26 research outputs found

    Past missions - the best way to train future planetary researchers

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    Practice shows that it is much more interesting and useful to learn from real examples than on imaginary tasks from exercise books. The more technologies and software improves and develops, the more information and new products can be obtained from new processing of archive information collected by past planetary missions. So at MIIGAiK we carry out modern processing of lunar panoramic images obtained by Soviet Lunokhod missions (1970-1973). During two years of the study, which is a part of PRoViDE project (http://www.provide-space.eu/), many students, PhD students, young scientists, as well as professors have taken part in this research. Processing of the data obtained so long ago requires development of specific methods, techniques, special software and extraordinary approach. All these points help to interest young people in planetary science and develop their skills as researchers. Another advantage of data from previous missions is that you can compare your results with the ones obtained during the mission. This also helps to test the developed techniques and software on real data and adjust them for implementation in future missions. The work on Lunokhod data processing became the basis of master and PhD theses of MIIGAiK students and scientists at MExLab. Acknowledgments: The research leading to these results has received funding from the European Community's Seventh Framework Programme (FP7/2007-2013) under grant agreement No 312377 PRoViDE

    A new planetary mapping for future space missions

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    The wide studies of Solar system, including different planetary bodies, were announced by new Russian space program. Their geodesy and cartography support provides by MIIGAiK Extraterrestrial Laboratory (http://mexlab.miigaik.ru/eng) in frames of the new project ''Studies of Fundamental Geodetic Parameters and Topography of Planets and Satellites''. The objects of study are satellites of the outer planets (satellites of Jupiter - Europa, Calisto and Ganymede; Saturnine satellite Enceladus), some planets (Mercury and Mars) and the satellites of the terrestrial planets - Phobos (Mars) and the Moon (Earth). The new research project, which started in 2014, will address the following important scientific and practical tasks: - Creating new three-dimensional geodetic control point networks of satellites of the outer planets using innovative photogrammetry techniques; - Determination of fundamental geodetic parameters and study size, shape, and spin parameters and to create the basic framework for research of their surfaces; - Studies of relief of planetary bodies and comparative analysis of general surface characteristics of the Moon, Mars, and Mercury, as well as studies of morphometric parameters of volcanic formations on the Moon and Mars; - Modeling of meteoritic bombardment of celestial bodies and the study of the dynamics of particle emissions caused by a meteorite impacts; - Development of geodatabase for studies of planetary bodies, including creation of object catalogues, (craters and volcanic forms, etc.), and thematic mapping using GIS technology. The significance of the project is defined both by necessity of obtaining fundamental characteristics of the Solar System bodies, and practical tasks in preparation for future Russian and international space missions to the Jupiter system (Laplace-P and JUICE), the Moon (Luna-Glob and Luna-Resource), Mars (Exo-Mars), Mercury (Bepi-Colombo), and possible mission to Phobos (project Boomerang). For cartographic support of future missions, we have created various maps as results of first year research: new base maps of Ganymede, including a hypsometric map and a global surface map; the base and thematic maps of Phobos which were updated using new image data sets from Mars Express; a newest map of topographic roughness of Mercury (for north polar area) 2 and a map of topographic roughness of the Moon using laser altimeter data processing obtained by MESSENGER (MLA) and LRO (LOLA) for their comparative analyses; a new global hypsometric map of the Moon. Published version of the maps will be presented at the conference, and all data products using for mapping will be available via MExLab Geoportal (http://cartsrv.mexlab.ru/geoportal/\#body/). Acknowledgments. This work was carried out in MIIGAiK and supported by Russian Science Foundation, project \#14-22-00197

    GIS-analysis of Moon surface for the Luna-Glob and Luna-Resource landing sites

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    The goal of this work is to provide cartographical support for characterization of potential landing sites of Russian space missions Luna Glob and Luna Resource. Here we present results of the analysis carried out for the sub-polar surface. It allows detect different hazards for the landing modules of spacecrafts

    Cartography and Information Systems for the Luna-Glob Landing Sites

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    We provide cartography and information system support to the LUNA-GLOB mission and assess candidate landing sites [1] on the basis of different available remote sensing data sets. The main goal of our work is to identify science opportunities in the sub-polar areas and to detect possible hazards for any landing spacecraft


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    Geodesy and cartography methods of exploration of the outer planetary systems: Galilean satellites and Enceladus

