29 research outputs found

    Gene-environment interaction and Mendelian randomisation

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    Genetic factors only account for up to a third of the cases of Parkinson's disease (PD), while the remaining cases are of unknown aetiology. Environmental exposures (such as pesticides or heavy metals) and the interaction with genetic susceptibility factors (summarized in the concept of impaired xenobiotic metabolism) are believed to play a major role in the mechanisms of neurodegeneration. Beside of the classical association studies (e.g. genome-wide association studies), a novel approach to investigate environmental risk factors are Mendelian randomisation studies. This review explores the gene-environment interaction and the gain of Mendelian randomisation studies in assessing causalities of modifiable risk factors for PD

    Connecting environmental exposure and neurodegeneration using cheminformatics and high resolution mass spectrometry: potential and challenges

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    Connecting chemical exposures over a lifetime to complex chronic diseases with multifactorial causes such as neurodegenerative diseases is an immense challenge requiring a long-term, interdisciplinary approach. Rapid developments in analytical and data technologies, such as non-target high resolution mass spectrometry (NT-HR-MS), have opened up new possibilities to accomplish this, inconceivable 20 years ago. While NT-HR-MS is being applied to increasingly complex research questions, there are still many unidentified chemicals and uncertainties in linking exposures to human health outcomes and environmental impacts. In this perspective, we explore the possibilities and challenges involved in using cheminformatics and NT-HR-MS to answer complex questions that cross many scientific disciplines, taking the identification of potential (small molecule) neurotoxicants in environmental or biological matrices as a case study. We explore capturing literature knowledge and patient exposure information in a form amenable to high-throughput data mining, and the related cheminformatic challenges. We then briefly cover which sample matrices are available, which method(s) could potentially be used to detect these chemicals in various matrices and what remains beyond the reach of NT-HR-MS. We touch on the potential for biological validation systems to contribute to mechanistic understanding of observations and explore which sampling and data archiving strategies may be required to form an accurate, sustained picture of small molecule signatures on extensive cohorts of patients with chronic neurodegenerative disorders. Finally, we reflect on how NT-HR-MS can support unravelling the contribution of the environment to complex diseases

    Increased structural white and grey matter network connectivity compensates for functional decline in early multiple sclerosis

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    Background The pathology of multiple sclerosis (MS) consists of demyelination and neuronal injury, which occur early in the disease; yet, remission phases indicate repair. Whether and how the central nervous system (CNS) maintains homeostasis to counteract clinical impairment is not known. Objective We analyse the structural connectivity of white matter (WM) and grey matter (GM) networks to understand the absence of clinical decline as the disease progresses. Methods A total of 138 relapsing–remitting MS patients (classified into six groups by disease duration) and 32 healthy controls were investigated using 3-Tesla magnetic resonance imaging (MRI). Networks were analysed using graph theoretical approaches based on connectivity patterns derived from diffusion-tensor imaging with probabilistic tractography for WM and voxel-based morphometry and regional-volume-correlation matrix for GM. Results In the first year after disease onset, WM networks evolved to a structure of increased modularity, strengthened local connectivity and increased local clustering while no clinical decline occurred. GM networks showed a similar dynamic of increasing modularity. This modified connectivity pattern mainly involved the cerebellum, cingulum and temporo-parietal regions. Clinical impairment was associated at later disease stages with a divergence of the network patterns. Conclusion Our findings suggest that network functionality in MS is maintained through structural adaptation towards increased local and modular connectivity, patterns linked to adaptability and homeostasis

    Classification of advanced stages of Parkinson's disease: translation into stratified treatments.

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    Advanced stages of Parkinson's disease (advPD) still impose a challenge in terms of classification and related stage-adapted treatment recommendations. Previous concepts that define advPD by certain milestones of motor disability apparently fall short in addressing the increasingly recognized complexity of motor and non-motor symptoms and do not allow to account for the clinical heterogeneity that require more personalized approaches. Therefore, deep phenotyping approaches are required to characterize the broad-scaled, continuous and multidimensional spectrum of disease-related motor and non-motor symptoms and their progression under real-life conditions. This will also facilitate the reasoning for clinical care and therapeutic decisions, as neurologists currently have to refer to clinical trials that provide guidance on a group level; however, this does not always account for the individual needs of patients. Here, we provide an overview on different classifications for advPD that translate into critical phenotypic patterns requiring the differential therapeutic adjustments. New concepts refer to precision medicine approaches also in PD and first studies on genetic stratification for therapeutic outcomes provide a potential for more objective treatment recommendations. We define novel treatment targets that align with this concept and make use of emerging device-based assessments of real-life information on PD symptoms. As these approaches require empowerment of patients and integration into treatment decisions, we present communication strategies and decision support based on new technologies to adjust treatment of advPD according to patient demands and safety


