18 research outputs found

    Effects of vincamine on testicular dysfunction in alloxan-induced diabetic male rats

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    Background: Diabetes mellitus (DM) is frequently linked with problems of several organ systems, including retinopathy, neuropathy, and nephropathy. Additionally, patients have changes in sexual functioning, such as decreased libido and fertility. Vincamine, a monoterpenoid indole alkaloid, has hypoglycemic and antioxidant effects. Objectives: This research assessed the impact of vincamine on testicular dysfunction in alloxan-induced male rats by measuring fasting blood glucose, oxidative stress, seminal analysis, and histological examination of the testis. Methods: Wister-albino male rats were randomized into the following groups at random: Untreated-healthy, untreated-DM, vincamine-treated (20 mg/kg) DM, vincamine-treated (40 mg/kg) DM, and clomiphene-treated DM (5 mg/kg). On day 14, rats were sacrificed, and semen/blood samples were collected. Sperm count, motility, and morphological abnormalities were noted by microscopic examination. The testis was examined histopathologically and assessed using Johnsen’s score. Results: Compared with the untreated diabetic group, a dosage of 40 mg/kg vincamine generate a significant reduction in fasting blood sugar (FBG). Compared with the untreated diabetic group, the vincamine-treated rats produced greater plasma testosterone levels and Johnsen scores. In the vincamine 20 mg/kg group, sperm concentration was higher than in the vincamine 40 mg/kg group. Conclusions: It is possible that vincamine has a potential preventive effect against diabetes-related reproductive problems attributable to its antioxidant activity and capacity to restore testicular steroidogenesis

    Post-natal sıçan testisinde sertoli hücrelerinin arasındaki sıkı bağlantıların gelişme gününün immunohistokimyasal ve elektron mikroskobik olarak gösterilmesi

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    Amaç: Testiküler gelişim erkek fertilitesi açısından önemli bir rol oynamaktır. Fötal sıçanda gonadal gelişim 10. günde başlar. 18-19 günlük fetüs testisinde tübülüsler gonositlerle dolmuştur. Post-natal 10. günden itibaren primordial germ hücreleri bölünüp spermatogonyaya dönüşmeye başlar. Testiküler gelişim bu aşamadan sonraki 40 gün ve devamında birçok başarılı gelişen germ hücre dizisi yapımı içermektedir. Bu gelişimin sağlıklı bir şekilde devam edebilmesi için komşu Sertoli hücreleri arasındaki bağlantıların dizilimi ve fonksiyonu kritik rol oynamaktadır. Spermatogonya spermatide olgunlaşırken kan-testis bariyeri boyunca ilerleyerek bazal kompartmandan adluminal kompartmana doğru hareket etmektedir. Bu çalışmada yeni doğan 4-12 günlük sıçanlarda sıkı bağlantı morfolojisinin devamlı oluşum basamaklarını göstermeyi amaçladık. Gereç Ve Yöntem: Çalışmamızda post-natal 4. günden 12. güne kadar olan immatur erkek Wistar sıçanlar kullanıldı. Nötral tamponlu formalin ile fikse olan dokuların ZO-1 immunohistokimyasal incelemeleri yapıldı ve osmiyum ile post fikse olan dokuların elektron mikroskobik incelemeleri yapılarak immatur sıçanlarda kan-testis bariyeri oluşumunu gün bazında göstermeyi amaçladık. Bulgular: İmmatur 4-7 günlük sıçanlarda Sertoli hücreleri arasındaki mesafenin geniş olduğu, 8-12 günlük sıçanlarda ise mesafenin kapandığı ve 12. günde sıkı bağlantıların hem ZO-1 immunohistokimyası hem de elektron mikroskobi ile ortaya konduğu gözlenmiştir. Sonuç: Sertoli hücreleri arasındaki sıkı bağlantıların post-natal 8. günde oluşmaya başladığı izlenmiştir. Anahtar Sözcükler: Testis, Sertoli hücreleri, sıkı bağlantılar, spermatogonyum, SUMMARY Aim: Testicular development plays an important role in male fertility. Gonadal development begins on the 10th day fetal rat. In the 18-19 day the seminiferous tubules are filled with primordial gonocytes in the fetal testis. From postnatal day 10 primordial germ cells divide and differentiate into spermatogonia. Over the next 40days and so, testicular development demonstrates a series of successful developing germ cell layers. For a proper and continous development, the permutation and function of junctions among Sertoli cells play a crucial role. While spermatogonia transfer into spermatid through the blood-testis barrier, they also move from basal compartment to adluminal compartment. We aimed to show the consecutive stages of tight junction morphology in the days 4-12 in the neonatal rat testis. Materials and Methods: In this study rat testis of days 4-12 were obtained and proceeded for both light and electron microscopy. We accepted the date of birth 0. We observed the blood-testis barrier development day by day in neonatal rats by using ZO-1 immunohistochemistry and for ultrastructural examiation tissues were proceeded by osmium in order to visualize the tight-junctions. Results: In the days 4-7 the interval between Sertoli cells were wider and from the day 8-12 the interval became tighter and 12th day showed the final morphology of tight junction ZO-1 immunohistochemistry demonstrated the same morphology in accordance with electron microscopy. Conclusion: Formation of tight junctions among Sertoli cells were observed in 8th day in post-natal rats. Key Words: Testicle, Sertoli cells, tight junctions, spermatogonium, ZO-

