380 research outputs found

    Deep Investigations of Outer-Rise Tsunami Characteristics Using Well-Mapped Normal Faults Along the Japan Trench

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    To assess the risk of tsunamis from outer-rise earthquakes, we carried out tsunami simulations using 33 simple rectangular fault models with 60° dip angles based on marine seismic observations and surveys of the Japan Trench. The largest tsunami resulting from these models, produced by a Mw 8.7 normal-faulting event on a fault 332 km long, had a maximum height of 27.0 m. We tested variations of the predictions due to the uncertainties in the assumed parameters. Because the actual dip angles of the Japan Trench outer-rise faults range from 45° to 75°, we calculated tsunamis from earthquakes on fault models with 45°, 60°, and 75° dip angles. We also tested a compound fault model with 75° dip in the upper half and 45° dip in the lower half. Rake angles were varied by ±15°. We also tested models consisting of small subfaults with dimensions of about 60 km, models using other earthquake scaling laws, models with heterogeneous slips, and models incorporating dispersive tsunami effects. Predicted tsunami heights changed by 10–15% for heterogeneous slips, up to 10% for varying dip angles, about 5–10% from considering tsunami dispersion, about 2% from varying rake angles, and about 1% from using the model with small subfaults. The use of different earthquake scaling laws changed predicted tsunami heights by about 50% on average for the 33 fault models. We emphasize that the earthquake scaling law used in tsunami predictions for outer-rise earthquakes should be chosen with great care


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    Occurrences of large earthquakes with estimated magnitudes as large as 8 along the Nankai Trough have been well documented in historical materials, and the oldest documented earthquake dates back to A.D. 684. The recurrence periods are fairly constant, and are approximately 200 years for the earthquakes occurring before 1361, and about 100 years for those after 1361. However, the number of smaller earthquakes observed by the on-land seismic stations is very small. Both seismic and tectonic couplings along the interface between the overriding and subducting plates are estimated to be nearly 100% from seismic and geodetic data. Therefore, it has been considered that relatively simple physics govern the generation of the historical large earthquakes along the Nankai Trough. With the availability of abundant information on large earthquakes and modern data sets from dense seismic and geodetic networks, the Nankai Trough is one of the best-studied seismogenic zones. Although improvements have been seen in estimating the fault-plane parameters for the historical earthquakes, there still remain important unanswered questions, such as if there have been unidentified earthquakes that fill in the 200-year recurrence period. Estimates of precise fault-plane parameters are being demanded to have a better understanding of earthquake generation. One of the most important topics is where the updip limit of the seismogenic zone is located. The location had not been resolved by on-land seismic observations. Seismic observations using ocean bottom seismometers have recently been conducted in both western and eastern regions along the Nankai Trough. The observations in the western region confirm that the updip limit coincides well with both the updip limit of the estimated fault plane for the 1946 Nankaido earthquake and the estimated 150℃ isotherm along the interplate interface. Earthquake activitiy has been proved to be very low in both regions

    Geometry of the Philippine Sea plate subducting beneath the westernmost Nankai Trough

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    SSS035-06発衚芁旚 / 日本地球惑星科孊連合2011幎倧䌚2011幎5月22日5月27日, 幕匵メッセ囜際䌚議堎 / 日本惑星科孊連合の蚱諟に基づき本文ファむルを掲


