593 research outputs found

    Radio Frequency Electrical Resistance Measurement under Destructive Pulsed Magnetic Fields

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    We developed a resistance measurement using radio frequency reflection to investigate the electrical transport characteristics under destructive pulsed magnetic fields above 100 T. A homemade flexible printed circuit for a sample stage reduced the noise caused by the induced voltage from the pulsed magnetic fields, improving the accuracy of the measurements of the reflected waves. From the obtained reflectance data, the absolute value of the magnetoresistance was successfully determined by using a phase analysis with admittance charts. These developments enable more accurate and comprehensive measurements of electrical resistance in pulsed magnetic fields.Comment: 7 pages, 5 figure

    The Earliest Optical Observations of GRB 030329

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    We present the earliest optical imaging observations of GRB 030329 related to SN 2003dh. The burst was detected by the HETE-2 satellite at 2003 March 29, 11:37:14.67 UT. Our wide-field monitoring started 97 minutes before the trigger and the burst position was continuously observed. We found no precursor or contemporaneous flare brighter than V=5.1V=5.1 (V=5.5V=5.5) in 32 s (64 s) timescale between 10:00 and 13:00 UT. Follow-up time series photometries started at 12:51:39 UT (75 s after position notice through the GCN) and continued for more than 5 hours. The afterglow was Rc=12.35±0.07Rc= 12.35\pm0.07 at t=74t=74 min after burst. Its fading between 1.2 and 6.3 hours is well characterized by a single power-law of the form f(mJy)=(1.99±0.02(statistic)±0.14(systematic))×(t/1day)0.890±0.006(statistic)±0.010(systematic)f{\rm(mJy)} = (1.99\pm0.02{\rm (statistic)}\pm0.14{\rm (systematic)}) \times (t/1 {\rm day})^{-0.890\pm 0.006 {\rm (statistic)}\pm 0.010 {\rm (systematic)}} in RcRc-band. No significant flux variation was detected and upper limits are derived as (Δf/f)RMS=35(\Delta f/f)_{\rm RMS} = 3-5% in minutes to hours timescales and (Δf/f)RMS=355(\Delta f/f)_{\rm RMS} = 35-5% in seconds to minutes timescales. Such a featureless lightcurve is explained by the smooth distribution of circumburst medium. Another explanation is that the optical band was above the synchrotron cooling frequency where emergent flux is insensitive to the ambient density contrasts. Extrapolation of the afterglow lightcurve to the burst epoch excludes the presence of an additional flare component at t<10t<10 minutes as seen in GRB 990123 and GRB 021211.Comment: ApJL, in pres

    Magnetic and Dielectric Properties in Multiferroic Cu3Mo2O9 under High Magnetic Fields

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    The magnetic and dielectric properties under high magnetic fields are studied in the single crystal of Cu3Mo2O9. This multiferroic compound has distorted tetrahedral spin chains. The effects of the quasi-one dimensionality and the geometrical spin frustration are expected to appear simultaneously. We measure the magnetoelectric current and the differential magnetization under the pulsed magnetic field up to 74 T. We also measure the electric polarization versus the electric field curve/loop under the static field up to 23 T. Dielectric properties change at the magnetic fields where the magnetization jumps are observed in the magnetization curve. Moreover, the magnetization plateaus are found at high magnetic fields.Comment: 6 pages, 3 figures, in press in JPS Conf. Proc. as a part of SCES2013 Proceeding

    Quantum Criticality of an Ising-like Spin-1/2 Antiferromagnetic Chain in Transverse Magnetic Field

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    We report on magnetization, sound velocity, and magnetocaloric-effect measurements of the Ising-like spin-1/2 antiferromagnetic chain system BaCo2_2V2_2O8_8 as a function of temperature down to 1.3 K and applied transverse magnetic field up to 60 T. While across the N\'{e}el temperature of TN5T_N\sim5 K anomalies in magnetization and sound velocity confirm the antiferromagnetic ordering transition, at the lowest temperature the field-dependent measurements reveal a sharp softening of sound velocity v(B)v(B) and a clear minimum of temperature T(B)T(B) at Bc,3D=21.4B^{c,3D}_\perp=21.4 T, indicating the suppression of the antiferromagnetic order. At higher fields, the T(B)T(B) curve shows a broad minimum at Bc=40B^c_\perp = 40 T, accompanied by a broad minimum in the sound velocity and a saturation-like magnetization. These features signal a quantum phase transition which is further characterized by the divergent behavior of the Gr\"{u}neisen parameter ΓB(BBc)1\Gamma_B \propto (B-B^{c}_\perp)^{-1}. By contrast, around the critical field, the Gr\"{u}neisen parameter converges as temperature decreases, pointing to a quantum critical point of the one-dimensional transverse-field Ising model.Comment: Phys. Rev. Lett., to appea

    Hall coefficient and Hc2 in underdoped LaFeAsO0.95F0.05

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    The electrical resistivity and Hall coefficient of LaFeAsO0.95F0.05 polycrystalline samples were measured in pulsed magnetic fields up to m0H = 60 T from room temperature to 1.5 K. The resistance of the normal state shows a negative temperature coefficient (dr/dT < 0) below 70 K for this composition, indicating insulating ground state in underdoped LaFeAsO system in contrast to heavily doped compound. The charge carrier density obtained from Hall effect can be described as constant plus a thermally activated term with an energy gap DE = 630 K. Upper critical field, Hc2, estimated from resistivity measurements, exceeds 75 T with zero-field Tc = 26.3 K, suggesting an unconventional nature for superconductivity.Comment: 12 pages and 4 figure

    Pion interferometry with pion-source-medium interactions

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    An extended pion source, which can be temporarily created by a high energy nuclear collision, will also absorb and distort the outgoing pions. We discuss how this effect alters the interferometric pattern of the two-pion momentum correlation function. In particular, we show that the two-pion correlation function decreases rapidly when the opening angle between the pions increases. The opening-angle dependence should serve as a new means of obtaining information about the pion source in the analysis of experimental data.Comment: 14 pages (revtex) and 9 figures (uuencoded), Caltech preprint MAP-175, Indiana Univ. preprint IU/NTC 914-1