    Post-natal sıçan testisinde sertoli hücrelerinin arasındaki sıkı bağlantıların gelişme gününün immunohistokimyasal ve elektron mikroskobik olarak gösterilmesi

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    ÖZETAmaç: Testiküler gelişim erkek fertilitesi açısından önemli bir rol oynamaktır. Fötal sıçanda gonadal gelişim 10. günde başlar. 18-19 günlük fetüs testisinde tübülüsler gonositlerle dolmuştur. Post-natal 10. günden itibaren primordial germ hücreleri bölünüp spermatogonyaya dönüşmeye başlar. Testiküler gelişim bu aşamadan sonraki 40 gün ve devamında birçok başarılı gelişen germ hücre dizisi yapımı içermektedir. Bu gelişimin sağlıklı bir şekilde devam edebilmesi için komşu Sertoli hücreleri arasındaki bağlantıların dizilimi ve fonksiyonu kritik rol oynamaktadır. Spermatogonya spermatide olgunlaşırken kan-testis bariyeri boyunca ilerleyerek bazal kompartmandan adluminal kompartmana doğru hareket etmektedir. Bu çalışmada yeni doğan 4-12 günlük sıçanlarda sıkı bağlantı morfolojisinin devamlı oluşum basamaklarını göstermeyi amaçladık.Gereç Ve Yöntem: Çalışmamızda post-natal 4. günden 12. güne kadar olan immatur erkek Wistar sıçanlar kullanıldı. Nötral tamponlu formalin ile fikse olan dokuların ZO-1 immunohistokimyasal incelemeleri yapıldı ve osmiyum ile post fikse olan dokuların elektron mikroskobik incelemeleri yapılarak immatur sıçanlarda kan-testis bariyeri oluşumunu gün bazında göstermeyi amaçladık.Bulgular: İmmatur 4-7 günlük sıçanlarda Sertoli hücreleri arasındaki mesafenin geniş olduğu, 8-12 günlük sıçanlarda ise mesafenin kapandığı ve 12. günde sıkı bağlantıların hem ZO-1 immunohistokimyası hem de elektron mikroskobi ile ortaya konduğu gözlenmiştir.Sonuç: Sertoli hücreleri arasındaki sıkı bağlantıların post-natal 8. günde oluşmaya başladığı izlenmiştir.Anahtar Sözcükler: Testis, Sertoli hücreleri, sıkı bağlantılar, spermatogonyum,SUMMARYAim: Testicular development plays an important role in male fertility. Gonadal development begins on the 10th day fetal rat. In the 18-19 day the seminiferous tubules are filled with primordial gonocytes in the fetal testis. From postnatal day 10 primordial germ cells divide and differentiate into spermatogonia. Over the next 40days and so, testicular development demonstrates a series of successful developing germ cell layers. For a proper and continous development, the permutation and function of junctions among Sertoli cells play a crucial role. While spermatogonia transfer into spermatid through the blood-testis barrier, they also move from basal compartment to adluminal compartment. We aimed to show the consecutive stages of tight junction morphology in the days 4-12 in the neonatal rat testis.Materials and Methods: In this study rat testis of days 4-12 were obtained and proceeded for both light and electron microscopy. We accepted the date of birth 0. We observed the blood-testis barrier development day by day in neonatal rats by using ZO-1 immunohistochemistry and for ultrastructural examiation tissues were proceeded by osmium in order to visualize the tight-junctions. Results: In the days 4-7 the interval between Sertoli cells were wider and from the day 8-12 the interval became tighter and 12th day showed the final morphology of tight junction ZO-1 immunohistochemistry demonstrated the same morphology in accordance with electron microscopy. Conclusion: Formation of tight junctions among Sertoli cells were observed in 8th day in post-natal rats.Key Words: Testicle, Sertoli cells, tight junctions, spermatogonium, ZO-

