72 research outputs found

    Tissue Characterization of Coronary Plaque by Using Fractal Analysis-based Features of IVUS RF-signal

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    We propose a precise tissue characterization method of coronary plaque by using fractal analysis-based features which are obtained from radiofrequency (RF) signal employing intravascular ultrasound (IVUS) method. The IVUS method is used for the diagnosis of the acute coronary syndromes (ACS). In the proposed method, the fact that the RF signal reflects the complexity of the structure of tissue is used. The effectiveness of the proposed method is verified through a series of experiments by using IVUS RF signals obtained from a rabbit and a human patient

    Molecular dynamics simulations on interaction between dislocation and Y2O3 nanocluster in FE

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    For a new insight on the mechanical properties of oxide dispersion strengthened (ODS) steels from atomistic viewpoints, we have implemented molecular dynamics simulations on the interaction between Y2O3 nanocluster and dislocation in bcc Fe. There is so far no all-round interatomic potential function that can represent all the bonding state, i.e. metal, ion and covalent systems, so that we have adopted rough approximation. That is, each atom in Y2O3 is not discriminated but treated as “monatomic” pseudo-atom; and its motion is represented with the simple pairwise potential function as same as Johnson potential for Fe. The potential parameters are fitted to the energy change in the hcp infinite crystal, by using the ab-initio density functional theory(DFT) calculation for explicitly discriminated Y and O. We have set edge/screw dislocation in the centre of periodic slab cell, and approached it to the “YO” monatomic nano-cluster coherently precipitated in bcc-Fe matrix. The dislocation behavior is discussed by changing the size and periodic distance of the nano-cluster. Among the many useful results, we have obtained a conclusion that the edge dislocation is strongly trapped by YO sphere larger than the diameter of d =0 .9nm, while the screw dislocation shows various behavior, e.g. it cuts through the precipiate without remarkable resistance if the dislocation line tension is high, or it changes the slip plane leaving jogs at the position anterior to the precipiate with loose line tensio

    Case Reports of TFE3-Rearranged Renal Cell Carcinoma: FDG-PET Uptake Might Help Diagnosis

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    Translocation and transcription factor E3 (TFE3)-rearranged renal cell carcinoma (RCC) is a rare subtype of RCCs characterised by the fusion of the TFE3 transcription factor genes on chromosome Xp11.2 with one of the multiple genes. TFE3-rearranged RCC occurs mainly in children and adolescents, although middle-aged cases are also observed. As computed tomography (CT)/magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) findings of TFE3-rearranged RCC overlap with those of other RCCs, differential diagnosis is often challenging. In the present case reports, we highlighted the features of the fluorine-18-labelled fluorodeoxyglucose positron emission tomography with CT (FDG PET-CT) in TFE3-rearranged RCCs. Due to the rarity of the disease, FDG PET-CT features of TFE3-rearranged RCC have not yet been reported. In our cases, FDG PET-CT showed high standardised uptake values (SUVmax) of 7.14 and 6.25 for primary tumours. This might imply that TFE3-rearranged RCC has high malignant potential. This is conceivable when the molecular background of the disease is considered in terms of glucose metabolism. Our cases suggest that a high SUVmax of the primary tumour is a clinical characteristic of TFE3-rearranged RCCs

    Promotion of Secondary School Science Education Driven by Inquiry-Based Activity

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    This article reports fundamental researches organized for developing a novel teaching/learning system in secondary school science. A curriculum constructed by an effective integration of content-based and context-based curriculum arrangements is proposed for generating teaching/learning opportunities through various inquiry-based activities on the basis of previously acquired science knowledge and concepts. The science subjects, including physics, chemistry, biology and earth science, have different logics and methodologies of science, but those are completed by mutual interdependences. Therefore, various storylines that cover different leraning contents in science subjects can be developed. The inquiry-based activities along different storylines provide students with opportunities to correlate previous learnings in different science subjects and to experience various cognitive and scientific skills. Based on such findings of our basic researches, the merits of the science education system proposed in this study is discussed briefly.本研究は,科学研究費補助金基盤研究(A)(一般)(25242015)による

    Polycystic Kidney Disease in the Medaka (Oryzias latipes) pc Mutant Caused by a Mutation in the Gli-Similar3 (glis3) Gene

