15 research outputs found

    ActivitĂ© des extraits de six variĂ©tĂ©s de piment (Capsicum) utilisĂ©s en Cote d’Ivoire

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    Objectif : Évaluer in vitro les activitĂ©s antifongique de trois extraits de piments (Capsicum) utilisĂ©s en CĂŽte d’Ivoire (extrait aqueux, Ă©thanolique 70% et acĂ©tatique) sur la croissance de Penicillium sp. Fusarium sp., Alternaria sp., Aspergillus flavus et Aspergillus niger.MĂ©thodologies et rĂ©sultats : La mĂ©thode de diffusion en milieu solide et la mĂ©thode de diffusion en milieu liquide ont Ă©tĂ© utilisĂ©s pour les tests antimicrobiens. Les rĂ©sultats obtenus ont rĂ©vĂ©lĂ© une sensibilitĂ© de quatre des cinq microbes testĂ©s aux diffĂ©rents extraits. Cependant, quelque soit le microbe, l’extrait Ă©thanolique s’est avĂ©rĂ© le plus actif avec des valeurs de Concentration Minimale Inhibitrice (CMI) de 84 mg/mL et de Concentration Minimale Fongicide (CMF) de 168 mg/mL. Par ailleurs, les extraits ont montrĂ© des effets fongicide contre Alternaria sp, Penicillium sp., Fusarium sp., Apergillus flavus.Conclusion et Application : Selon les rĂ©sultats obtenus, l’éthanol a Ă©tĂ© le meilleur solvant dans la concentration des principes actifs du piment. En outre, les activitĂ©s antifongiques des extraits de piments (Capsicum) mise en évidence dans cette Ă©tude pourraient justifier l‘utilisation du piment dans le traitement de diverses maladies en milieu traditionnel.Mots clĂ©s : Capsicum, piment, antifongique, extrait aqueux, extrait Ă©thanolique, extrait acĂ©tatiqueActivity of the extracts of six varieties of pepper (Capsicum) used in CĂŽte d'IvoireObjective: To evaluate the in vitro antifungal activities of three extracts from peppers (Capsicum) used in CĂŽte 'Ivoire (aqueous extract, ethanolic 70% extract and acĂ©tatic extract) on the growth Penicillium sp, Fusarium sp, Alternaria sp, Aspergillus flavus and Aspergillus niger.Methodology and results: The method of diffusion in solid and the method of dilution in liquid medium were used for antimicrobial testing. The results showed a antifungal sensitivity of four of the five different samples tested molds. However, whatever the microbe, ethanol extract was found to be most active with values of Minimum Inhibitory Concentration (MIC) of 84 mg / mL and Minimum Fungicide Concentration (MFC) of 168 mg / mL. In addition, all extracts showed fungicidal effects against Alternaria sp., Penicillium sp., Fusarium sp., Apergillus flavus.Conclusion and Application: According to the results, ethanol was the best solvent in the concentration of active ingredients of pepper. In addition, the antifungal activities of extracts from peppers (Capsicum) demonstrated in this study may justify the use of pepper in the treatment of various diseases in traditional medicine.Keywords: Capsicum, pepper, antifungal, aqueous total extract, ethanolic extract, acĂ©tatic extrac

    Evaluation de la connaissance et utilisation des variĂ©tĂ©s de piment (Capsicum) cultivĂ©es en CĂŽte d’Ivoire

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    Cette étude a été entreprise pour répertorier et décrire les différentes variétés de piment consommées en Côte d’Ivoire en vue de leur valorisation. Un questionnaire a permis de recueillir des renseignements sur la connaissance et les différentes formes d’usages du piment. Les variétés de Capsicum étudiées sont connues à 98% aussi bien par les femmes, les hommes que par les différents groupes ethniques. Les 2 espèces cultivées et retrouvées sur les marchés d’Abidjan sont Capsicum annuum et Capsicum frutescens, réparties en 6 variétés: Capsicum annuum jaune, Capsicum annuum antillais, Capsicum frutescens soudanais, Capsicum frutescens attié, Capsicum frutescens doux et Capsicum frutescens oiseau. Le piment est consommé quotidiennement à 97,16% chez les femmes contre 87% chez les hommes pour ses propriétés nutritionnelle (18%) et sensorielle (15%). Il est consommé et apprécié pour son goût piquant (23%) moyennement fort (32%), suivi de l’arôme (10%). Les sauces sont les modes de consommation les plus fréquentes (30,24%) suivies par les grillades (8,89%). Le piment est aussi connu par les populations pour ses propriétés médicinales. La constipation serait à 23%, l’affection la plus traitée par les variétés de Capsicum, suivie des gastro-entérites (14%). Ces informations recueillies sur le piment font de ce fruit-légume, une ressource agricole à prendre en compte dans tout programme de valorisation des richesses floristiques dont disposent la Côte d’Ivoire.Mots clés: Capsicum, piment, épice, propriété sensorielle, propriété médicinal

