15 research outputs found

    Diversity of Gut Microbiota Affecting Serum Level of Undercarboxylated Osteocalcin in Patients with Crohn’s Disease

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    Several reports have indicated a possible link between decreasing plasma levels of vitamin K and bone mineral density. It has been suggested that intestinal bacteria contribute to maintenance of vitamin K. Several factors are involved in the reduction of vitamin K in patients with Crohn’s disease (CD). We aimed to assess the relationship between gut microbiota and alternative indicators of vitamin K deficiency in patients with CD. We collected the feces of 26 patients with clinically inactive CD. We extracted 16S rRNA from the intestinal bacteria in the feces and amplified it by polymerase chain reaction. The generated polymerase chain reaction product was analyzed using a 16S metagenomic approach by Illumina Miseq platform. Serum undercarboxylated osteocalcin concentration was used as an alternative indicator of vitamin K deficiency. There was a significant negative correlation between serum undercarboxylated osteocalcin and mean Chao1 index in cases of low activity. The diversity of the gut microbiota was significantly lower, and Ruminococcaceae and Lachnospiraceae were significantly decreased in the vitamin K-deficient group in comparison to the vitamin K-normal group. Taken together, these data suggested the significance of investigating the gut microbiota even in patients with clinically inactive CD for improving patients’ vitamin K status

    Role of Biomarkers in the Diagnosis and Treatment of Inflammatory Bowel Disease

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    The number of patients with inflammatory bowel disease (IBD) is increasing worldwide. Endoscopy is the gold standard to assess the condition of IBD. The problem with this procedure is that the burden and cost on the patient are high. Therefore, the identification of a reliable biomarker to replace endoscopy is desired. Biomarkers are used in various situations such as diagnosis of IBD, evaluation of disease activity, prediction of therapeutic effect, and prediction of relapse. C-reactive protein and fecal calprotectin have a lot of evidence as objective biomarkers of disease activity in IBD. The usefulness of the fecal immunochemical test, serum leucine-rich glycoprotein, and urinary prostaglandin E major metabolite have also been reported. Herein, we comprehensively review the usefulness and limitations of biomarkers that can be used in daily clinical practice regarding IBD. To date, no biomarker is sufficiently accurate to replace endoscopy; however, it is important to understand the characteristics of each biomarker and use the appropriate biomarker at the right time in daily clinical practice

    Is Osteopontin a Friend or Foe of Cell Apoptosis in Inflammatory Gastrointestinal and Liver Diseases?

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    Osteopontin (OPN) is involved in a variety of biological processes, including bone remodeling, innate immunity, acute and chronic inflammation, and cancer. The expression of OPN occurs in various tissues and cells, including intestinal epithelial cells and immune cells such as macrophages, dendritic cells, and T lymphocytes. OPN plays an important role in the efficient development of T helper 1 immune responses and cell survival by inhibiting apoptosis. The association of OPN with apoptosis has been investigated. In this review, we described the role of OPN in inflammatory gastrointestinal and liver diseases, focusing on the association of OPN with apoptosis. OPN changes its association with apoptosis depending on the type of disease and the phase of disease activity, acting as a promoter or a suppressor of inflammation and inflammatory carcinogenesis. It is essential that the roles of OPN in those diseases are elucidated, and treatments based on its mechanism are developed

    The Etiology of Pancreatic Manifestations in Patients with Inflammatory Bowel Disease

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    Inflammatory bowel disease (IBD) is an idiopathic chronic and recurrent condition that comprises Crohn’s disease and ulcerative colitis. A pancreatic lesion is one of the extraintestinal lesions in patients with IBD. Acute pancreatitis is the representative manifestation, and various causes of pancreatitis have been reported, including those involving adverse effects of drug therapies such as 5-aminosalicylic acid and thiopurines, gall stones, gastrointestinal lesions on the duodenum, iatrogenic harm accompanying endoscopic procedures such as balloon endoscopy, and autoimmunity. Of these potential causes, autoimmune pancreatitis (AIP) is a relatively newly recognized disease and is being increasingly diagnosed in IBD. AIP cases can be divided into type 1 cases involving lymphocytes and IgG4-positive plasma cells, and type 2 cases primarily involving neutrophils; the majority of AIP cases complicating IBD are type 2. The association between IBD and chronic pancreatitis, exocrine pancreatic insufficiency, pancreatic cancer, etc. has also been suggested; however, studies with high-quality level evidence are limited, and much remains unknown. In this review, we provide an overview of the etiology of pancreatic manifestation in patients with IBD

