15 research outputs found

    The impact of shift work and sleep deficiency on health

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    Shift work refers to work that takes place at different hours, including at night. It is estimated that 15% to 20% of the working population works in shift work, particularly in the healthcare, energy, communication systems, public safety, and hospitality industries. Research indicates that shift work, particularly night work, can lead to health problems such as fatigue, exposure to harmful work environments, increased risk of workplace accidents, and sleep disorders. Night work is also associated with increased risk of hypertension, nervous system dysfunction, cardiovascular dysfunction. Those working at night are also more prone to hormonal disorders, digestive disorders, lowered immunity, and cancer. Sleep-wake cycle disorders, such as excessive sleepiness during waking hours and insomnia at night, are symptoms of shift work intolerance syndrome, which can occur after several months or years of shift work. It is estimated that over 20% of shift workers suffer from sleep-wake cycle disorders, and various factors such as chronotype, age, gender, family and social obligations, medications, medical and psychiatric conditions, and shift work experience can impact tolerance of shift work. The treatment of sleep and wake disorders related to shift work includes planning for main sleep and supplementary naps, appropriate exposure to light, treatment with melatonin, taking sleeping and psychostimulant medications.&nbsp

    Future of cardiovascular diagnosis with the support of artificial intelligence

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    Introduction: Term Artificial inteligence was used for the first time by John McCarthy in 1956, from that time we can observe its great development, espiecially in the past decade.  Nowadays, Artificial inteligence present a great influence in every aspect of human life, also health care. In times of digitalizaton, great data bases it can enable an improvment in all aspects of healthcare system such as prevention, screening and treatment of diseases. Purpose:The main purpose of the work was to present the basic aspects related to artificial intelligence. Another important aspect of the article was to indicate the possibilities related to their use in cardiology to improve the effectiveness of doctors and make medical treatment more detailed and personalized, but also to clarify terms related do AI, such as machine learning or deep learning. Materials and methods: For the purpose of writing this article, the available literature was reviewed. Using keywords such as artificial inteligence, cardiology, machine learning, echocardiography, deep learning, data bases PubMed we ware searching for various clinical trials, meta analysis and randomized controlled trials from past 5 years. Results: According to the data published on the website of the World Health Organization (WHO), cardiovascular diseases remain the main cause of mortality worldwide.  It is the reason of the great interest in its use in cardiology. Algorithms based on artificial intelligence are also used in electrocardiography. The use of artificial intelligence can improve the estimation of cardiovascular risk. Its use in the healing process is also being investigated.  Conclusion: Artificial intelligence is used in many fields, including medicine. Its use may have a positive impact on the quality of medical care. Artificial intelligence also has numerous limitations. Due to this, it is necessary to develop and improve artificial intelligence

    Polycystic Ovary Syndrome - increased risk of depression development. Links and risk factors

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    PCOS is a common endocrine disorder affecting up to 6-10% of women in reproductive age. Patients suffer from many manifestations of this disease including symptoms of hyperandrogenism (hirsutism, acne, androgenetic alopecia), ovulation disorders, infertility, overweight and obesity, glucose-insulin homeostasis disorders (insulin resistance, type 2 diabetes). Many studies emphasize the relationship between the presence of PCOS in patients and the appearance of depression. The median incidence of depression in women with this syndrome was 36.6%, while in the group of women without PCOS it was 14.2%. The exact mechanism of this relationship is still unknown, but many factors may play an important role in it, e.g. increased BMI, infertility, high cortisol levels, body image, vitamin D deficiency or elevated inflammation markers

    The impact of primary care physicians’ education about easy skin lesion diagnosis algorithm on skin cancers screening effects

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    Introduction and purpose:  Number of new cases of skin cancers grows every year. Melanoma malignum is responsible for approximately 75 percent of death from skin cancer. General practitioners are often first medical professionals who see patients with suspicious skin lesions. Early diagnosis can benefit in improving survival rates. Dermoscopy is a useful tool for dermatological diagnostic purposes not only for dermatologists, but also for Primary Care Physicians.This review aims to analyze the role of easy 3-step Triage Amalgamated Dermoscopy Algorithm performed by family medicine physicians in skin cancers detection.  Material and methods: We searched PubMed database in order to collect relevant studies about skin cancers diagnoses by family medicine physicians using dermoscopy algorithms.  Results: An analysis of multiple studies shows that short Triage Amalgamated Dermoscopy Algorithm training taken by primary care physicians resulted in better diagnosis accuracy of skin cancer identification. After education about 3 benign skin lesion patterns and 7 signs of potential malignancy general practitioners reported more confidence in the diagnostic process and both sensitivity and specificity of examination increased post-training. Conclusion: Teaching Primary Care Physicians how to diagnose patients with suspicious skin lesions using Triage Amalgamated Dermoscopy Algorithm may have a beneficial effect on increasing the number of early-diagnosed skin cancers which may result in improving survival rates