    Investigation of chronic stress on mice, blood testis barrier proteins and permeability

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    Stres, dünya genelinde 21. yüzyılın salgın hastalığı olarak görülmektedir. Stres sonucunda oluşan depresyon, anksiyete ve intihara eğilim gibi semptomların teşhisi ve tedavisi özellikle Amerika Birleşik Devletleri gibi ülkelerde milyarlarca dolara mal olmaktadır. Akut stres vücudu belirli noktalarda tetikte tutmaya yardımcı olurken, kronik stres ciddi hastalıklara zemin hazırlamaktadır. Stresin üreme, gastrointestinal ve üriner sistem üzerine olan etkileri de ayrıca birer araştırma konusudur. Son yıllarda artan tüp bebek oranları ve normal sperm değerlerinin sürekli dramatik şekilde düşmesi, araştırmacıları bu düşüşe neden olan durumları saptamaya yöneltmiştir. Bu nedenler arasında stres ilk üçte yer almaktadır. Dölleme yeteneğine uygun sperm üretiminin testislerde başladığı ve Kan-Testis Bariyer (KTB) yapısının spermatogenez için vazgeçilmez bir yapı olduğu bilinmektedir. KTB yapısını oluşturan proteinlerin ekspresyon seviyesindeki değişimler bariyer yapısını değiştirir ve bunun sonucunda spermatogenez için yaratılan mikroçevre bozulur. Çalışmamızda C57BL/6 tür fare için spesifik olarak geliştirilen unpredictable kronik stres (UKS) modeli kullanılmıştır. Kontrol grubu hayvanlar hiçbir stresöre maruz bırakılmazken, stres grubundaki hayvanlara belirlenen stresörler 7 hafta boyunca rastgele uygulanmıştır. Davranış deneyleri sonucunda hayvanlarda depresyon, anksiyete ve keşif aktivitesinde azalma görülmüş ve modelin oluşturulduğu doğrulanmıştır. Stres grubunda, testisin histopatolojik değerlendirmesinde dejenerasyon, malondialdehit (MDA) ve kortikosteron seviyesinde artma ve testosteron seviyesinde ise azalma görülmüştür. Western blot analizleri ile KTB yapısını oluşturan proteinlerden ZO-1 ve Klaudin 11 seviyesinde azalma, klatrin seviyesinde ise değişme olmadığı kantitatif olarak gösterilmiştir. Elektron mikroskobik incelemeler sonucunda bariyer yapısındaki hasar ultrastrüktürel düzeyde gösterilmiştir. Sperm parametrelerine bakıldığında, sperm motilitesi, konsantrasyonu ve akrozomal reaksiyon indeksinde azalma görülmüştür.Stress has been classified as the 'health epidemic of the 21st century' all around the world. Diagnosis and treatment of stress-related symptoms such as depression, anxiety and suicide tend to cost billions of dollars, particularly in countries such as the United States. Acute stress helps keep the body alert at certain points, while chronic stress can lead to cause serious illness. The effects of stress on reproduction, gastrointestinal and urinary systems are also another subjects to research. In recent years, increasing IVF rates and continuous dramatic decrease in normal sperm values have led researchers to identify the causes of this decline. Among these reasons stress is in the top three. It is known that sperm production suitable for fertilization starts in the testes and the Blood-Testis Barrier (BTB) structure is an essential structure for spermatogenesis. Changes in the expression level of the proteins constituting the BTB structure change the barrier structure and as a result the microenvironment created for spermatogenesis is disrupted. In our study, we used a specific chronic unpredictable stress (CUS) model which is specifically developed for C57BL/6 mouse strain. While the control group animals were not exposed to any stressors, the stress group animals were exposed to determined stressors randomly for 7 weeks. As a result of stress protocol, depression, anxiety and exploratory activity were decreased in stress group animals which were tested by behavioral tests and so it is confirmed that the model was formed. Histopathological evaluation of testis showed degeneration in seminiferous tubules. In stress group malondialdehyde (MDA) and corticosterone levels were decreased. Western blot analysis showed that ZO-1 and claudin 11 levels were decreased and clathrin levels did not change. As a result of electron microscopic investigations, damage to the barrier structure has been demonstrated at ultrastructural level. When sperm parameters were examined, sperm motility, concentration and acrosomal reaction index decreased

