354 research outputs found

    Evaluation of CD4+ T Cells in HIV Patients Presenting with Malaria at the University of Ilorin Teaching Hospital Nigeria

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    CD4 count is an important immunological marker of disease progression in HIV seropositive patients. This study was carried out to determine the effect of malaria or fever of unknown origin on the population of CD4+ T lymphocytes of HIV seropositive patients attending the highly active antiretroviral therapy (HAART) clinic of the University of Ilorin Teaching Hospital, Ilorin, Nigeria. 36 subjects were selected for this study. Ongoing history of fever was used as a case definition for malaria and malaria was confirmed from microscopic examination of thick and thin film of blood sample obtained from the patients during presentation with fever. The CD4 count was evaluated during presentation of fever and post-fever using flow cytometry. There was significant decrease in CD4 count of the patients. However, upon classifying the patients into 2 groups - those that returned to the clinic after a week and those that returned after a month - a significant increase in CD4 count was noticed in the group that returned after a week, while a significant decrease was noticed in the group that returned after a month (at p value of 95%). Further classification of the patients based on presence of malaria parasite, and body temperature resulted in varying effects on CD4 count post-fever (in the general group, 27 were positive for malaria parasites. Of these 27, there was an increase in CD4 count in 9 (33.3%). However in the group that returned after a week, all 6 (100%) that were positive for malaria parasites showed increase in CD4 count. Five (26.3%) of the 19 patients that had body temperature within the range of 35.5-37.4^o^C showed an increase in CD4 count, while 7 (41.2%) the 17 patients that had body temperature of 37.5^o^C and above showed an increase in CD4 count. The results led to the conclusion that while some components of the immune response to malaria could strengthen the immune system of HIV seropositive patients by increasing their CD4 count, other components will suppress their immunity by decreasing their CD4 count, accelerating the progression to AIDS

    Effects of potassium fertilizer rates on growth, tuber yield and quality of sweet potato (Ipomea batatas L) in Ogbomoso, Southwest Nigeria

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    Sweet potato (Ipomoea batatas L) is an important dicotyledonous tuberous staple crop of the Convolvulaceae family. It is valued for its tubers which are either boiled, fried, baked or roasted for human consumption or boiled and fed to livestock as a source of energy. However, the cultivation of sweet potato is constrained by low soil fertility, particularly inadequate potassium, which plays a pivotal role in the growth and tuber development of sweet potato. Therefore, the effects of potassium fertilizer rates on the growth, tuber yield and quality of sweet potato were determined at the Teaching and Research Farm, Ladoke Akintola University of Technology, Ogbomoso during 2022 major cropping season. The treatments were; 0 (control), 60, 90, 120, 150 and 180 kg K2O/ha laid out in randomized complete block design replicated three times. Data collected on length of primary vines, number of leaves, fresh shoot biomass, number of tubers, fresh tuber yield and nutritional contents of the tubers were subjected to analysis of variance and treatment means separated with least significance difference (LSD) at 5% probability level. The application of K fertilizer had significant influence on the performance of sweet potato. At 14 weeks after planting (WAP), plants treated with 180 kg K2O/ha produced the longest mean vine length (p = 0.043, 184.93 cm), highestnumber of leaves (p = 0.003, 217), highest fresh shoot biomass (p = 0.015, 11.83 t/ha), number of tubers (p = 0.037, 68) and fresh tuber yield (p = 0.0004, 22 t/ha). In contrast, plants that received no fertilizer, had the shortest vine length (133.67 cm), the least fresh shoot biomass (7.1 t/ha) and tuber yield (12.7 t/ha). The least number of leaves (136) was observed with the application of 60 kg K2O/ha while 90 kg K2O/ha produced the least number of tubers (46). The potassium content of sweet potato tuber was significantly influenced by K fertilizer rates, whereas the phosphorus content was unaffected. The highest contents of phosphorus (p = 0.967, 0.10%) and potassium (p = 0.038, 1.26%) were recorded in tubers that received 150 kg K2O/ha and 180 kg K2O/ha, respectively. The carotenoid, carbohydrate, and protein contents of sweet potato tuber decreased as the potassium rates increased. Conversely, the crude fiber content increased (p = 0.044) as the potassium rate increased. In conclusion, application of 180 kg K2O/ha improved the performance of sweet potato better than the other rates in the study area. However, it seems that the maximum yield potential of sweet potato in the study area had not been attained. Therefore, further research with higher than 180 kg K2O/ha may be required to identify the optimal level for cultivating sweet potatoes

    Patterns of User-Initiated Transformation of Dwelling Units in Selected Public Housing Estates in Lagos, Nigeria

