15,294 research outputs found

    Inflation after WMAP3

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    I discuss the current status of inflationary cosmology in light of the recent WMAP 3-year data release. The basic predictions of inflation are all supported by the data. Inflation also makes predictions which have not been well tested by current data but can be by future experiments, most notably a deviation from a scale-invariant power spectrum and the production of primordial gravitational waves. A scale-invariant spectrum is disfavored by current data, but not conclusively. Tensor modes are currently poorly constrained, and slow-roll inflation does not make an unambiguous prediction of the expected amplitude of primordial gravitational waves. A tensor/scalar ratio of r0.01r \simeq 0.01 is within reach of near-future measurements.Comment: To appear in the proceedings of Colliders to Cosmic Rays 2007. 8 pages, 2 figures. (V2: Minor typo corrected

    A Multi-coloured survey of NGC 253 with XMM-Newton

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    There is a large body of work that has used the excellent Chandra observations of nearby galaxies with neglible low mass X-ray binary (LMXB) populations. This has culminated in a ``Universal'' X-ray luminosity function (XLF) for high mass X-ray binaries (HMXBs). However, a number of methods have been used to convert from source intensities to luminosities when creating these XLFs. We have taken advantage of the XMM-Newton observations of the nearby starbursting spiral galaxy NGC 253 to test some of these methods. We find the luminosities derived from these various methods to vary by a factor of \sim3. We also find the most influential factor in the conversion from intensity to luminosity to be the absorption. We therefore conclude that a more consistent approach is required for determining the true Universal XLF for HMXBs. Ideally, this would involve individual spectral fitting of each X-ray source. Certainly, the line-of-sight absorption should be determined from the observations rather than assuming Galactic absorption. We find the best approach for obtaining an XLF from low-count data to be the splitting of the X-ray sources into two or more intensity intervals, and obtaining a conversion from intensity to flux for each group from spectral modelling of the summed spectrum of that group.Comment: To appear in the proceedings of "X-rays from Nearby Galaxies", 4-7 Septembeer 2007, 4 page

    Benchmark experiments with global climate models applicable to extra-solar gas giant planets in the shallow atmosphere approximation

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    The growing field of exoplanetary atmospheric modelling has seen little work on standardised benchmark tests for its models, limiting understanding of the dependence of results on specific models and conditions. With spatially resolved observations as yet difficult to obtain, such a test is invaluable. Although an intercomparison test for models of tidally locked gas giant planets has previously been suggested and carried out, the data provided were limited in terms of comparability. Here, the shallow PUMA model is subjected to such a test, and detailed statistics produced to facilitate comparison, with both time means and the associated standard deviations displayed, removing the time dependence and providing a measure of the variability. Model runs have been analysed to determine the variability between resolutions, and the effect of resolution on the energy spectra studied. Superrotation is a robust and reproducible feature at all resolutions

    Asymmetric Dark Matter and Effective Operators

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    In order to annihilate in the early Universe to levels well below the measured dark matter density, asymmetric dark matter must possess large couplings to the Standard Model. In this paper, we consider effective operators which allow asymmetric dark matter to annihilate into quarks. In addition to a bound from requiring sufficient annihilation, the energy scale of such operators can be constrained by limits from direct detection and monojet searches at colliders. We show that the allowed parameter space for these operators is highly constrained, leading to non-trivial requirements that any model of asymmetric dark matter must satisfy.Comment: 6 pages, 1 figure. V2 replacement: Citations added. Shading error in Fig. 1 (L_FV panel) corrected. Addition of direct detection bounds on m_chi <5 GeV added, minor alterations in text to reflect these change

    Bulk viscosity of a gas of neutrinos and coupled scalar particles, in the era of recombination

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    Bulk viscosity may serve to damp sound waves in a system of neutrinos coupled to very light scalar particles, in the era after normal neutrino decoupling but before recombination. We calculate the bulk viscosity parameter in a minimal scheme involving the coupling of the two systems. We add some remarks on the bulk viscosity of a system of fully ionized hydrogen plus photons.Comment: 6 pages, 4 figure