    Estudio comparativo de fijadores para el tejido blastema del axolotl

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    WOS: 000400464600009Regeneration is defined as tissue renewal and functional restoration process of the damaged parts of the body after an injury. Ambystoma mexicanum, commonly named the Axolotl, is one of the unique vertebrates, which has a remarkable ability to regenerate their extremities following the amputation. Although the process of regeneration includes several periods, it can be divided into two main phases; blastema formation and dedifferentiation. In the couple of hours following the amputation, wound closure occurs by migration of epithelial cells around the amputation site followed by macrophage infiltration and dedifferentiation of cells to turn into stem cells. Accumulated stem cells form a very authentic tissue type called blastema, which is crucial for successful regeneration. In order to evaluate this exceptional tissue and acquire high quality images, it is crucial to employ specific procedures to prepare the tissue for imaging. Here, in this study, we aimed to investigate success of various fixative solutions (Carnoy's, Bouin's, % 10 NBF, Clarke's, Alcoholic Formaline and AFA) to monitor the fixed blastema. Our data reveals that integrity of the blastema tissue differs among used fixatives and a significant difference is observed between the samples in terms of staining quality.RESUMEN: La regeneración se define como la renovación del tejido y el proceso de restauración funcional de las partes dañadas del cuerpo después de una lesión. Ambystoma mexicanum, comúnmente llamado Axolotl, es uno de los únicos vertebrados que tiene una notable capacidad para regenerar sus miembros después de una amputación. Aunque el proceso de regeneración incluye varios períodos, se puede dividir en dos fases principales: formación del blastema y desdiferenciación. En el par de horas después de la amputación, el cierre de la herida ocurre por la migración de células epiteliales alrededor del sitio de la amputación seguido por una infiltración de macrófagos y la desdiferenciación de las células para convertirse en células madre. Las células madre acumuladas forman un tipo de tejido muy diferenciado denominado blastema, que es crucial para una exitosa regeneración. Para evaluar este tejido y adquirir imágenes de alta calidad, es crucial emplear procedimientos específicos para la obtención de imágenes. En este estudio, se intentó investigar el éxito de varias soluciones fijadoras (Carnoy, Bouin, % 10 NBF, Clarke, Formalina Alcohólica y AFA) para monitorear la fijación del blastema. Nuestros datos revelan que la integridad del tejido del blastema difiere entre los fijadores utilizados y una diferencia significativa observada entre las muestras se da en términos de la calidad de tinción

    Mesenchymal stem cell applications in polycystic ovary syndrome treatment

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    Mesenchymal stem cells (MSCs) are highly capable of self-renewal and differentiation. They can be isolated from a variety of sources such as adipose tissue, bone marrow, umbilical cord, tooth pulp and can be cultured under in vitro conditions. MSCs have anti-inflammatory, anti-apoptotic, angiogenic, immunomodulatory and many more therapeutic effects because of paracrine factors they secrete. Today, mesenchymal stem cells are used for treatment in more than twenty diseases, from spinal cord injuries to diabetes. However, there is little mention in the literature of the use of these cells in female reproductive system diseases. In this review, a limited number of clinical and experimental studies on the use of mesenchymal stem cells in the treatment of polycystic ovary syndrome, which is quite common in women, were examined and analyzed

    Hipermastinin eşlik ettiği bilateral elastofibroma dorsi olgusu: Olası bir ilişkinin sorgulanması

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    Elastofibroma dorsi (EFD) is a rare, benign, soft tissue tumor with an unclear pathogenesis, typically localized to the subscapular region. It occurs within the periscapular area between the ribs and dorsal chest wall muscles. Repetitive microtrauma by friction between the lower part of the scapula and the thoracic wall may cause reactive hyperproliferation of the fibroblastic tissue. This view has been supported by the higher prevalence of EFD, particularly among individuals who perform hard manual labor. EFD can, however, also be observed in those who have never performed hard manual labor and particularly in women over the age of 50. In this report, we present a case of bilateral EFD in a 52-year old woman with bilateral hypermastia, and examine the possible correlation between hypermastia and EFD.Elastofibroma dorsi (EFD) patogenezi tam olarak bilinmeyen, nadir, benign, solid yumuşak doku tümörüdür. En sık skapulanın alt uç hizasına yerleşir ve progresif sırt ağrısına neden olur. Patogenezinde skapulanın göğüs kafesine sürtünmesi gibi mekanik iritasyona bağlı elastik dokuların hiperplazisi olduğu iddia edilmektedir. EFD ilk tarif edildiği yıllarda çok fazla kol kuvveti kullanımı gerektiren meslekleri icra edenlerin meslek hastalığı olarak görülmüştür. Fakat daha sonraki yıllarda EFD'nin diğer mesleklerde çalışanlarda ve özellikle 50 yaş üzeri ev hanımlarında da sık görüldüğü bildirilmiştir. Bu olgu sunumunda, meme büyüklüğü şikâyeti ile başvuran 52 yaşındaki bir hastada iki taraflı EFD tespit edilmesinden yola çıkarak meme büyüklüğü ve EFD arasındaki olası bir ilişki sorgulanmaktadır