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    This study examined User-Initiated Transformation (UIT) in selected low-income public housing estates in Lagos, Nigeria with a view to providing information that could assist policy makers in more effective housing delivery. It employed a systematic sampling method to select 315 housing units out of 8938 units from 3 purposively selected estates for questionnaire administration, namely: Abesan (156 units), Isolo (128 units) and Iponri estates (31 units). The findings showed that 79.0% (233 out of 295 retrieved questionnaires) of respondents have transformed their houses one way or the other. The majority of residents (78.40%) engaged in transformation by slight adjustment, such as: painting, re-tiling, and installation of shading devices, burglar proof to openings, and fixtures and fittings. It was also observed that 5.28% transformed by addition of more spaces, 1.42 % by addition of doors and windows, 13.21% by addition of services, and 1.68% by total conversion; but there was no indication of transformation by total reconstruction. The study found that 48.3% and 76.0 % of the respondents were not satisfied with the original plan and level of adequacy of spaces of their houses respectively. These findings implied that the predominant patterns of UIT of dwelling units in the study area were due mainly to residents’ dissatisfaction with the level of adequacy of spaces, and with the original plan. The study concluded that greater attention needs to be given to users’ preferences through their participation in the decision-making process relating to the design and delivery of public housing. Keywords: dwelling units, physical transformation, user-initiated transformation (UIT), public housing, Lagos

    Management dilemma of a recurrent huge fibrosarcoma in a 25-year-old African: a case report

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    This is an Open Access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution Licens

    Resources, Process and Challenges of User-Initiated Transformation of Public Housing Units in Lagos, Nigeria

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    The literature on user-initiated transformation (UIT) of housing suggests the actuality of the phenomenon as an apparent trend in public housing estates in developing countries, despite the legal and planning implications, and the often negative official attitude towards it. Studies also highlight the significance of economic motivation in UIT. This paper therefore examines the resources for UIT in terms of the sources of finance, cost, and duration, as well as the process and challenges encountered. Systematic sampling method was employed to select 315 housing units from 8938 units in 3 purposively selected low-income estates (the largest) for questionnaire administration. Findings revealed that the main sources of finance for UIT were individual savings (36.8%) and Cooperative societies’ loans (35.8%); while 49.5% of respondents expended N400,000-600,000 to transform to their housing. There was also a significant relationship between cost of UIT and income level. More than 64% of the transformations were completed within 1 year and 34% within the second year. Much of the UIT (65.3%) was by direct labour and 32.3% using contractors. Respondents’ perception of desired spaces not provided emphasized the need for shops, storage, guest room and visitor’s toilet. Insufficient finances and unavailable materials were the key challenges encountered in the transformation process. The study concluded on the need to review the legal, planning, policy and financial frameworks for public housing, to encourage users’ participation and incorporate design guidelines that are sensitive to residents’ socio-economic realities and aspirations as reflected in UIT, through a more acceptable and coordinated approach. Keywords: challenges, process, public housing, resources, user-initiated transformatio

    The prevalence of gastro-oesophageal reflux disease and its relationship with diet and obesity among public school teachers in Abeokuta, south-west Nigeria

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    Background: Gastro-oesophageal reflux disease (GORD) is a common chronic disorder in the high-income countries; and thought to be rare in low- and middle-income-countries. Lifestyle and diets have been suggested among others, as risk factors contributing to the development and severity of GORD. The objective of this study was to determine the prevalence of GORD and its association with dietary items and obesity among public school teachers in Abeokuta, south-western Nigeria.Methods: School teachers from 24 randomly selected public schools in Abeokuta were involved in the study. A self-administered questionnaire was used to obtain information on respondents’ bio data, food frequency and Carlson-Dent scores were calculated for each respondent. A score of 4 and above on the Carlsson-Dent questionnaire was considered diagnostic of GORD. Each respondent had his or her weight, height, waist circumference and hip circumference measured. Body mass index and waist-hip ratio were calculated for each respondent.Results: A total of 550 teachers participated in the study. The prevalence of GORD was found to be 13.8% among the teachers. There was a significant association between chocolate consumption and frequency of GORD (p=0.01). There was no association between consumption of soft drinks (p=0.673), kola nut (P=0.451), beer (p=0.674), bitter kola (0.425), groundnut (0.442), cowpeas (p=0.442), walnut (p=0.905), gari (p=0.931), fufu (p= 0.249) and lafun (p=0.480) and the frequency of GORD. Similarly, no association was found between obesity (BMI, p=0.738), waist-hip ratio (p=0.56) and the frequency of GORD.Conclusion: GORD is common among public school teachers in Abeokuta with a prevalence of 13.8%. Except for consumption of chocolate, no association was found between frequency of GORD and consumption of majority of the dietary items considered in this study

    Assessment of Heavy Metals in Tomatoes, Green Beans and some Vegetables on Road Side Farms in Farin-Lamba, Jos South Local Government Area Plateau State, Nigeria