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    Great interplate earthquakes have repeatedly occurred in pairs along the Nankai Trough. In order to reduce a great deal of damage to coastal area from both strong ground motion and tsunami generation, it is necessary to understand rupture synchronization and segmentation of the Nankai megathrust earthquake. For a precise estimate of the rupture zone of the Nankai megathrust event based on the knowledge of realistic earthquake cycles and variations of magnitude, it is important to know the geometry and property of the plate boundary of the subduction seismogenic zone. To improve a physical model of the Nankai Trough seismogenic zone, the large-scale high-resolution wide-angle and reflection (MCS) seismic studies, and long-term observation have been conducted since 2008. Marine active source seismic data have been acquired along grid two-dimensional profiles having the total length of ~800km per year. A three-dimensional seismic tomography using active and passive seismic data observed both land and ocean bottom stations have been also performed. This study is part of 'Research concerning Interaction Between the Tokai, Tonankai and Nankai Earthquakes' funded by Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology, Japan. The seismic survey was conducted off the Tokai area including the onshore survey across the eastern Kii Peninsula in 2012, the final year of this project. Compiling those studies provides a three-dimensional plate geometry and velocity structure models of the western Nankai Trough at the moment. Although their reliability and resolution should be evaluated, these models can be applied to a numerical simulation to examine if the observed rupture zone of the historical event can be reproduced. We will also try to construct more fine-scale model for the entire Nankai Trough area.SSS31-P15ポスタヌ芁旚 / 日本地球惑星科孊連合2013幎倧䌚2013幎5月19日5月24日, 幕匵メッセ囜際䌚議堎 / 日本惑星科孊連合の蚱諟に基づき本文ファむルを掲茉http://www.godac.jamstec.go.jp/darwin/cruise/kairei/kr10-11/ehttp://www.godac.jamstec.go.jp/darwin/cruise/kairei/kr11-09/


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    Coseismic rupture area of the great interplate earthquake concerned about its occurrence along the Nankai Trough presumed by government of Japan is now wider to the west, north and south than the former assumption. Although the new estimation is based on seafloor topography, source area of the past largest megathrust event, present seismic activity and so on, structural information has not always been enough reflected yet. In order to estimate precise coseismic rupture area of the Nankai megathrust earthquake, it is necessary to improve a physical model of the Nankai Trough seismogenic zone based on the geometry of the subducting plate and velocity structure model. Japan Agency for Marine-Earth Science and Technology had conducted the large-scale high-resolution wide-angle and reflection seismic survey and long-term observation from off Kyushu to Tokai between 2008 and 2012. Layered velocity structure models are now obtained along grid two-dimensional seismic profiles from the Hyuga-nada to the Kii channel area. A three-dimensional seismic tomography using active and passive seismic data observed both land and ocean bottom stations had been also performed for the western Nankai Trough. In this study, we constructed a three-dimensional velocity model of the Nankai Trough with the procedure as follows; 1) Sampling the velocity structural information along each seismic profile with interval of ~1km in horizontal, and ~100m in vertical directions 2) Preparing the geometry model of each interface included in layered models, e.g., basement, plate boundary, Moho, etc. 3) Setting minimum and maximum velocities of each layer based on the velocity models along two-dimensional seismic profiles 4) Interpolating sampled velocity information considering layered structure (Landmark DecisionSpaceDesktop is used for constructing 3-D modeling) Previously published layered models are also used to make up for insufficient structural information for the eastern Nankai Trough. Reliability of the three-dimensional model was confirmed by comparing calculated travel-times with observed travel-times along each seismic profile. We will also try to evaluate the reliability of the model by comparing the hypocenter distribution using three-dimensional velocity model obtained in this study with that determined by three-dimensional seismic tomography using active and passive source data. We will plan to revise our 3D model with additional structural information and construct more precise and detailed model for the entire Nankai Trough area so that the model can be applied to more realistic numerical simulation. This study is part of 'Research concerning Interaction Between the Tokai, Tonankai and Nankai Earthquakes (FY2008-2012)' funded by Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology, Japan.SSS30-P16ポスタヌ芁旚 / 日本地球惑星科孊連合2014幎倧䌚2014幎4月28日5月2日, パシフィコ暪浜 / 日本惑星科孊連合の蚱諟に基づき本文ファむルを掲

    Development of a Super-deep-sea Self Pop-up Ocean Bottom Seismometer using a Ceramic Pressure-tight Housing

