11 research outputs found

    Analysis of immunohistochemistry staining in polyploid DLBCL.

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    <p>Tumor cells were positivity in each immunohistochemistry. CD5 (X400), (B) CD10 (X400), (C) CD30 (X400), (D) BCL2 (X400), (E) BCL6 (X400) and (F) MUM1 (X400).</p

    Histology of polyploid diffuse large B-cell lymphoma (DLBCL).

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    <p>(A) HE staining, large tumor cells (black arrows). (B) Tumor cells were positive for CD20. (C) HE staining, multilobated tumor cells (black arrows) with many apoptotic cells (arrow heads). (D) Tumor cells were positive for CD20. (E) HE staining, multilobated medium-sized cells (black arrows). (F) Tumor cells were positive for CD20.</p

    Overall survival and progression-free survival between polyploid DLBCL, NOS (n = 45) and control DLBCL, NOS (n = 42) patients in only cases who received R-CHOP regimens.

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    <p>(A) The overall survival curves were significantly worse for polyploid DLBCL than control DLBCL (<i>p</i> = 0.02). (B) The progression-free survival curves were not significantly different between polyploid DLBCL and control DLBCL (<i>p</i> = 0.27).</p

    Overall survival and progression-free survival between polyploid DLBCL, NOS (n = 51) and control DLBCL, NOS (n = 53) patients.

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    <p>(A) The overall survival curves were significantly worse for polyploid DLBCL than control DLBCL (<i>p</i> = 0.04). (B) The progression-free survival curves were not significantly different between the polyploid DLBCL and control DLBCL (<i>p</i> = 0.49).</p

    Characterization of donor BM-derived GFP<sup>+</sup> cells in injured heart.

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    <p>(A) Representative image of CD11b-expressing GFP<sup>+</sup> myeloid cells. GFP<sup>+</sup> hematopoietic cells in recipient cardiac tissue appeared in small and round shape. Cardiac section was stained with anti-CD11b (red, Cy3) and DAPI (blue). Inset: high magnification of GFP<sup>+</sup>CD11b<sup>+</sup> cells. (B) Representative image of a vimentin-expressing GFP<sup>+</sup> fibroblast. Cardiac section was stained with anti-vimentin (red, Cy3). The fibroblast was present adjacent to striated cardiomyocytes in differential interference contrast (DIC) image. (C and D) Representative images of a TnI- (C) or Cx43- (D) expressing GFP<sup>+</sup> striated cardiomyocyte. Cardiac sections were stained with anti-TnI (C; red, Cy3), anti-Cx43 (D; yellow, Cy5), and DAPI (blue). Cardiac sections are from recipients transplanted with unfractionated BM cells. All merged images were obtained from the same confocal plane. Scale bars = 50 µm, (A)-inset 10 µm.</p

    Transplantation of HSCs and hematopoietic progenitors.

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    <p>(A) LSKs or CD34<sup>−</sup>LSKs were purified by FACS from Lin<sup>−/low</sup>c-Kit<sup>+</sup> BM fraction of GFP mice. GFP and Lineage+propidium iodide (PI) expression of unfractionated BM cells is shown as a control. (B) Total myeloid progenitors (My-P) and CLPs were purified by FACS from Lin<sup>−/low</sup>Thy1.2<sup>−/low</sup>MNCs of GFP mice. (C-E) Correlational analyses between injected cell numbers and the numbers of GFP<sup>+</sup> cardiomyocytes per a recipient mouse in recipients transplanted with Lin<sup>−/low</sup>Sca-1<sup>+</sup> cells (C), LSKs (D), and CD34<sup>−</sup>LSKs (E). (F) Comparison of the number of GFP<sup>+</sup> cardiomyocytes at the same injected cell dose in Lin<sup>−/low</sup>Sca-1<sup>+</sup> cells, LSKs, and CD34<sup>−</sup>LSKs recipients. The means of the number of GFP<sup>+</sup> cardiomyocytes in recipients transplanted with each injected cell number are plotted. In the transplantation of LSKs, injected cell number of 1–1.8×10<sup>5</sup> cells is plotted at 10<sup>5</sup>, that of 1–4×10<sup>4</sup> cells is plotted at 10<sup>4</sup>, and that of 1–2×10<sup>3</sup> cells is plotted at 10<sup>3</sup>. The greater cardiomyogenic ability existed in CD34<sup>−</sup>LSKs than LSKs, and in LSKs than Lin<sup>−/low</sup>Sca-1<sup>+</sup> cells.</p