Words from the semantic field of fishing and life near rivers


Poznata je veza između života i životnih potreba i leksika. Govornici slavonskoga dijalekta žive uz velike rijeke Savu, Dravu i Dunav ili između njih. I izvan hrvatskih državnih granica, uz rijeke rasprostire se slavonski dijalekt (u Bosni i Hercegovini uz Savu oko Orašja, u Srbiji u zapadnoj Bačkoj u Podunavlju). Stoga govornici slavonskoga dijalekta znaju brojne lekseme iz značenjskoga polja ribolova, plovidbe rijekom, plovila i sl. Članak govori o nekim opće poznatim leksemima iz općega leksika govornika slavonskoga dijalekta koji žive uz rijeke.The connection between life, life’s needs, and words are well known. Speakers of the Slavonian dialect live near or between three large rivers: the Sava, the Drava, and the Danube. The Slavonian dialect spreads along Croatia’s borders both on Croatian territory and on the other side of its borders. Outside Croatia’s borders, the Slavonian dialect also spreads along the river Sava in northeastern Bosnia and Hercegovina in the Orašje region, near the river Danube in Serbia in the West Bačka region, and near the river Drava in Hungary in the Baranja region. Therefore, speakers of the Slavonian dialect know a lot of lexemes from the semantic fields of fishing, river sailing, vessels, etc. This article is about some well-known words from the semantic field of fishing and life near rivers in the Slavonian dialect

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