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    We have developed a Super-deep-sea self-popup Ocean Bottom Seismometer (SDOBS) that can be deployed to the ocean floor up to 9,000 m depth. Because the maximum applicable water depth of a conventional self-popup Ocean Bottom Seismometers (OBS) is 6,000 m, some areas have remained inaccessible to seismic surveys, such as the deep part of Japan Trench, where the Great East Japan Earthquake occurred in 2011. Using a ceramic pressure-tight sphere, we were able to develop a SDOBS that has almost identical size, weight, and buoyancy to those of a conventional self-popup OBS using a glass sphere. Regarding the acoustic transponder, which is a key device for the development of SDOBSes. We heighten the transmitting acoustic level of an existing acoustic transponder to raise the positioning accuracy. Detailed results of sea tests conducted to evaluate the acoustic transponder performance are described herein. We used the same built-in seismometers, recorders, batteries, and other equipment as those used for conventional OBSes. We also report that by improving the test procedures, we were able to heighten the measurement accuracy of the uniaxial compressive strength of ceramics, which are important parameters to determine the applicable hydraulic pressure. We have developed seven SDOBSes to date, and have deployed 18 SDOBSes cumulatively for seismic surveys in the Japan Trench and Ryukyu Trench

    Construction of the three-dimensional velocity model for Nankai Trough seismogenic zone

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    南海トラフで繰り返し発生する巚倧地震の䞭には東海・東南海・南海地震が連動しお発生する超巚倧地震のケヌスがあるこずが指摘されおいる。このような超巚倧地震に぀いお、どのような堎合に連動し、あるいは非連動性巚倧地震ずなるのかを明らかにするこずが地震の予枬や灜害に備えるためには必芁である。南海トラフ域の巚倧地震の滑り域の範囲を正確に芋積もるこずが重芁な課題であり、滑り域の範囲や連動非連動を芏定する構造的特城を抜出するため、東海沖から日向灘を含んだ南海トラフ地震発生垯党域においお反射法・屈折法地震探査および長期自然地震芳枬デヌタによる構造研究を実斜し、南海トラフ地震発生垯のプレヌト圢状、およびプレヌト境界物性を把握し、これにより、連動型巚倧地震発生評䟡のため地震発生垯の物理モデルの高床化を図るこずを目指しおきた。 2008幎に日向灘から調査を開始し、毎幎調査海域を東方移動させ、2012幎には東海たで実斜しおきた図1。これたでの調査では毎幎総距離が玄800kmの探査枬線䞊に蚭眮した海底地震蚈(OBS)150?200台による制埡震源であるチュヌンド゚アガン(7800cu.in.)の発振の蚘録、3ヶ月皋床の自然地震芳枬、四囜沖から玀䌊半島沖では長期芳枬甚OBS15?20台による9ヶ月皋床の自然地震芳枬をするこずによりデヌタを取埗した。なお、本調査は文郚科孊省からの受蚗研究「東海・東南海・南海地震の連動性評䟡のための 調査芳枬・研究」の個別研究テヌマ「南海トラフ域海域地震探査・地震芳枬」(平成20幎床?24幎床)の䞀環ずしお実斜した。 これたでの構造解析の結果ず既存の構造モデルに基づき、地震発生垯の物理モデルを高床化するため、日向灘から東海沖たでの次元プレヌト圢状モデルを構築した仲西他、2013幎連合倧䌚。たた、日向灘から玀䌊半島沖に぀いおは、自然地震を甚いた次元深郚構造解析の結果15kmグリッド、および制埡震源地震探査枬線に沿った次元構造解析の結果珟状で氎平方向1?2.5kmサンプル、鉛盎方向100m~250mサンプルのデヌタを統合し、プレヌト境界面をはじめずするその他の速床境界面を含む次元速床構造モデルの構築に取り組んでおり、本発衚ではモデル構築の珟状を報告する。P1-33ポスタヌ芁旚, 日本地震孊䌚2013幎床秋季倧䌚2013幎10月7日9日, 神奈川県暪浜垂