    Indicateurs De Pollution Fecale Dans Une Lagune Tropicale A Forte Influence Continentale (Lagune Aby, Cîte D’ivoire)

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    Cette étude a été conduite entre juin 2010 et mars 2011 afin d’évaluer le niveau de pollution fécale des eaux de la lagune Aby et de déterminer l’influence des facteurs physico-chimiques sur cette pollution. Les analyses ont concerné 72 échantillons d’eau et 36 échantillons de sédiments couvrant six secteurs lagunaires. Les charges moyennes des coliformes et des streptocoques fécaux des eaux des différentes stations étudiées varient respectivement de 1,73 à 3,07 log UFC.100 mL-1 et de 1,18 à 2,63 log UFC.100 mL-1 ; celles des sédiments varient de 3,16 à 4,1 log UFC.100 g-1 pour les coliformes fécaux et de 2,79 à 3,93 log UFC.100 g-1 pour les streptocoques fécaux. Les valeurs moyennes de la température dans ces eaux de surface varient de 26,9 à 29,4°C ; celles de la salinité de 0,0083 à 1,1 ppt et de 6,5 à 7,6 pour le pH. Le pH, la température et la salinité ont une faible influence sur les charges des indicateurs fécaux dans les eaux de surface. La qualité bactériologique des eaux de la lagune Aby dans l’ensemble est acceptable pour les activités récréatives telles que les baignades selon le décret n°81324 du 7 avril 1981 du Conseil des communautés européennes.Mots clés: Paramètres physico-chimiques, indicateurs, lagune Aby, pollution fécale, Côte d’IvoireThis study was conducted to determine the level of fecal pollution of the Aby lagoon and the effects of physicochemical parameters on this pollution from June 2010 and March 2011. The analysis was realized on 72 water samples and 36 sediments samples in six lagoon sectors. Mean values of fecal coliforms and fecal streptococci in water varied from 1.73 to 3.07 log CUF.100 mL-1 and from 1.18 to 2.63 log CUF.100 mL-1 respectively for the stations investigated. For sediments, the values ranged from 3.16 to 4.1 log CUF.100 g-1 for fecal coliforms and 2.79 to 3.93 log CUF.100 g-1 for fecal streptococci. For water, mean values for temperature varied from 26,9 to 29,4°C, those of salinity from 0,0083 to 1,1 ppt and from 6.7 to 7.6 for the pH. pH, temperature and salinity have almost no effect on the fecal indicator bacteria in waters. According to the European community guideline (n°81324 of 7 April 1981), the quality of the lagoon Aby water is acceptable for activities such as bathing

    Perception des risques sanitaires dans le maraüchage à Abidjan, Cîte d’Ivoire

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    Cette Ă©tude a Ă©tĂ© conduite pour Ă©valuer le niveau de connaissance et de perception des risques sanitaires dans le secteur du maraĂźchage Ă  Abidjan, Ă  travers une enquĂȘte transversale. Le maraĂźchage est pratiquĂ© Ă  77,98% par les hommes et Ă  22,02% par les femmes, qui sont pour la plupart des analphabĂštes (58,6%). DiffĂ©rents types de lĂ©gumes sont produits Ă  savoir les laitues (40,97%), laitues+autres lĂ©gumes (32,12%) et autres lĂ©gumes (26,9%). 73,4% des producteurs ne sont pas conscients des risques de contamination dus Ă  leurs comportements contre 8,3% qui affirment reconnaĂźtre leur part de responsabilitĂ©s dans la contamination des produits maraĂźchers. De maniĂšre prĂ©fĂ©rentielle, 89,2% des exploitants agricoles utilisent des sacs en fil de coton pour le conditionnement des lĂ©gumes frais qui sont transportĂ©s Ă  71% vers les points de vente au moyen de vĂ©hicules. En l’absence d’une Ă©ducation sanitaire fondĂ©e et des  interventions localement adaptĂ©es, les cultivateurs n’accordent pas une attention particuliĂšre Ă  la prĂ©vention des risques sanitaires.© 2013 International Formulae Group. All rights reserved.Mots clĂ©s: Conception, fruits et lĂ©gumes, contamination, maraĂźchage pĂ©riurbain, comportement des maraĂźchers