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    While Galilean satellites have been observed by different spacecrafts, including Pioneer, Voyager-1 and -2, Galileo, New Horizons, and Enceladus by Cassini and Voyager-2, only data from Galileo, Cassini and the two Voyagers are useful for precise mapping. For purposes of future missions to the system of outer planets we have re-computed the control point network of the Io, Ganymede and Enceladus to support spacecraft navigation and coordinate knowledge. Based on the control networks, we have produced global image mosaics and maps. Geodesy approach. For future mission Laplace-P we mainly focused on Ganymede which coverage is nearly complete except for polar areas (which includes multispectral data). However, large differences exist in data resolutions (minimum global resolution: 30 km/pixel). Only few areas enjoy coverage by highest resolution images, so we suggest to obtain regional Digital Elevation Models (DEMs) from stereo images for selected areas. Also using our special software, we provide calculation of illumination conditions of Ganymede surface in various representations. Finally, we propose a careful evaluation of all available data from the previous Voyager and Galileo missions to re-determine geodetic control and rotation model for other Galilean satellites - Callisto and Europe. Mapping. Based on re-calculated control point networks and global mosaics we have prepared new maps for Io, Ganymede and Enceladus. Due to the difference in resolution between the images, which were also taken from different angles relative to the surface, we can prepare only regional high resolution shape models, so for demonstrating of topography and mapping of the satellites we used orthographic projection with different parameters. Our maps, which include roughness calculations based on our GIS technologies, will also be an important tool for studies of surface morphology. Conclusions. Updated data collection, including new calculation of elements of external orientation, provides new image processing of previous missions to outer planetary system. Using Photomod software (http://www.racurs.ru/) we have generated a new control point network in 3-D and orthomosaics for Io, Ganymede and Enceladus. Based on improved orbit data for Galileo we have used larger numbers of images than were available before, resulting in a more rigid network for Ganymede. The obtained results will be used for further processing and improvement of the various parameters: body shape parameters and shape modeling, libration, as well as for studying of the surface interesting geomorphological phenomena, for example, distribution of bright and dark surface materials on Ganymede and their correlations with topography and slopes


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    For automation of measurements of morphometric parameters of surface relief various tools were developed and integrated into GIS. We have created a tool, which calculates statistical characteristics of the surface: interquartile range of heights, and slopes, as well as second derivatives of height fields as measures of topographic roughness. Other tools were created for morphological studies of craters. One of them allows automatic placing of topographic profiles through the geometric center of a crater. Another tool was developed for calculation of small crater depths and shape estimation, using C++ programming language. Additionally, we have prepared tool for calculating volumes of relief features from DTM rasters. The created software modules and models will be available in a new developed web-GIS system, operating in distributed cloud environment


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    New estimation of fundamental geodetic parameters and global and local topography of planets and satellites provide basic coordinate systems for mapping as well as opportunities for studies of processes on their surfaces. The main targets of our study are Europa, Ganymede, Calisto and Io (satellites of Jupiter), Enceladus (a satellite of Saturn), terrestrial planetary bodies, including Mercury, the Moon and Phobos, one of the Martian satellites. In particular, based on new global shape models derived from three-dimensional control point networks and processing of high-resolution stereo images, we have carried out studies of topography and morphology. As a visual representation of the results, various planetary maps with different scale and thematic direction were created. For example, for Phobos we have produced a new atlas with 43 maps, as well as various wall maps (different from the maps in the atlas by their format and design): basemap, topography and geomorphological maps. In addition, we compiled geomorphologic maps of Ganymede on local level, and a global hypsometric Enceladus map. Mercury’s topography was represented as a hypsometric globe for the first time. Mapping of the Moon was carried out using new images with super resolution (0.5-1 m/pixel) for activity regions of the first Soviet planetary rovers (Lunokhod-1 and -2). New results of planetary mapping have been demonstrated to the scientific community at planetary map exhibitions (Planetary Maps Exhibitions, 2015), organized by MExLab team in frame of the International Map Year, which is celebrated in 2015-2016. Cartographic products have multipurpose applications: for example, the Mercury globe is popular for teaching and public outreach, the maps like those for the Moon and Phobos provide cartographic support for Solar system exploration

    Cartography Support and Assessment of Candidate Landing Sites for the "Luna-Glob" Mission

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    For cartography support of future landing mission LUNA-GLOB was development a geodatabase using data obtained by LRO. For characterization of the surface we created some examples of maps: slope, roughness, and hill-shaded relief in various scales

    Single-sideband quadrature angle modulation

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    Полный текст доступен на сайте издания по подписке: http://radio.kpi.ua/article/view/S0021347016050046In this article we describe a modulation technique of the angular component of the signal with the quadrature angle modulation (QAgM), which is aimed to narrow the spectrum width using the signals with single-sideband quadrature modulation as a modulation signal. This allows one to reduce the spectrum width of the signal compared to the spectrum width of the signal with QAgM.В статье описан способ модуляции угловой компоненты сигнала с квадратурной угловой модуляцией (КУМ) с целью уменьшения ширины спектра за счет использования сигналов с однополосной квадратурной модуляцией в качестве модулирующего сигнала. Это позволяет уменьшить ширину спектра сигнала по сравнению с шириной спектра сигнала с КУМ