    Impact of Autophagy of Innate Immune Cells on Inflammatory Bowel Disease

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    Autophagy, an intracellular degradation mechanism, has many immunological functions and is a constitutive process necessary for maintaining cellular homeostasis and organ structure. One of the functions of autophagy is to control the innate immune response. Many studies conducted in recent years have revealed the contribution of autophagy to the innate immune response, and relationships between this process and various diseases have been reported. Inflammatory bowel disease is an intractable disorder with unknown etiology; however, immunological abnormalities in the intestines are known to be involved in the pathology of inflammatory bowel disease, as is dysfunction of autophagy. In Crohn’s disease, many associations with autophagy-related genes, such as ATG16L1, IRGM, NOD2, and others, have been reported. Abnormalities in the ATG16L1 gene, in particular, have been reported to cause autophagic dysfunction, resulting in enhanced production of inflammatory cytokines by macrophages as well as abnormal function of Paneth cells, which are important in intestinal innate immunity. In this review, we provide an overview of the autophagy mechanism in innate immune cells in inflammatory bowel disease

    Current Diagnostic and Therapeutic Approaches to Cytomegalovirus Infections in Ulcerative Colitis Patients Based on Clinical and Basic Research Data

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    Human cytomegalovirus (HCMV) is a ubiquitous herpesvirus (the human herpesvirus 5) and an opportunistic pathogen that primarily infects HIV-positive and other immuno-compromised patients. Retrospective studies in the field of inflammatory bowel disease (IBD) have suggested a relationship between a concomitant colonic HCMV infection and poor outcomes in patients with an ulcerative colitis (UC) due to the presence of HCMV in surgical specimens of patients with a toxic megacolon or a steroid-resistant UC. Therefore, gastroenterologists have focused on the contribution of HCMV infections in the exacerbation of UC. Numerous studies have addressed the benefits of treating colonic HCMV reactivation in UC using an antiviral treatment. However, its clinical relevance remains uncertain as only a few prospective studies have assessed the direct relationship between clinical outcomes and the viral load of HCMV in colonic tissues. HCMV reactivation can be triggered by inflammation according to fundamental research studies. Thus, optimal control of intestinal inflammation is essential for preventing an HCMV reactivation in the intestinal mucosa. Indeed, several reports have indicated the effectiveness of an anti-tumor necrosis factor-alpha (TNFα) treatment in patients with an active UC and concomitant HCMV infections. In this review, we describe the mechanism of HCMV reactivation in UC cases and discuss the current issues regarding diagnosis and treatment of HCMV infections in UC patients

    Efficacy and safety of endoscopic procedures for common bile duct stones in patients aged 85 years or older: A retrospective study.

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    The Endoscopic procedures for common bile duct (CBD) stones are reportedly safe in the elderly patients. However, the definition of the elderly is different in each report. If the elderly are defined as people aged 85 years or older, data on the effectiveness and safety of endoscopic retrograde cholangiopancreatography (ERCP) for CBD stones are limited. This study investigated the efficacy and safety of endoscopic procedures for CBD stones in patients aged 85 years or older. 1,016 consecutive ERCP procedures were performed at our institution from January 2009 to December 2014. Of these, 235 cases with CBD stones were finally analyzed. Group A patients were younger than 85 years and Group B patients were 85 years or older. Patient background, details of endoscopic therapy, complications, and related factors were retrospectively reviewed for 185 cases in Group A, and 50 cases in Group B. Patients in Group B showed high rates of dementia and cerebrovascular disorders and larger CBD stones and diameters, in comparison with patients in Group A. The complete removal rate of bile duct stones was slightly higher in Group A. However, there was no difference between the two groups in recurrence rate of CBD stones, complication and mortality rates, and length and cost of hospitalization. Despite some differences between the two groups, endoscopic procedures for CBD stones in patients aged 85 years or older can be performed effectively and safely without increasing medical costs