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    Polycystic kidney disease (PKD) is a common hereditary disease in humans. Recent studies have shown an increasing number of ciliary genes that are involved in the pathogenesis of PKD. In this study, the Gli-similar3 (glis3) gene was identified as the causal gene of the medaka pc mutant, a model of PKD. In the pc mutant, a transposon was found to be inserted into the fourth intron of the pc/glis3 gene, causing aberrant splicing of the pc/glis3 mRNA and thus a putatively truncated protein with a defective zinc finger domain. pc/glis3 mRNA is expressed in the epithelial cells of the renal tubules and ducts of the pronephros and mesonephros, and also in the pancreas. Antisense oligonucleotide-mediated knockdown of pc/glis3 resulted in cyst formation in the pronephric tubules of medaka fry. Although three other glis family members, glis1a, glis1b and glis2, were found in the medaka genome, none were expressed in the embryonic or larval kidney. In the pc mutant, the urine flow rate in the pronephros was significantly reduced, which was considered to be a direct cause of renal cyst formation. The cilia on the surface of the renal tubular epithelium were significantly shorter in the pc mutant than in wild-type, suggesting that shortened cilia resulted in a decrease in driving force and, in turn, a reduction in urine flow rate. Most importantly, EGFP-tagged pc/glis3 protein localized in primary cilia as well as in the nucleus when expressed in mouse renal epithelial cells, indicating a strong connection between pc/glis3 and ciliary function. Unlike human patients with GLIS3 mutations, the medaka pc mutant shows none of the symptoms of a pancreatic phenotype, such as impaired insulin expression and/or diabetes, suggesting that the pc mutant may be suitable for use as a kidney-specific model for human GLIS3 patients

    Active Learning Models in Science Classes

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    研究の第1年次に当たる本年は,理科におけるアクティブラーニング型授業の構造化に向けて,内化と外化の往還を取り入れた授業デザインとその実践に取り組み,具体的実践の蓄積を行った。小学校,中学校,高等学校それぞれで実践を行ったところ,1)学習内容の定着が図られる,2)発展的な内容や未習内容を生徒が主体的に理解することが可能である,3)協働的な学びの場面を加えることで理解の深化が図られる,4)どのような課題に取り組ませるのかといった課題の設定がカギである,5)アクティブラーニングであるか否かを判断するための要素を明らかにする必要がある,などの一定の成果と課題が明らかになった。The purpose of this study is to create active learning models in science classes. As the first-year research, the authors designed the classes which would include a round trip between externalization and internalization, and put them into practice. The designed models were adopted in elementary, junior high and senior high school classes. What have become clear are as the following; 1) Students’ acquisition of the learning contents can be promoted, 2) Students can understand advanced contents proactively, 3) Students’ learning can be deepened by adding collaborative activities, 4) The success or failure to active learning may depend on the quality of the tasks which students work on, 5) It is necessary to clarify the factors to determine active learning

    The Role of Science Education in the Construction of a Knowledge-Based Society

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    知識基盤社会における理科の役割は,科学的に探究する活動を通して得られた結果(情報)を活用し,それらの情報から導き出した自らの考えを表現する能力を高めることである。これまでに明らかになったことは,授業者が実験結果に対して関連付けることができる事項を明確にし,分析・解釈する視点を与えることが重要であるということである。今年度は,小学校,中学校,高等学校の理科で,パフォーマンス課題を取り入れた探究活動を行い,多くの授業者が共有できる方向性を考えた。実践の結果,以下のことが明らかになった。1)小集団での話し合いの質を高めるためには,話し合いの目的と方法を明示することが重要であること。2)そのために授業者の関わり方を引き続き検討する必要があること。3)パフォーマンス課題の設計には授業者がよりメタ認知を働かせることが必要であること。今後は,このような実践経験を広く共有すべきであると考えている。Science education should help students to utilize results and information through activities, to investigate scientifically, and to develop their abilities to express ideas they have derived from those results. We have learned that it is important for instructors to clarify which results from experiments relate to each other and to give students some clear perspectives for analyzing and interpreting them. This academic year, we investigated performance tasks at elementary, junior high, and senior high school levels. Through our research we have learned that to improve the quality of discussion in small groups, it is important to make the purpose and method clear. We also showed that instructors should monitor how they engage with students in the course of discussion and that they need to function meta-cognitive abilities more to design performance tasks

    SOM Based on Nonlinear Distance Measure Defined by Graph

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    第4回 SCIS国際会議 & 第9回ISIS国際会議 (International Conference on Soft Computing and Intelligent Systems and International Symposium on Advanced Intelligent Systems, SCIS-ISIS 2008), 名古