    In 2D and 3D cell culture models, effects of endothelial cells on E-cadherin / β-catenin expression levels and spheroid sizes in ishikawa cells

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    Increasing evidence shows that three dimensional cell culture models better reflect the in vivo tumor microenvironment than two dimensional cell culture models. Co-culture models are ideal cell culture models for understanding the communication between cells and the in vivo microenvironment. Changes in expression levels of E-cadherin are closely related to cancer metastasis and progression. β-catenin mediates cell adhesion of E-cadherin. Endothelial cells are stromal cell components in the tumor microenvironment. It is known that there is little or no expression of E-cadherin in endothelial cells. Methods: In our study, both two-dimensional and three dimensional mono-culture and co-culture models were created using Huvec and Ishikawa cells (endometrial cancer cell lines) to better reflect cell interactions. Spheroids were followed for three days in the three-dimensional cell culture model. E-cadherin and β-catenin expression levels of two-dimensional and three dimensional mono-culture and co-culture models were measured by immunofluorescence staining. Spheroid images were recorded using a Z-stack. Intensity measurements in both two-dimensional and three-dimensional mono-culture and co-culture models were made using the Image J software. Study groups were evaluated by one-way analysis of variance (One-Way ANOVA). Values of p <0.05 were considered statistically significant. Results: The size of the co-culture spheroids was recorded significantly larger than the mono-culture spheroids (p 0.05). Conclusion: In summary, it has been noted that the expression levels of E-cadherin are significantly reduced in co-cultures of Ishikawa cells with Huvec cells in both two and three dimensions . These results support the idea that endothelial cells may cause changes in endometrial cancer progression by suppressing E-cadherin expression in Ishikawa cells

    Axolotl cells and tissues enhances cutaneous wound healing in mice

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    Adult mammalian skin wound repair is defective due to loss of the regulation in balancing the complete epithelial regeneration and excessive connective tissue production, and this repair process commonly results in scar tissue formation. However, unlike mammals, adult salamanders repair the wounds by regeneration compared to scarring. To elucidate the healing capability of a salamander, Axolotl, in a different species, here we addressed this question by treating the wounds in mice with Axolotl cells or tissues. Excisional lesions were created on each mouse, and animals in different groups treated by; a-) Axolotl blastema tissue, b-) Axolotl tail tissue, c-) Axolotl blastema cells, d-) Axolotl tail cells, e-) Serum physiologic, e-) Madecassol; respectively. 10 days after the treatments, wound healing success was compared by considering the wound closure rate, histopathological analysis, vascularization and gene expression profiling of cytokines. The results reveal that Axolotl cells or tissues delivered animals demonstrate an improved wound repair capacity. A better reepithelization, granule tissue formation, vascularization and even presence of hair follicles are observed in animals treated with Axolotl samples. Gene expression profiling data discloses the lower levels of pro-inflammatory cytokines in these animals which may indicate the immune-modulating role of Axolotl samples in wound healing

    Effect of oral use of various edible oils on wound healing in rats: Randomized controlled experimental study

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    There are various studies showing that oral supplements are shortening or facilitat-ing effects on this process. Therefore, this study investigates the use of edible oils as supplements in the wound healing process. Of the 7 groups (control, Hypericum perforatum extracts in olive oil, olive, sesame, fish, black seed, sunflower), each has 8 Wistar Albino rats. In the experimental groups, 1.25 mL/kg oral oil was used for 10 days. Macroscopic images of the wound area were taken. Wound healing was evaluated by histological analysis. Collagen III, IL-6, TNF-α and TGF-ß1 density analyzes were performed on the tissue samples. According to macroscopic analysis, wound narrowing is higher in all groups on the 2nd and 4th days than the control group. Histopathological and immunohistochemical analyses of all experimental groups except sunflower oil group revealed better results than control group