507 research outputs found

    Neural Compensations After Lesion of the Cerebral Cortex

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    Functional improvement after cortical injury can be stimulated by various factors including experience, psychomotor stimulants, gonadal hormones, and neurotrophic factors. The, timing of the administration of these factors may be critical, however. For example, factors such as gonadal hormones, nerve growth factor, or psychomotor stimulants may act to either enhance or retard recovery, depending upon the timing of administration. Nicotine, for instance, stimulates recovery if given after an injury but is without neuroprotective effect and may actually retard recovery if it is given only preinjury. A related timing problem concerns the interaction of different treatments. For example, behavioral therapies may act, in part, via their action in stimulating the endogenous production of trophic factors. Thus, combining behavioral therapies with pharmacological administration of compounds to increase the availability of trophic factors enhances functional outcome. Finally, anatomical evidence suggests that the mechanism of action of many treatments is through changes in dendritic arborization, which presumably reflects changes in synaptic organization. Factors that enhance dendritic change stimulate functional compensation, whereas factors that retard or block dendritic change block or retard compensation

    Harnessing the power of neuroplasticity for intervention

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    Sherpa Romeo green journal, open accessA fundamental property of the brain is its capacity to change with a wide variety of experiences, including injury. Although there are spontaneous reparative changes following injury, these changes are rarely sufficient to support significant functional recovery. Research on the basic principles of brain plasticity is leading to new approaches to treating the injured brain. We review factors that affect synaptic organization in the normal brain, evidence of spontaneous neuroplasticity after injury, and the evidence that factors including postinjury experience, pharmacotherapy, and cell-based therapies, can form the basis of rehabilitation strategies after brain injuries early in life and adulthood.Ye

    Morphine alters the structure of neurons in the nucleus accumbens and neocortex of rats

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    Rats were given repeated injections of 10 mg/kg of morphine and were then left undisturbed for 24–25 days before their brains were processed for Golgi-Cox staining. Prior exposure to morphine decreased the complexity of dendritic branching and the number of dendritic spines on medium spiny neurons in the shell of the nucleus accumbens and on pyramidal cells in the prefrontal and parietal cortex. It is suggested that some of the long-term behavioral consequences of repeated exposure to morphine may be due to its ability to reorganize patterns of synaptic connectivity in the forebrain. Synapse 33:160–162, 1999. © 1999 Wiley-Liss, Inc.Peer Reviewedhttp://deepblue.lib.umich.edu/bitstream/2027.42/34985/1/6_ftp.pd

    Plasticity in the prefrontal cortex of adult rats

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    Sherpa Romeo green journal, open accessWe review the plastic changes of the prefrontal cortex of the rat in response to a wide range of experiences including sensory and motor experience, gonadal hormones, psychoactive drugs, learning tasks, stress, social experience, metaplastic experiences, and brain injury. Our focus is on synaptic changes (dendritic morphology and spine density) in pyramidal neurons and the relationship to behavioral changes. The most general conclusion we can reach is that the prefrontal cortex is extremely plastic and that the medial and orbital prefrontal regions frequently respond very differently to the same experience in the same brain and the rules that govern prefrontal plasticity appear to differ for those of other cortical regions.Ye

    Induction and persistence of radiation-induced DNA damage is more pronounced in young animals than in old animals

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    Younger individuals are more prone to develop cancer upon ionizing radiation (IR) exposure. Radiation-induced tumors are associated with inefficient repair of IR-induced DNA damage and genome instability. Phosphorylation of histone H2AX (γ-H2AX) is the initial event in repair of IR-induced DNA damage on the chromatin flanking the DNA strand breaks. This step is crucially important for the repair of DNA strand breaks and for the maintenance of genome stability. We studied the molecular underpinnings of the age-related IR effects using an animal model. By assaying for IR-induced γ-H2AX foci we analyzed the induction and repair of the DNA strand breaks in spleen, thymus, liver, lung, kidney, cerebellum, hippocampus, frontal cortex and olfactory bulb of 7, 14, 24, 30 and 45 days old male and female mice as a function of age. We demonstrate that tissues of younger animals are much more susceptible to IR-induced DNA damage. Younger animals exhibited higher levels of γ-H2AX formation which partially correlated with cellular proliferation and expression of DNA repair proteins. Induction and persistence of γ-H2AX foci was the highest in lymphoid organs (thymus and spleen) of 7 and 14 day old mice. The lowest focal induction was seen in lung and brain of young animals. The mechanisms of cell and tissue-specificity of in vivo IR responses need to be further dissected. This study provides a roadmap for the future analyses of DNA damage and repair induction in young individuals

    The netrin receptor DCC is required in the pubertal organization of mesocortical dopamine circuitry

