30 research outputs found
Plug-in electric vehicles automated charging control
This paper examines how plug-in electric vehicles can be managed to balance the fluctuation of renewable electricity sources. In this context, different control strategies are introduced. To investigate indirect control via electricity tariffs, an electricity market analysis is conducted of a system with a high share of generation from renewable electricity sources. The analysis uses driving data collected from battery electric and plug-in hybrid vehicles in a research project which means that real charging and driving behavior can be considered. The results show that it is difficult to implement smart charging based on economic arguments because the incentives from day-ahead electricity markets are relatively small. In addition, a novel, autonomous control approach is discussed for plug-in electric vehicles. While measuring the voltage at the grid connection point, plug-in electric vehicles are able to fully independently generate operation schedules that can avoid load peaks and integrate fluctuating power outputs from distributed renewable generation sources. The results reveal that combining indirect, price-based control to consider the system level with autonomous voltage-based control to consider the situation in distribution grids is a very promising control approach that allows electric vehicles to benefit from sustainable renewable generation and avoids load peaks due to simultaneous charging
An OMNeT++ Model of the Control System of large-scale Concentrator Photovoltaic Power Plants
The communication system of a large-scale concentrator photovoltaic power plant is very challenging. Manufacturers are building power plants having thousands of sun tracking systems equipped with communication and distributed over a wide area. Research is necessary to build a scalable communication system enabling modern control strategies. This poster abstract describes the ongoing work on the development of a simulation model of such power plants in OMNeT++. The model uses the INET Framework to build a communication network based on Ethernet. First results and problems of timing and data transmission experiments are outlined. The model enables research on new communication and control approaches to improve functionality and efficiency of power plants based on concentrator photovoltaic technology
Solid-state NMR spectroscopic studies of 13C,15N,29Si-enriched biosilica from the marine diatom Cyclotella cryptica
Diatoms are algae producing micro- and nano-structured cell walls mainly containing amorphous silica. The shape and patterning of these cell walls is species-specific. Herein, the biosilica of Cyclotella cryptica , a centric marine diatom with a massive organic matrix, is studied. Solid-state NMR spectroscopy is applied to gain deeper insight into the interactions at the organic–inorganic interface of the cell walls. The various organic compounds like polysaccharides as well as proteins and long-chain polyamines (LCPAs) are detected by observation of heteronuclei like 13 C and 15 N whereas the silica phase is studied using 29 Si NMR spectroscopy. The sensitivity of the NMR experiments is strongly enhanced by isotope-labeling of the diatoms during cultivation with 13 C, 15 N and 29 Si. The presence of two different chitin species in the biosilica is demonstrated. This observation is supported by a monosaccharide analysis of the silica-associated organic matrix where a high amount of glucosamine is found. Moreover, the Rotational Echo Double Resonance (REDOR) experiment provides distance information for heteronuclear spins. 13 C{ 29 Si} REDOR experiments reveal proximities between different organic compounds and the silica phase. The closest contacts between silica and organic compounds appear for different signals in the 13 C-chemical shift range of 40–60 ppm, the typical range for LCPAs
Design Criteria For Robust And Secure Next Generation CPV Control Systems
