55 research outputs found


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    Članak govori o definicijama u Novoj slavonskoj i nimačkoj gramatici Matije Antuna Reljkovića. Uspoređuju se te definicije s onima u prvoj hrvatskoj gramatici i suvremenoj hrvatskoj gramatici. Gramatičke su definicije uglavnom semantičke, a manje gramatičke, Å”to znači da daju pretežito značenjske odredbe, a rijetko morfoloÅ”ke i sintaktičke. Tako je u većini hrvatskih gramatika.The article deals with the grammatical definitions in Reljković\u27s Croatian grammar (1767). Those definitions are compared to the definitions of the first Croatian grammar (1604) and to the definitions of new Croatian grammar (1992). The definitions in those three Croatian grammars are mostly semantic

    Profesoru Milanu MoguŔu u spomen

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    The Instrumental Case of Singular i-Type Nouns in Ranjina\u27s Verse Collection

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    U članku se govori o odnosu nastavaka -ju i -i u Ijd. imenica i-sklonidbe u Ranjininu Zborniku. Nastavak -ju rabi se uvijek kada uz imenicu nema prijedloga i/ili atributa koji označuju instrumental, ali i u primjerima kada se javlja prijedlog i/ili atribut. Nastavak je -i često zastupljen u primjerima kada uz imenicu postoji prijedlog i/ili atribut, a u primjerima kada nema prijedloga i/ili atributa gotovo nikada. Stari su dubrovački pisci imali znatnoga utjecaja na oblikovanje hrvatskoga književnog jezika pa je zanimljivo vidjeti kako oni raspoređuju navedena dva nastavka u Ijd. imenica i-sklonidbe.The article deals with the relation of the endings ā€“ju and ā€“i in the Instrumental case of singular i-type nouns in Ranjina\u27s Verse Collection. The ending ā€“ju is used whenever the noun is not accompanied by a preposition and/or attribute indicating the Instrumental case, but there are also examples in which it is used when there is a preposition and/or attribute. The ending ā€“i is frequent in examples where there is a preposition and/or attribute next to the noun, and it almost never occurs in examples without a preposition and/or attribute. The old Dubrovnik writers had significant influence on the formation of the standard Croatian language and it is therefore interesting to see how they use the said two endings in the Instrumental case of singular i-type nouns

    Words from the semantic field of fishing and life near rivers

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    Poznata je veza između života i životnih potreba i leksika. Govornici slavonskoga dijalekta žive uz velike rijeke Savu, Dravu i Dunav ili između njih. I izvan hrvatskih državnih granica, uz rijeke rasprostire se slavonski dijalekt (u Bosni i Hercegovini uz Savu oko OraÅ”ja, u Srbiji u zapadnoj Bačkoj u Podunavlju). Stoga govornici slavonskoga dijalekta znaju brojne lekseme iz značenjskoga polja ribolova, plovidbe rijekom, plovila i sl. Članak govori o nekim opće poznatim leksemima iz općega leksika govornika slavonskoga dijalekta koji žive uz rijeke.The connection between life, lifeā€™s needs, and words are well known. Speakers of the Slavonian dialect live near or between three large rivers: the Sava, the Drava, and the Danube. The Slavonian dialect spreads along Croatiaā€™s borders both on Croatian territory and on the other side of its borders. Outside Croatiaā€™s borders, the Slavonian dialect also spreads along the river Sava in northeastern Bosnia and Hercegovina in the OraÅ”je region, near the river Danube in Serbia in the West Bačka region, and near the river Drava in Hungary in the Baranja region. Therefore, speakers of the Slavonian dialect know a lot of lexemes from the semantic fields of fishing, river sailing, vessels, etc. This article is about some well-known words from the semantic field of fishing and life near rivers in the Slavonian dialect