    Proximate composition and mycological characterization of peanut butter sold in retail markets of Abidjan (Cîte d’Ivoire)

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    Objective: The aim of this work was to contribute to the food safety of Ivorian consumers by investigating the proximate composition and the toxic fungal contamination of peanut butters offered for retail sale on the different markets of Abidjan.Methodology and results: Peanut butter samples (45) were collected from the main markets of the 9 communes of Abidjan District and their physicochemical and mycological characteristics were determined. Statistical analyses were performed on the data obtained. Mean proximate composition was as follow: moisture (1.03 – 4.50 %), pH (6.25 – 6.72), titratable acidity (9.18 – 18.48 meq/100 g), ash (5 – 5.5 %), crude fibre (5 – 6.78 %), protein (21 – 30 %), lipids (41 – 50 %), carbohydrate (15 – 26 %) and energy (560 – 640 kcal/100 g). The total fungi isolated ranged from 104 to 106 CFU/g. Eight (8) genera of fungi were isolated: Mucor, Alternaria, Helmintosporium, Geotrichum, Fusarium, Cladosporium, Penicillium and Aspergillus. The predominant fungi belonged to Aspergillus genus (20.22 – 51.65 %) followed by Helmintosporium (0 – 47.44 %) and Penicillium (0 – 41.54%). The mycotoxigenic fungi were isolated with a frequency of 14.81, 13.95, 9.1 and 21.62 % for Aspergillus versicolor, Aspergillus ochraceus, Aspergillus flavus and Aspergillus parasiticus, respectively.Conclusions and application of findings: Peanut butter sold in retail markets in Abidjan District are nutritive and could meet the dietary needs of the population. However, the presence of mycotoxigenic fungi represents a public health problem. Therefore, good manufacturing processing and good hygiene practices would help to minimize fungal contamination in order to obtain good sanitary peanut butters.Key words: Peanut butter, physicochemical characteristics, fungal contamination, retail markets

    Effet du nombre de recyclages de la biomasse de Saccharomyces uvarum sur quelques paramĂštres de la fermentation primaire au cours de la production de la biĂšre en CĂŽte d'Ivoire

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    Effect of the number of recycled biomass of the yeast Saccharomyces uvarum on some parameters of primary fermentation during beer production in CÎte d'Ivoire. A study was conducted on the yeast Saccharomyces uvarum during the production of beer to determine the impact of the number of recycled yeast biomass on some primary fermentation parameters and to understand variations during primary fermentation time. The work was carried out with six cycles of beer production. The first cycle was done with the initial culture of S. uvarum and the five others with its recycled biomass. After each cycle of production, the yeast biomass obtained is re-used to inoculate another mash and the same operation was repeated until the sixth cycle of production of the beer. Thus during each of the six cycles, several parameters such as the rate of fermentation, the diacetyle reduction time, the rate of alcohol production, etc. were measured. The fifth and sixth cycles showed the longest primary fermentation time (10 days) and the longest diacetyle reduction time (6.8 and 7.6 days respectively). The first and second cycles have the shortest primary fermentation time (8.33 and 8.25 days respectively) and diacetyle reduction time (3.33 days for each cycle). The interval between the theoretical and the practical attenuation limit differs according to the cycle of production. The highest gap (0.51) was obtained with the last cycle (sixth) while the shortest was obtained with the first cycle, 0.13. The fermentation rate varied from 1.71 to 1.97°P per day. The quantity of sugar consumed varied from 8.83 to 10.70°P and the rate of alcohol produced from 4.56 to 4.90°P. The yeast from the two last cycles flocculated quicker than the others. The number of cells in suspension for these cycles was 4.1.106 and 4.2.106 cells.ml-1 respectively versus 25.106 and 20.106 cells.ml-1 respectively for the two first cycles. The yeast biomass from the first four cycles should be used for the production of the beer, which would correspond to recycle the yeast S. uvarum only three times instead of five times