The design of control systems of concentrator photovoltaic power plants will be more challenging in the future. Reasons are cost pressure, the increasing size of power plants, and new applications for operation, monitoring and maintenance required by grid operators, manufacturers and plant operators. Concepts and products for fixed-mounted photovoltaic can only partly be adapted since control systems for concentrator photovoltaic are considerable more complex due to the required high accurate sun-tracking. In order to assure reliable operation during a lifetime of more than 20 years, robustness of the control system is one crucial design criteria. This work considers common engineering technics for robustness, safety and security. Potential failures of the control system are identified and their effects are analyzed. Different attack scenarios are investigated. Outcomes are design criteria that encounter both: failures of system components and malicious attacks on the control system of future concentrator photovoltaic power plants. Such design criteria are a transparent state management through all system layers, self-tests and update capabilities for security concerns. The findings enable future research to develop a more robust and secure control system for concentrator photovoltaics when implementing new functionalities in the next generation
Solid-state NMR spectroscopic studies of 13C,15N,29Si-enriched biosilica from the marine diatom Cyclotella cryptica
Diatoms are algae producing micro- and nano-structured cell walls mainly containing amorphous silica. The shape and patterning of these cell walls is species-specific. Herein, the biosilica of Cyclotella cryptica , a centric marine diatom with a massive organic matrix, is studied. Solid-state NMR spectroscopy is applied to gain deeper insight into the interactions at the organic–inorganic interface of the cell walls. The various organic compounds like polysaccharides as well as proteins and long-chain polyamines (LCPAs) are detected by observation of heteronuclei like 13 C and 15 N whereas the silica phase is studied using 29 Si NMR spectroscopy. The sensitivity of the NMR experiments is strongly enhanced by isotope-labeling of the diatoms during cultivation with 13 C, 15 N and 29 Si. The presence of two different chitin species in the biosilica is demonstrated. This observation is supported by a monosaccharide analysis of the silica-associated organic matrix where a high amount of glucosamine is found. Moreover, the Rotational Echo Double Resonance (REDOR) experiment provides distance information for heteronuclear spins. 13 C{ 29 Si} REDOR experiments reveal proximities between different organic compounds and the silica phase. The closest contacts between silica and organic compounds appear for different signals in the 13 C-chemical shift range of 40–60 ppm, the typical range for LCPAs
Sektorkopplung - Definition, Chancen und Herausforderungen
[Einleitung und Motivation] Sektorkopplung bzw. Sektorenkopplung ist in den letzten Jahren in der Energie- und Klimapolitik als neue Begrifflichkeit aufgetaucht. Der hohe politische Stellenwert der Sektorkopplung in der heutigen energiepolitischen Diskussion spiegelt sich unter anderem im Klimaschutzplan 2050 (BMUB 2016) und in dem Grünbuch Energieeffizienz (BMWi 2016a) wider. Sektorkopplung soll einen entscheidenden Beitrag zur Erreichung ambitionierter Klimaschutzziele durch den verstärkten Einsatz von erneuerbarem Strom in den Sektoren Verkehr, Wärme und Industrie zur Substitution von fossilen Energieträgern leisten (siehe BMWi 2016a; BMUB 2016; aber auch RP-Energie-Lexikon 2017; Wietschel 2015a). Auch in weiten Teilen der Energiewirtschaft besteht ein Interesse an Sektorkopplung zur Erschließung neuer Optimierungs- und Geschäftsmöglichkeiten innerhalb eines sich verändernden Energiesystems (vgl. BDEW 2017a; DVGW 2017). Nicht zuletzt widmet sich auch der wissenschaftliche Diskurs der Sektorkopplung. Gegenstand der Untersuchungen sind derzeit die Möglichkeiten und konkreten Ausgestaltungsformen einer Kopplung unterschiedlicher Sektoren bzw. Teilsysteme aus ökologischer, ökonomischer, technischer, regulatorischer und sozialwissenschaftlicher Sicht (u. a. IWES et al. 2015; Ecke et al. 2016, dena 2017a, Acatech 2017, Wietschel et al. 2015). Wenngleich die Erforderlichkeit sowie die zukünftige Ausgestaltung der Sektorkopplung seitens Politik, Wirtschaft und Wissenschaft derzeit intensiv diskutiert werden, existiert bislang keine einheitliche und umfängliche Definition. Statt-dessen liegen mitunter deutlich abweichende Auffassungen des Begriffs vor und es existieren eine Reihe von Definitionen bzw. Verständnisse des Begriffs Sektorkopplung nebeneinander. Eine Literatursichtung führt dazu, dass einige Autorinnen und Autoren Sektorkopplung eher sehr eng fassen und darunter nur die Umwandlung von Erneuerbaren (Überschuss-)Strom in Gase oder Flüssigkeiten fassen. Andere wiederum unter Sektorkopplung alle Aspekte der Verzahnung von energierelevanten Sektoren verstehen und hier lediglich eine Abgrenzung zu Lösungen sehen, die nur innerhalb eines Sektors auftreten, wie die Eigennutzung von einer Dach-PV-Anlage im Haus [...]