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    Heavy metals retention by vegetables and crops planted along road-side is of awesome concern due to dangers associated with human health risks. This paper therefore evaluates the levels of heavy metals in onion bulbs, onion leaves, tomato fruit, cabbage, carrot roots, green beans and green pepper on Road-side Farms in Farin-Lamba, Jos South Local Government Area, Plateau State, Nigeria using AAS model AA240FS. The results of analysis show that the mean concentration of the heavy metals obtained by sum of all the plants analyzed were Cd: 0.633 ±.02; Cu: 0.209 ± 0.07; Pb: 0.756 ± 0.5; Cr: 0.566 ±0.07; Mn: 0.457 ± 0.3; Zn: 0.663 ± 0.1 and Ni: 0.057± 0.02, respectively. The result shows that the vegetable samples have high content of lead and low content of nickel. The average values of the heavy metal content obtained were compared to Food and Agricultural Organization (FAO) and world Health Organization (WHO) Standard limits, cadmium 0.2 mg/kg, copper 0.1 mg/kg, lead 0.3 mg/kg, chromium 2.3 mg/kg, manganese 0.4 mg/kg, zinc 3.3 mg/kg and nickel 5.0 mg/kg. The results from the study show that the mean concentration of chromium, zinc and nickel were within the permissible limits set by FAO/WHO with exception of cadmium, copper, lead and manganese which were higher than the permissible limits. Therefore, consumption of these vegetables by members of the communities where these vegetables were planted or other communities expose the population to adverse effects of these heavy metals. This may pose a serious health challenge on long term consumption of the vegetables

    Urbanization Processes: Environmental and Health Effects in Ibadan Metropolis

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    This study examined impact of environmental health in Ibadan metropolis, Nigeria. Data for the study were obtained through questionnaire administered on residents in selected core areas of the metropolis. Systematic random sampling was used in selecting the respondents. Findings revealed that the proportion of households occupying one room was 48.1% while only 33.4% have in-house water connection. Significant proportion of the ten top diseases reported in the city is communicable and infectious diseases. The first four of these diseases (diarrhea, malaria, pneumonia and tuberculosis) are those that have been linked directly with contaminated water, poor sewage and solid wastes disposal as well as poor housing conditions. Furthermore, the situations of ill-health in Ibadan have implicated urbanization as a dominant factor. The study therefore concluded that the environmental health problems in Ibadan are largely explained by ineffective urban planning and management functions. Keywords: Urbanization, Health, Environment, Planning

    Effects of Tillage and Leguminous Species on Selected Soil Physical Properties and Maize

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    Optimal use of management systems including tillage and legumes cover crops is recommended to improve soil physical properties and sustain agricultural production.  Field study was carried out to evaluate the effects of tillage practices and cropping systems on soil physical properties in Ogbomoso, Southern Guinea savanna, Nigeria. The two tillage practices (as main plot) No-till (NT) and Tilled (T) were investigated under five cropping systems (CS) of sole maize (SM), sole Mucuna (SMu), sole Pueraria, maize+Mucuna and maize + Pueraria intercrop with three replications in 2013. In 2014, all the treatments were similar except Canavalia gladiata that replaced Pueraria phaseolus. Soil physical parameters determined were; bulk density, pore size distribution, saturated hydraulic conductivity (Ksat), soil available water (SAW), soil temperature. Also, maize plant height and grain yield were determined. Data collected were analyzed by analysis of variance. The result shows that Ksat was significantly (P<0.05) 54% higher on NT > T. SAW was 11% significantly increased on NT>T in 2014. A 1.5% increase was observed in SMu plots compared with SM plots in 2013, though the treatments were similar. Soil temperature was significantly affected by tillage and CS at 6 WAS in 2013, 6 and 8 WAS in 2014.The trend is NT >T while SM > other cropping systems. There was significant interaction of tillage and cropping systems on Ksat in 2014. Maize grain yield was 39% significantly higher on T > NT in 2013. It is apparent that long term tillage and cropping systems experiment would be required to detect changes in soil physical properties as a result of the soil management practices. Keywords: Degradation, No-till, Tillage, Soil Physical Properties, Maize

    Mathematical Model of COVID-19 Transmission Dynamics with Double Dose Vaccination

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    Abstract This research attempted to investigate the effects of double dose vaccination in a non-linear mathematical model of Covid-19 infections with special compartments class termed first and second dose vaccination. The basic reproduction number was obtained, the stability of the model was analyzed, and the sensitivity analysis was also carried out. Of interest is the numerical simulation of the model where the impacts of contact rate, first and second dose vaccination were studied. The obtained results recommended how to control the corona virus keeping in mind the contact rate and vaccination. Keywords:   Covid-19, Double dose Vaccination, Basic Reproduction Number, Global Stabilit
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