    Slavonian towns in old Croatian dictionaries

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    U hrvatskim rječnicima do hrvatskoga narodnoga preporoda javljaju se i imena mjesta. Neki rječnici bilježe mnogo imena mjesta (Mikaljin, Belostenčev), a neki uopće ne bilježe (Vrančićev). Imena su mjesta zapisana i u nekim starim hrvatskim pojmovnim rječnicima, primjerice u rječniku Tome Babica ili Reljkovićevu Ričniku. Oni hrvatski rječnici koji zapisuju imena mjesta kao natuknice, najviÅ”e imaju zabilježenih hrvatskih gradova uz more, a slavonskih je gradova malo. NajčeŔći grad Å to se spominje u starim hrvatskim rječnicima jest Požega, a javljaju se joÅ” Osik, Brod, Valpovo.The most of old Croatian dictionaries (by Mikalja, Belostenec, Jambresic, etc.) include the names of towns. Slavonian towns which can be found in these dictionaries are Pozega, Osik, Valpovo, Brod


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    The term "Slavonian dialectā€ encompasses old Croatian vernaculars called ā€œÅ”tokavskiā€, spoken in the Slavonian part of the Drava region, in the central part of eastern Slavonia, in the Croatian part of Baranja and some of the places outside the borders of the Republic of Croatia. The Slavonian dialect is spoken outside of the Republic of Croatia in some places in north-eastern Bosnia, in the western part of the Bačka Danube basin in Yugoslavia and several places near the Drava river on the Hungarian side. The paper discusses the features of the Slavonian dialect: predominatly older stress system that preserves the accent well, not ā€œijekavianā€ changes of ā€œjatā€, so colled ā€œÅ”ćakavskiā€ vernacular, softening of the sounds ā€œ1ā€ and ā€œnā€, non-existence of the sound ā€œhā€, the older state of morphology, word-formation characteristics, etc

    Stojan Vrljić

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    U ovom radu autorica proučava jezik djela Prosvitljenje i ogrianje jesenog i zimnog doba iliti nediljne i svečane predike priko jeseni i zime dolazeće, Emerika Pavića, franjevca iz 18. stoljeća koji je osim homiletičkih djela pisao prigodne govore na latinskom jeziku, katehetička djela, djela s biblijskim sadržajem, ascetičku literaturu, pjesme te povijesne i medicinske spise. Za Pavića je posebno značajno to Å”to je izrijekom zagovarao i promicao slavonsku grafiju koju su uspostavili franjevci. Pozornosti su vrijedne i osobitosti njegova jezika: uporaba glagolskih vremena, padeža, imeničkih i pridjevskih oblika, upitnika i uskličnika, frazema itd.In this paper the author studies the language of a literary work ā€œProsvitljenje i ogrianje jesenog i zimnog doba iliti nediljne i svečane predike priko jeseni i zime dolazećeā€ of Emerik Pavić, Franciscan from the 18th century, who in addition to preaching works wrote occasional speeches in the Latin language, religious works, literary works with the biblical contents, poems, historical and medical documents. It is especially important to say that he supported and promoted Slavonian graphic letter which was established by the Franciscans. Attention has to be paid to the characteristics of his language: usage of tenses, cases, noun and adjective forms, question and exclamation marks, phrases etc

    The morphological characteristics of flacaā€™s speech within the Slavonian dialect

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    Članak govori o morfoloÅ”kim osobinama govora mjesta Ilače. Trenutačno su Ilačani prognanici. Ilača se nalazi jugoistočno od Vinkovaca, u istočnom dijelu slavonske Posavine. Nastoji se pokazati kako po jezičnim osobinama, osobito morfoloÅ”kim, taj mjesni govor možemo uvrstiti u govore posavskoga pod- dijalekta slavonskoga dijalekta.The paper deals with the morphological characteristics of Ilacaā€™s speech. Ilaca is placed south-east of Vinkovci in eastern Slavonia. The people of Ilaca are now refugees. In this paper the autor describes that speech as the part of the Slavonian dialect
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