    The impact of aesthetic medicine procedures on patient comfort in life, physical activity and mental health

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    Introduction Aesthetic medicine procedures significantly affect the comfort of patient's lives, their amount of physical activity and mental health. Today, medicine serves not only to eliminate the consequences of diseases or their prevention, but also aesthetic considerations, which are directly related to the quality of life in general. Purpose The purpose of this review is to present the current state of knowledge on the impact of aesthetic medicine procedures on the comfort of patients' lives.  Methods Literature was searched in PubMed and Google Scholarship databases. Publicly available books were searched. Results  People who use aesthetic medicine can improve their self-esteem and even their socioeconomic status or get a better job than before. Conclusions Patients’s quality of life and mental health significantly increase after aesthetic medicine procedures.&nbsp

    Effect of hypertension on uric acid metabolism in patients with gout

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    IntroductionThe most common pаthologicаl condition аssociаted with gout is hypertension (HT). The mаin orgаn responsible for this process is the kidneys. The development of chronic tubulointerstitiаl nephritis in the course of gout leаds to ischemiа of the renаl pаrenchymа, аctivаtion of the renin-аngiotensin-аldosterone system (RааS), sodium аnd wаter retention in the body, which leаds to the development of hypertension. The kidneys, on the other hаnd, аre responsible for the metаbolism аnd excretion of uric аcid from the body, so their dаmаge аccordingly leаds to the deteriorаtion of this process. In pаtients with gout, the level of uric аcid determines the severity of gouty аrthritis, dаmаge to blood vessels аnd joints. Therefore, it is extremely importаnt to know the specifics of uric аcid metаbolism in pаtients with gout, since the effectiveness of the prescribed hypouricemic therаpy depends on it. Aim of the studyThe аim of the study wаs to аnаlyze the metаbolism of uric аcid in pаtients with gout аnd concomitаnt аrteriаl hypertension, аnd to determine the impаct of concomitаnt metаbolic disorders on the excretory function of the kidneys. ConclusionThe results of the conducted reseаrch prove thаt: 1. Pаtients with gout with concomitаnt hypertension hаve more pronounced metаbolic disorders thаn pаtients with gout without hypertension. This is mаnifested by impаired cаrbohydrаte tolerаnce, аn increаse in totаl cholesterol, triglycerides аnd а decreаse in HDL levels.2. Pаtients with gout аnd hypertension hаve deeper renаl dysfunction, which is mаnifested by а tendency to decreаse GFR аnd increаse creаtinine levels compаred to pаtients with gout without hypertensive syndrome.3. Violаtion of uric аcid metаbolism in pаtients with gout аnd аrteriаl hypertension is mаnifested by аn increаse in the reаbsorption process аnd а decreаse in the filtrаtion process of uric аcid, which results in higher rаtes of uricemiа

    Dietary Therapies in Pediatric Crohn’s Disease

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    Introduction and Purpose: Crons’ disease is a chronic illness of the digestive system. Its etiology is multifactorial and one of the factors is nutrition. That is why the researchers are trying to labour the valuable types of dietary therapy, which could be used in treatment of pediatric CD. The purpose of our review is to point out the impact of dietary therapy on achieving remission in pediatric Crohn’s disease. Materials and methods: We have reviewed the literature from the PubMed database searching for clinical trials, meta analysis and randomized controlled trials from the past years. The keywords we agreed on offered us the most informative articles and made us hope for the further development of our article. Brief Description Of The State Of Knowledge: Steroid therapy is the principle of CD treatment, but it has a number of side effects that influence the quality of pediatric patients’ life. It has been shown that the use of dietary therapies (EEN, CDED+PEN, SCD) enables the achievement of clinical and biochemical remission, mucosal healing and regulation of dysbiosis. There are many hypotheses explaining this effect, probably the reason of this is the exclusion from the diet of food products that provoke inflammatory processes. Summary: Despite its effectiveness, dietary therapies require motivation and full commitment from patients in order to achieve results. That is why it is so important to conduct further research in this area so that the selected therapy is as acceptable and tolerated by the patient as possible. In addition, education of children and parents, psychological and dietary support are also crucial in the treatment process