    Etude de la qualité microbiologique d'une espÚce tropicale de crabe: Callinectes amnicola

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    Study of the Microbiological Quality of a Tropical Species of Crab: Callinectes amnicola. Callinectes amnicola, a species of crab widely consumed in Ivory Coast, was microbiologically analysed due to the high pollution of fishery waters. A survey of 180 crabs including 90 males and 90 females bought in three different places -two markets and a place of fishing- was carried out. The storage temperature of crabs in the shellfish bags (25.5 °C and 26.5 °C for two markets) indicates that selling of crabs without refrigeration supports the proliferation of germs in these food products. The bacteriological analyses show that the majority of crabs, males (89%) and females (71%) are contaminated by anaerobic sulfite-reducers. The male (84.4%) are more contaminated by fecal coliforms than the females (62.2%). The crabs bought in the two markets give the highest percentages of infection by fecal coliforms (80% and 73.3% against 66.7% for the place of fishing). Salmonella is found in 3.3% of crabs. 91% of males and 67% of females have an unacceptable microbiological quality, and are therefore unsuitable for human consumption. This study shows the medical risk for populations consuming C. amnicola, especially if this shellfish is not properly cooked before consumption

    Some functional properties of the flour and starch from grains of two cowpea (Vigna unguiculata) cultivars grown in Cîte d’Ivoire

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    This work was undertaken to evaluate proximate composition and functionality of the grains of two cowpea cultivars. The seeds of the white cultivar had dimensions and weights higher than those of the brown cultivar (9.05 and 7.50 mm - 0.22 and 0.15 g respectively). Major components were carbohydrate and protein, 48.35 % and 28 % for the brown cultivar and 47.99 and 26.25% for the white cultivar, respectively. Lipids were present at lower levels in the two cultivars (2.44 to 2.52 %). Brown cultivar showed high cellulose content, about twice (6 g/100g) that of white cultivar (3.6 g/100g). Phosphorus (429.63 to 430.01 mg/100g), magnesium (119.22 to 131.28%), and calcium (48.67 to 54.72 mg/100g) were the major minerals in the seeds of both cultivars. Both cultivars recorded similar water holding capacity although the white cultivar was more resistant to soaking or less hydroscopic. At 95°C, the starch and the flour solubility for the BrC was 42.23 and 41.74% that of the WC was 40.99 and 50.37% respectively. The two cultivars of cowpea studied appeared to have identical chemical composition with the exception of their content in cellulose, ashes and magnesium.Keywords: Cowpea, proximate composition, water holding, solubility, starch, flou

    Potential enterobacteria risk factors associated with contamination of lettuce (Lactuca sativa) grown in the peri-urban area of Abidjan (Cîte d’Ivoire)

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    This study was conducted to determine the risk factors associated with the contamination of lettuce grown in the suburban area of Abidjan. A total of 216 samples were collected. Total aerobic bacterial counts and Enterobacteriaceae were investigated on soil, fertilizer, irrigation water and lettuce samples. Mean values of total aerobic count for sites 1 and 2 were 9.97 log10 cfu/g and 8.20 log10 cfu/g for the manure respectively,and 8.11 log10 cfu/g for the soil of both sites. Lettuce samples from the market were more contaminated by Enterobacteriaceae than those obtained from the production sites. The main enterobacteria isolated wereSalmonella gallinarum, Serratia marcescens and E. coli. All the lettuce samples analysed were contaminated by E. coli and Serratia. The prevalences of Serratia marcescens on lettuce from the market and from the production sites 1 and 2 were 58.33%, 33.33% and 41.67% respectively while those of E. coli were 33.33%, 25% and 8.33% respectively. The most common Salmonella serotypes isolated was Salmonella gallinarum with prevalences of 50%, 41.67%, 58.33%. Salmonella choleraesuis and Shigella sonnei were weakly represented. The manure has the highest potential as a source of contamination and infection of lettuce followed by the soils