7 research outputs found

    The binding of the APT1 domains to phosphoinositides is regulated by metal ions in vitro

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    Chorein is a protein of the Vps13 family, and defects in this protein cause the rare neurodegenerative disorder chorea-acanthocytosis (ChAc). Chorein is involved in the actin cytoskeleton organization, calcium ion flux, neuronal cell excitability, exocytosis and autophagy. The function of this protein is poorly understood, and obtaining this knowledge is a key to finding a cure for ChAc. Chorein, as well as the Vps13 protein from yeast, contains the APT1 domain. Our previous research has shown that the APT1 domain from yeast Vps13 (yAPT1v) binds phosphatidylinositol 3-phosphate (PI3P) in vitro. In this study, we showed that although the APT1 domain from chorein (hAPT1) binds to PI3P it could not functionally replace yAPT1v. The hAPT1 domain binds, in addition to PI3P, to phosphatidylinositol 5-phosphate (PI5P). The binding of hAPT1 to PI3P, unlike the binding of yAPT1v to PI3P, is regulated by the bivalent ions, calcium and magnesium. Regulation of PI3P binding via calcium is also observed for the APT1 domain of yeast autophagy protein Atg2. The substitution I2771R, found in chorein of patient suffering from ChAc, reduces the binding of the hAPT1 domain to PI3P and PI5P. These results suggest that the ability of APT1 domains to bind phosphoinositides is regulated differently in yeast and human protein and that this regulation is important for chorein function

    Mutations in GDAP1 Influence Structure and Function of the Trans-Golgi Network

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    Charcot-Marie-Tooth disease (CMT) is a heritable neurodegenerative disease that displays great genetic heterogeneity. The genes and mutations that underlie this heterogeneity have been extensively characterized by molecular genetics. However, the molecular pathogenesis of the vast majority of CMT subtypes remains terra incognita. Any attempts to perform experimental therapy for CMT disease are limited by a lack of understanding of the pathogenesis at a molecular level. In this study, we aim to identify the molecular pathways that are disturbed by mutations in the gene encoding GDAP1 using both yeast and human cell, based models of CMT-GDAP1 disease. We found that some mutations in GDAP1 led to a reduced expression of the GDAP1 protein and resulted in a selective disruption of the Golgi apparatus. These structural alterations are accompanied by functional disturbances within the Golgi. We screened over 1500 drugs that are available on the market using our yeast-based CMT-GDAP1 model. Drugs were identified that had both positive and negative effects on cell phenotypes. To the best of our knowledge, this study is the first report of the Golgi apparatus playing a role in the pathology of CMT disorders. The drugs we identified, using our yeast-based CMT-GDAP1 model, may be further used in translational research

    Inhibition of Dephosphorylation of Dolichyl Diphosphate Alters the Synthesis of Dolichol and Hinders Protein N-Glycosylation and Morphological Transitions in Candida albicans

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    The essential role of dolichyl phosphate (DolP) as a carbohydrate carrier during protein N-glycosylation is well established. The cellular pool of DolP is derived from de novo synthesis in the dolichol branch of the mevalonate pathway and from recycling of DolPP after each cycle of N-glycosylation, when the oligosaccharide is transferred from the lipid carrier to the protein and DolPP is released and then dephosphorylated. In Saccharomyces cerevisiae, the dephosphorylation of DolPP is known to be catalyzed by the Cwh8p protein. To establish the role of the Cwh8p orthologue in another distantly related yeast species, Candida albicans, we studied its mutant devoid of the CaCWH8 gene. A double Cacwh8∆/Cacwh8∆ strain was constructed by the URA-blaster method. As in S. cerevisiae, the mutant was impaired in DolPP recycling. This defect, however, was accompanied by an elevation of cis-prenyltransferase activity and higher de novo production of dolichols. Despite these compensatory changes, protein glycosylation, cell wall integrity, filamentous growth, and biofilm formation were impaired in the mutant. These results suggest that the defects are not due to the lack of DolP for the protein N-glycosylation but rather that the activity of oligosacharyltransferase could be inhibited by the excess DolPP accumulating in the mutant

    The GTPase Arf1 Is a Determinant of Yeast Vps13 Localization to the Golgi Apparatus

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    VPS13 proteins are evolutionarily conserved. Mutations in the four human genes (VPS13A-D) encoding VPS13A-D proteins are linked to developmental or neurodegenerative diseases. The relationship between the specific localization of individual VPS13 proteins, their molecular functions, and the pathology of these diseases is unknown. Here we used a yeast model to establish the determinants of Vps13′s interaction with the membranes of Golgi apparatus. We analyzed the different phenotypes of the arf1-3 arf2Δ vps13∆ strain, with reduced activity of the Arf1 GTPase, the master regulator of Golgi function and entirely devoid of Vps13. Our analysis led us to propose that Vps13 and Arf1 proteins cooperate at the Golgi apparatus. We showed that Vps13 binds to the Arf1 GTPase through its C-terminal Pleckstrin homology (PH)-like domain. This domain also interacts with phosphoinositol 4,5-bisphosphate as it was bound to liposomes enriched with this lipid. The homologous domain of VPS13A exhibited the same behavior. Furthermore, a fusion of the PH-like domain of Vps13 to green fluorescent protein was localized to Golgi structures in an Arf1-dependent manner. These results suggest that the PH-like domains and Arf1 are determinants of the localization of VPS13 proteins to the Golgi apparatus in yeast and humans