    Nonthermal Supermassive Dark Matter

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    We discuss several cosmological production mechanisms for nonthermal supermassive dark matter and argue that dark matter may be elementary particles of mass much greater than the weak scale. Searches for dark matter should not be limited to weakly interacting particles with mass of the order of the weak scale, but should extend into the supermassive range as well.Comment: 11 page LaTeX file. No major changes. Version accepted by PR

    Scaling of v2v_2 in heavy ion collisions

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    We interpret the scaling of the corrected elliptic flow parameter w.r.t. the corrected multiplicity, observed to hold in heavy ion collisions for a wide variety of energies and system sizes. We use dimensional analysis and power-counting arguments to place constraints on the changes of initial conditions in systems with different center of mass energy s\sqrt{s}. Specifically, we show that a large class of changes in the (initial) equation of state, mean free path, and longitudinal geometry over the observed s\sqrt{s} are likely to spoil the scaling in v2v_2 observed experimentally. We therefore argue that the system produced at most Super Proton Synchrotron (SPS) and Relativistic Heavy Ion Collider (RHIC) energies is fundamentally the same as far as the soft and approximately thermalized degrees of freedom are considered. The ``sQGP'' (Strongly interacting Quark-Gluon Plasma) phase, if it is there, is therefore not exclusive to RHIC. We suggest, as a goal for further low-energy heavy ion experiments, to search for a ``transition'' s\sqrt{s} where the observed scaling breaks.Comment: Accepted for publication by Phys. Rev. C Based on presentation in mini-symposium on QGP collective properties, Frankfurt. Discussion expanded, results adde

    Dangerous Angular KK/Glueball Relics in String Theory Cosmology

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    The presence of Kaluza-Klein particles in the universe is a potential manifestation of string theory cosmology. In general, they can be present in the high temperature bath of the early universe. In particular examples, string theory inflation often ends with brane-antibrane annihilation followed by the energy cascading through massive closed string loops to KK modes which then decay into lighter standard model particles. However, massive KK modes in the early universe may become dangerous cosmological relics if the inner manifold contains warped throat(s) with approximate isometries. In the complimentary picture, in the AdS/CFT dual gauge theory with extra symmetries, massive glueballs of various spins become the dangerous cosmological relics. The decay of these angular KK modes/glueballs, located around the tip of the throat, is caused by isometry breaking which results from gluing the throat to the compact CY manifold. We address the problem of these angular KK particles/glueballs, studying their interactions and decay channels, from the theory side, and the resulting cosmological constraints on the warped compactification parameters, from the phenomenology side. The abundance and decay time of the long-lived non-relativistic angular KK modes depend strongly on the parameters of the warped geometry, so that observational constraints rule out a significant fraction of the parameter space. In particular, the coupling of the angular KK particles can be weaker than gravitational.Comment: 58 pages, 11 figures, published versio

    Investigation of single-crystal ferrite thin film

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    Chemical vapor deposition growth of epitaxial single crystal lithium ferrite thin film

    Phase transitions and bubble nucleations for a phi^6 model in curved spacetime

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    Condsidering a massive self-interacting phi ^6 scalar field coupled arbitrarily to a (2+1) dimensional Bianchi type-I spacetime, we evaluate the one-loop effective potential. It is found that phi ^6 potential can be regularized in (2+1) dimensional curved spacetime. A finite expression for the energy-momentum tensor is obtained for this model. Evaluating the finite temperature effective potential, the temperature dependence of phase transitions is studied. The crucial dependence of the phase transitions on the spacetime curvature and on the coupling to gravity are also verified. We also discuss the nucleation of bubbles in a phi ^6 model. It is found that there exists an exact solution for the damped motion of the bubble in the thin wall regime.Comment: 15 pages, 6 figure