or the end of the "Bourgeois mode of production"

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    Despite the fact that since the beginning of the global financial crisis of 2008 nearly nine years has passed, the world economy has not come to a steady trajectory of development. In the article it is shown that the crisis has a systemic character and it is connected with the managing model. The fundamentals of methodology are represented by the analysis of dynamics of macro indicators of 10 leading economies of the world the contribution of which exceeds 61% of world GDP. In this research macroeconomic, demographic indicators, indicators of money supply, etc. were analyzed. In the research it was revealed that the current state of the world economy is characterized by a number of contradictions in the field of investments, demography, central government debts, and monetary regulation of all leading economies of the world. It is possible to cope with them within the existing economic paradigm thanks to the constant economic growth, the opportunities of which are almost exhausted within the developed managing model (called by K. Marx in "the bourgeois way of production" and the uniform, global market).peer-reviewe