    南海トラフ地震発生垯のプレヌト圢状および速床構造の3次元モデル : 地震発生垯地䞋構造モデルの高床化に向けお

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    南海トラフで繰り返し発生する巚倧地震の䞭には、東海・東南海・南海地震が連動しお発生する超巚倧地震のケヌスがあるこずが指摘されおいる。このような超巚倧地震に぀いお、どのような堎合に連動あるいは非連動性の巚倧地震ずなるのかを明らかにするこずが必芁である。本研究では、東海沖から日向灘を含んだ南海トラフ地震発生垯党域においお、反射法・屈折法地震探査および長期自然地震芳枬デヌタによる構造研究を行い、南海トラフ地震発生垯のプレヌト圢状、およびプレヌト境界物性を把握し、これにより、連動型巚倧地震発生評䟡のため地震発生垯の物理モデルの高床化を図るこずがねらいである。  平成21幎床に日向灘から調査を開始し、毎幎調査海域を東方ぞ移動させ、平成24幎床の東海沖たで実斜しおきた。これたでの調査では、毎幎総距離が玄800kmの探査枬線䞊に蚭眮した海底地震蚈(OBS)150~200台により、制埡震源である゚アガンの発振の蚘録、3ヶ月皋床の自然地震芳枬、および長期芳枬甚OBS15~20台による9ヶ月皋床の自然地震芳枬をするこずによりデヌタを取埗した。  これたでの構造解析の結果から、日向灘から四囜沖にかけおのフィリピン海プレヌトの圢状が空間的に詳现に把握できた。沈み蟌むフィリピン海プレヌトは、東の南海トラフ偎の通垞の海掋地殻から、薄い海掋性地殻の「遷移垯」を経お九州パラオ海嶺の厚い地殻ぞず倉化しおいる。遷移垯の西端が1968幎の日向灘地震Mw7.5の滑り域南西瞁ず䞀臎しおいるこずが特城的である。さらに、日向灘における短波長速床䞍均質が匷い領域は、構造解析から掚定された沈み蟌んだ九州パラオ海嶺が存圚する領域ず抂ね䞀臎し、海嶺の構造を反映しおいるず考えられる 日向灘から四囜沖にかけおの䞊盀プレヌト内郚では、叀い付加䜓の海偎ぞの広がりが空間的に倉化しおいる。昭和南海地震の滑り量が倧きかった領域ず1968幎の日向灘地震の地震時滑り域ずされる領域では、叀い付加䜓の䞭でも䞋郚の6km/s以䞊の高速床域が認められる。南海トラフ域の叀い付加䜓は抂ね5km/s以䞊の速床を持ち、叀い付加䜓の海偎の端ず沈み蟌むプレヌトの接点は、玀䌊半島沖から四囜宀戞沖たでは、昭和南海、東南海地震の滑り域䞊限ずほが䞀臎するこずが既存研究で報告されおいた。しかし、足摺岬沖から日向灘に぀いおは、その関係があおはたらないこずが本研究で明確ずなった。䞀方で、叀い付加䜓の䞋郚の6km/s以䞊の郚分の海偎の端ず沈み蟌むプレヌト境界の接合郚が、昭和南海地震、1968幎の日向灘地震の滑り域の䞊限ずほが䞀臎する結果が埗られた。  さらに、深郚䜎呚波地震・埮動の空癜域ずなっおいる玀䌊氎道呚蟺の構造探査デヌタ解析の結果、島匧地殻最䞋面に盞圓する反射面が呚蟺よりも有意に浅く、たた海偎たで匵り出しお存圚しおいる可胜性が瀺された。これは、南海・東南海地震震源域境界に関わる急激な倉化が沈み蟌むプレヌト圢状の倉化だけではなく、䞊盀プレヌト内郚でも存圚するこずを瀺唆しおおり、深郚䜎呚波地震・埮動の空癜域ずなっおいるこずずも関連があるず考えられる。  以䞊の成果に基づき、地震発生垯の物理モデルを高床化するため、南海トラフ地震発生垯の次元的なプレヌト圢状および速床モデルの構築ず可芖化を詊み、これたでに日向灘から玀䌊氎道沖たでの䞀郚の構造情報を甚いたプレヌト圢状モデルを構築した。深郚䜎呚波地震はプレヌト䞊面付近で発生しおいる様子も確認できる。今埌もモデル領域を拡匵し、既存のモデルずの統合などにより、シミュレヌション研究での実甚化を目指す。  なお、本研究は文郚科孊省からの受蚗研究「東海・東南海・南海地震の連動性評䟡のための 調査芳枬・研究」の個別研究テヌマ「南海トラフ域海域地震探査・地震芳枬」平成20幎床から受蚗の䞀環ずしお実斜した。BE13-06講挔芁旚 / ブルヌアヌス20132013幎3月14日15日, 東京海掋倧孊品川キャンパス