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    ABSTRAK Seperti yang kita ketahui bahwa seorang auditor dalam melakukan tugasnya membuat audit judgment dipengaruhi banyak faktor, baik bersifat teknis dan non teknis. Salah satu faktor non teknis adalah aspek perilaku individual. Aspek perilaku individu, sebagai salah satu faktor yang banyak mempengaruhi pembuatan audit judgment. Pada penelitian ini ada beberapa faktor yang mempengaruhi audit judgment yaitu tekanan ketaatan dan kompleksitas tugas. Dalam penelitian ini penullis ingin mengetahui sejauh mana “tekanan ketaatan dan kompleksitas tugas terhadap audit judgment”. Sedangkan tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui dan mempelajari tekanan ketaatan dan kompleksitas tugas terhadap audit judgment. Hipotesis yang diuji dalam penelitian ini adalah “ jika tekanan ketaatan dan kompleksitas tugas baik, maka audit judgment akan meningkat ( baik pula)”. Hipotesis ini berdasarkan asumsi bahwa tekanan ketaatan dan kompleksitas tugas berpengaruh terhadap audit judgment.dalam penelitian ini penulis menggunakan metode deskriptif asosiatif dengan pendekatan survey dan tes statistik. Penelitian ini terdiri dari atas variabel X1 dan X2 dan audit judgment sebagai veriabel Y atau variabel independen. Uji statistik dilakukan dengan mengolah data dari hasil jawaban kuesioner. Dalam penelitian ini, peulis menyebarkan angket kepada 5 Kantor Akuntan Publik di Kota Bandung khusunya untuk para auditor. Pengumpulan data dilakukan dengan cara penyebaran kuesioner yang telah diuji validitasnya dan reabilitasnya. Penelitian ini dilakukan di 5 KAP di Kota Bandung. Pengambilan sampel ini menggunakan purposive sampling berukuran 28 orang responden. Untuk uji hipotesis penelitian, penulis melakukannya dengan uji t untuk masing-masing variabel X1,X2, dan Y. Dari hasil uji tHitung tekanan ketaatan terhadap audit judgment tHitung =4,178>ttabel = 1.705 kompleksitas tugas terhadap audit judgment 5 tHitung = 3.364 > ttabel = 1,705. Maka, dari hasil uji hipotesis tersebut penulis menyimpulkan bahwa hipotesis penelitian diterima (Ho ditolak, Ha diterima) artinya terdapat pengaruh antara terkanan ketaatan terhadap audit judgment dan kompleksitas tugas terhadap audit judgment Untuk mencari besarnya pengaruh Tekanan ketaatan dan Kompleksitas Tugas terhadap Audit Judgment secara simultan penulis melakukannya dengan uji f dengan koefisien determinasi (KD). Dari hasil uji fhitung dan > f table yaitu 16,182>3,370. Kata kunci : Tekanan Ketaatan dan Kompleksitas tugas Terhadap Audit Judgmen

    The Luxembourg Parkinson’s Study: A Comprehensive Approach for Stratification and Early Diagnosis

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    While genetic advances have successfully defined part of the complexity in Parkinson’s disease (PD), the clinical characterization of phenotypes remains challenging. Therapeutic trials and cohort studies typically include patients with earlier disease stages and exclude comorbidities, thus ignoring a substantial part of the real-world PD population. To account for these limitations, we implemented the Luxembourg PD study as a comprehensive clinical, molecular and device-based approach including patients with typical PD and atypical parkinsonism, irrespective of their disease stage, age, comorbidities, or linguistic background. To provide a large, longitudinally followed, and deeply phenotyped set of patients and controls for clinical and fundamental research on PD, we implemented an open-source digital platform that can be harmonized with international PD cohort studies. Our interests also reflect Luxembourg-specific areas of PD research, including vision, gait, and cognition. This effort is flanked by comprehensive biosampling efforts assuring high quality and sustained availability of body liquids and tissue biopsies. We provide evidence for the feasibility of such a cohort program with deep phenotyping and high quality biosampling on parkinsonism in an environment with structural specificities and alert the international research community to our willingness to collaborate with other centers. The combination of advanced clinical phenotyping approaches including device-based assessment will create a comprehensive assessment of the disease and its variants, its interaction with comorbidities and its progression. We envision the Luxembourg Parkinson’s study as an important research platform for defining early diagnosis and progression markers that translate into stratified treatment approaches

    Luxembourg Parkinson’s study -comprehensive baseline analysis of Parkinson’s disease and atypical parkinsonism

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    BackgroundDeep phenotyping of Parkinson’s disease (PD) is essential to investigate this fastest-growing neurodegenerative disorder. Since 2015, over 800 individuals with PD and atypical parkinsonism along with more than 800 control subjects have been recruited in the frame of the observational, monocentric, nation-wide, longitudinal-prospective Luxembourg Parkinson’s study.ObjectiveTo profile the baseline dataset and to explore risk factors, comorbidities and clinical profiles associated with PD, atypical parkinsonism and controls.MethodsEpidemiological and clinical characteristics of all 1,648 participants divided in disease and control groups were investigated. Then, a cross-sectional group comparison was performed between the three largest groups: PD, progressive supranuclear palsy (PSP) and controls. Subsequently, multiple linear and logistic regression models were fitted adjusting for confounders.ResultsThe mean (SD) age at onset (AAO) of PD was 62.3 (11.8) years with 15% early onset (AAO < 50 years), mean disease duration 4.90 (5.16) years, male sex 66.5% and mean MDS-UPDRS III 35.2 (16.3). For PSP, the respective values were: 67.6 (8.2) years, all PSP with AAO > 50 years, 2.80 (2.62) years, 62.7% and 53.3 (19.5). The highest frequency of hyposmia was detected in PD followed by PSP and controls (72.9%; 53.2%; 14.7%), challenging the use of hyposmia as discriminating feature in PD vs. PSP. Alcohol abstinence was significantly higher in PD than controls (17.6 vs. 12.9%, p = 0.003).ConclusionLuxembourg Parkinson’s study constitutes a valuable resource to strengthen the understanding of complex traits in the aforementioned neurodegenerative disorders. It corroborated several previously observed clinical profiles, and provided insight on frequency of hyposmia in PSP and dietary habits, such as alcohol abstinence in PD.Clinical trial registration: clinicaltrials.gov, NCT05266872