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    Netrins are guidance cues involvedinneural connectivity.Wehave shownthat the netrin-1 receptor DCC (deletedin colorectal cancer) is involvedinthefunctionalorganizationofthemesocorticolimbic dopamine(DA)system.Adult micewithaheterozygousloss-of-function mutation in dcc exhibit changes in indexes of DA function, including DA-related behaviors. These phenotypes are only observed after puberty,acritical periodinthe maturationofthe mesocortical DAprojection. Here, weexamined whether dcc heterozygous mice exhibit structural changes in medial prefrontal cortex (mPFC) DA synaptic connectivity, before and after puberty. Stereological counts of tyrosine-hydroxylase (TH)-positive varicosities were increased in the cingulate 1 and prelimbic regions of the pregenual mPFC. dcc heterozygous mice also exhibited alterations in the size, complexity, and dendritic spine density of mPFC layer V pyramidal neuron basilar dendritic arbors. Remarkably, these presynaptic and postsynaptic partner phenotypes were not observed in juvenile mice, suggesting that DCC selectively influences the extensive branching and synaptic differentiation that occurs in the maturing mPFC DA circuitatpuberty.Immunolabelingexperimentsinwild-typemice demonstratedthat DCCissegregatedtoTH-positivefibersinnervating the nucleus accumbens, with only scarce DCC labeling in mPFC TH-positive fibers. Netrin had an inverted target expression pattern. Thus, DCC-mediated netrin-1 signaling may influence the formation/maintenance of mesocorticolimbic DA topography. In support of this, we report that dcc heterozygous mice exhibit a twofold increase in the density of mPFC DCC/TH-positive varicosities. Our results implicate DCC-mediated netrin-1 signaling in the establishment of mPFC DA circuitry during puberty

    Prenatal enrichment and recovery from perinatal cortical damage: effects of maternal complex housing

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    Open access journalBirth is a particularly vulnerable time for acquiring brain injury. Unfortunately, very few treatments are available for those affected. Here we explore the effectiveness of prenatal intervention in an animal model of early brain damage. We used a complex housing paradigm as a form of prenatal enrichment. Six nulliparous dams and one male rat were placed in complex housing (condomom group) for 12 h per day until the dams’ delivered their pups. At parturition the dams were left in their home (standard) cages with their pups. Four dams were housed in standard cages (cagemom group) throughout pregnancy and with their pups until weaning. At postnatal day 3 (P3) infants of both groups received frontal cortex removals or sham surgery. Behavioral testing began on P60 and included the Morris water task and a skilled reaching task. Brains were processed for Golgi analyses. Complex housing of the mother had a significant effect on the behavior of their pups. Control animals from condomom group outperformed those of the cagemom group in the water task. Condomom animals with lesions performed better than their cagemom cohorts in both the water task and in skilled reaching. Codomom animals showed an increase in cortical thickness at anterior planes and thalamic area at both anterior and posterior regions. Golgi analyses revealed an increase in spine density. These results suggest that prenatal enrichment alters brain organization in manner that is prophylactic for perinatal brain injury. This result could have significant implications for the prenatal management of infants expected to be at risk for difficult birth.Ye

    Widespread but regionally specific effects of experimenter- versus self-administered morphine on dendritic spines in the nucleus accumbens, hippocampus, and neocortex of adult rats

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    We studied the effects of self-administered (SA) vs. experimenter-administered (EA) morphine on dendritic spines in the hippocampal formation (CA1 and dentate), nucleus accumbens shell (NAcc-s), sensory cortex (Par1 and Oc1), medial frontal cortex (Cg3), and orbital frontal cortex (AID) of rats. Animals in the SA group self-administered morphine in 2-h sessions (0.5 mg/kg/infusion, i.v.) for an average of 22 sessions and animals in the EA group were given daily i.v. injections of doses that approximated the total session dose for matched rats in Group SA (average cumulative dose/session of 7.7 mg/kg). Control rats were given daily i.v. infusions of saline. One month after the last treatment the brains were processed for Golgi-Cox staining. In most brain regions (Cg3, Oc1, NAcc-s) morphine decreased the density of dendritic spines, regardless of mode of administration (although to a significantly greater extent in Group SA). However, only SA morphine decreased spine density in the hippocampal formation and only EA morphine decreased spine density in Par1. Interestingly, in the orbital frontal cortex morphine significantly increased spine density in both Groups SA and EA, although to a much greater extent in Group SA. We conclude: 1) Morphine has persistent (at least 1 month) effects on the density of dendritic spines in many brain regions, and on many different types of cells (medium spiny neurons, pyramidal cells, and granule cells); 2) The effect of morphine on spine density (and presumably synaptic organization) varies as a function of both brain region and mode of drug administration; and 3) The ability of morphine to remodel synaptic inputs in a regionally specific manner may account for the many different long-term sequelae associated with opioid use. Synapse 46:271–279, 2002. © 2002 Wiley-Liss, Inc.Peer Reviewedhttp://deepblue.lib.umich.edu/bitstream/2027.42/34996/1/10146_ftp.pd