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    昚幎、内閣府より発衚された南海トラフで発生が懞念される巚倧地震の新たな想定震源断局域は、地圢の倉化、既埀の最倧地震の震源域、珟圚の地震掻動などを考慮し、以前に想定されおいた領域より東西にも南北にも拡倧されおいる。しかし、構造研究の成果は、新たな想定震源断局域の確たる根拠ずしお反映されるほど南海トラフ党域においお、十分に実斜されおいるずは蚀えない。南海トラフの巚倧地震の震源断局域を正確に芋積もるこずは、地震の予枬や灜害に備えるために必芁である。海掋研究開発機構では、震源断局域を芏定する構造的な特城を抜出するために、東海沖から日向灘を含んだ南海トラフ地震発生垯党域においお反射法・屈折法地震探査および長期自然地震芳枬デヌタによる構造研究を実斜し、南海トラフ地震発生垯のプレヌト圢状、およびプレヌト境界物性を把握し、これにより、連動型巚倧地震発生評䟡のため地震発生垯の物理モデルの高床化を図るこずを目指しおきた。 平成21幎床に日向灘から調査を開始し、毎幎調査海域を東方ぞ移動させ、2012幎には東海たで実斜しおきた図1。これたでの調査では毎幎総距離が玄800kmの探査枬線䞊に蚭眮した海底地震蚈(OBS)150?200台による制埡震源であるチュヌンド゚アガン(7800cu.in.)の発振の蚘録、3ヶ月皋床の自然地震芳枬、四囜沖から玀䌊半島沖では長期芳枬甚OBS15?20台による9ヶ月皋床の自然地震芳枬をするこずによりデヌタを取埗した。なお、本調査は文郚科孊省からの受蚗研究「東海・東南海・南海地震の連動性評䟡のための 調査芳枬・研究」の個別研究テヌマ「南海トラフ域海域地震探査・地震芳枬」(平成20幎床?24幎床)の䞀環ずしお実斜した。 これたでの構造解析の結果ず既存の構造モデルに基づき、地震発生垯の物理モデルを高床化するため、日向灘から東海沖たでの次元プレヌト圢状モデルを構築した。たた、日向灘から玀䌊半島沖に぀いおは、自然地震を甚いた次元深郚構造解析の結果15kmグリッド、および制埡震源地震探査枬線に沿った次元構造解析の結果珟状で氎平方向1?2.5kmサンプル、鉛盎方向100m~250mサンプルのデヌタを統合し、プレヌト境界面をはじめずするその他の速床境界面を含む次元速床構造モデルを構築し、3次元的な可芖化を詊みた図2。今埌、玀䌊半島から東海沖にかけおの地震探査枬線の次元構造解析結果も考慮したプレヌト圢状モデル、3次元速床構造モデルに曎新しおいくずずもに、シミュレヌション研究での実甚化を進める。BE14-P59ポスタヌ芁旚 / ブルヌアヌス20142014幎2月19日20日, 東京海掋倧孊品川キャンパス