    Basal cell carcinoma in the elderly Cryosurgery or surgery – a case study with reference to the literature

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    Introduction The aging of society leads to an increase in the occurrence of basal cell carcinoma (BCC). BCC includes both superficial and nodular lesions with a good prognosis as well as foci that are difficult to treat and require a multidisciplinary approach. There are two basic methods of treating BCC, surgery to remove the tumor and cryosurgery. The paper presents a case of an 82-year-old female patient suffering from BCC in a non-advanced stage of the disease with the presentation of subsequent stages of treatment.Aim of the studyAn attempt was made to confront an alternative method of BCC treatment by cryosurgery with the first-choice procedure - surgical excision of the tumor with a margin of healthy tissues.Description of the caseAn individual clinical case study including the patient's medical records.ConclusionsThe work emphasizes the importance of comprehensive care for a patient diagnosed with BCC.Individualization of the diagnostic and therapeutic process is the basis for dealing with the elderly patient

    Association between caesarean section and childhood asthma development

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    According to the World Health Organization (WHO), the rates of caesarean section delivery, which is the most common surgical procedure in gynecology and obstetrics, are increasing globally and amount to 21%. In Poland percentage of caesarean sections (CS) is one of the highest in Europe and amount to 42.2%. The reason for this is the extension of medical indications, but also an increase in the number of CS at the request of pregnant women. Although CS can be a lifesaving procedure, it can also cause many health complications for both - the woman and the child. Numerous studies indicate that caesarean delivery is associated with childhood asthma. Several hypotheses of the pathogenesis of this relationship have been presented. One of them, which is based on the hygiene hypothesis indicates that mode of delivery can cause different bacteria colonization in infants. Lack of contact of fetus with the mother’s vaginal flora during CS labor may cause improper immune system maturation. Another hypothesis is that reduced exposure to stress hormones and mechanical forces during CS labor can indicate infant respiratory complications such as respiratory distress syndrome (RDS) or transient tachypnea of the newborn (TTN). It is suggested that these abnormalities have an impact on asthma development in later life. On the other hand, there are studies which do not confirm that mode of delivery has an influence on the induction of asthma. Due to the significant heterogeneity of studies and unclear risk factors and pathomechanism of the childhood asthma it is impossible to strong confirm the association between caesarean section and asthma developing

    The role of health education and physical activity in the prevention of obesity in pregnant women

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    Introduction: Obesity is a major health concern in pregnancy, and it can lead to various adverse outcomes for both the mother and the fetus. The increasing prevalence of obesity among pregnant women calls for effective strategies to prevent its occurrence and reduce its consequences. Health education and physical activity have been identified as potential interventions to prevent obesity in pregnant women. Aim of study: The aim of the review is to present the impact of physical activity and health education on obesity in pregnant women, as well as its pathogenesis and treatment.Materials and Methods: The authors followed the PRISMA guidelines to ensure high-quality work. The search was based on databases such as PubMed, Google Scholar, Scopus, and Web of Science, with a limitation to publications after. The strategy relied on search terms such as 'obesity in pregnancy', 'treatment', 'physical activity', 'health education', and 'sport', combined using 'AND' and 'OR' operators. The team members reviewed the abstracts and then decided on their inclusion in the study. Results: According to literature reviews, health education and physical activity can be effective interventions in preventing obesity in pregnant women. They can help prevent excessive weight gain during pregnancy and reduce the risk of gestational diabetes and other obesity-related complications. Individual dietary advice, exercise programs, and lifestyle modification counseling are recommended. However, further research is needed to determine the most effective strategies for preventing obesity in pregnant women and assessing long-term health outcomes.Conclusions: Both regular physical activity and health education can be useful in prevention and treatment of obesity during pregnancy, and should be included as part of a comprehensive approach to women's health during pregnancy. It is important for people to understand the benefits of regular physical activity throughout the entire pregnancy period