301 research outputs found

    Carrier Relaxation Dynamics in the Organic Superconductor kappa-(BEDT-TTF)(2)Cu(NCS)(2) Under Pressure

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    Photo-induced carrier relaxation dynamics have been investigated for the organic superconductor kappa-(BEDT-TTF)(2)Cu(NCS)(2) with different probe polarization under 1.3 kbar at low temperatures. We successfully observed the isotropic and anisotropic responses for the probe polarization, which were found to appear at 56 K. By comparing the responses with and without applying pressure, we found that those were slightly changed, indicating that the application of pressure has effect on the carrier relaxation dynamics

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    Ecosystem and Fishery of Manila Clam (Ruditapes philippinarum) in Ise-Bay Related to Eco-Compatible Management of Its River Basin Complex

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    AbstractIse bay, Japan, is located at the river mouth of 10 class-A rivers, and its environment is closely related to management of their river basin complex (RBC). We developed a model to describe the ecosystem of RBC by developing three tool boxes: TB1 to describe the water/material flux network, TB2 to describe ecosystem mechanism in various categories of landscapes, and TB3 to standardize ecosystem services received at local sites and integrate them throughout RBC. Ecosystem has a function to change the fluxes, which is evaluated by TB2, and such flux change can be fed back to the flux networks in TB1. The outputs of the fluxes from the RBC are inputs for currents of water with various qualities to the bay, which can be computed by bay-dynamics modeling. Then it provides various fluxes from the bay interior to landscapes located along coastal zone, and it supports ecosystem there. Fishery is a kind of ecosystem service there. We focused on bivalve, Manila clam (Ruditapes philippinarum) because it uses various landscapes in a bay through its life cycle and it provides fishery activity as ecosystem service. We have developed TB1 and TB2 also in bay area successfully. Then, we evaluate the transition of quality of environments of RBC including Ise bay from the past to the present by using TB1-TB3 for river basin and bay area. Furthermore, we forecast the future situation and then we discuss how we can improve it through various combinations of measures and policies in the RBC as well as in the bay

    Stereoselective photodimerisation of chalcones in the molten state

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    Photodimerisations of chalcone and its derivatives in the molten state proceed efficiently and stereoselectively to give rac-anti-head-to-head dimers in all cases tested

    Guest-dependent novel photochromism of 7-bromo-1,4,8-triphenyl-2,3-benzo[3.3.0]octa-2,4,7-trien-6-one in its inclusion crystals

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    Inclusion crystals of 7-bromo-1,4,8-triphenyl-2,3-benzo[3.3.0]octa-2,4,7-trien-6-one (1) showed a reversible color change from yellow to green on exposure to UV-light, and this depends on the guest molecules present

    Selective Stobbe condensation under solvent-free conditions

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    Solvent-free condensation of cyclohexanone (1) and diethyl succinate (2) in the presence of ButOK at room temperature gives cyclohexylidenesuccinic acid (3), while heating a mixture of 1, 2 and ButOK at 80 °C gives only cyclohexenylsuccinic acid (4)

    Isolation of a nearly eclipsed chiral rotamer of 1,2-dichloroethane as an inclusion crystal with a chiral host compound

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    A nearly eclipsed chiral rotamer of 1,2-dichloroethane has been isolated in a pure state as an inclusion complex crystal with the chiral host compound, (S)-(-)-2-bromo-3,3a,8-triphenyl-1,3a-dihydrocyclopenta[ a]inden-1-one and an X-ray crystal structure of the complex has been studied.http://pubs.rsc.org/en/content/articlelanding/1997/cc/a702333

    The crystal and molecular structure of 2,7-di-tert-butyl-4,5,9,10-tetraphenylbenzo[1,2,:4,5]dicyclobutadiene: an exceptionally long C–C aromatic bond

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    The X-ray determined structure of the title compound is reported; it was found that the annelated bonds are the longest observed in a benzene derivative [1.540(5) Å]; ab initio calculations (at the B3LYP/6-31G* and MP2/6-31G* levels of theory) were used in order to understand the electronic and structural properties of the compound

    A new method for stereoselective bromination of stilbene and chalcone in a water suspension medium

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    Bromination reactions of (E )-stilbene and (E )-chalcone in a water suspension medium proceeded efficiently and stereoselectively, and the reaction products were collected easily by filtration

    Isolation of monomeric s-trans-acrylic acid as a hydroxy host inclusion crystal showing anomalous C=O stretching absorptions

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    The structure of monomeric s-trans-acrylic acid, trapped in an inclusion complex with an hydroxy host, was elucidated by X-ray analysis