112 research outputs found


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    Using a D\overline D meson cloud model we calculate the squared charm radius of the nucleon . The ratio between this squared radius and the ordinary baryon squared radius is identified with the probability of ``seeing'' the intrinsic charm component of the nucleon. Our estimate is compatible with those used to successfully describe the charm production phenomenology.Comment: 9 pages, 2 figures not included, avaiable from the author

    Finite Nuclei in a Relativistic Mean-Field Model with Derivative Couplings

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    We study finite nuclei, at the mean-field level, using the Zimanyi-Moskowski model and one of its variations (the ZM3 model). We calculate energy levels and ground-state properties in nuclei where the mean-field approach is reliable. The role played by the spin-orbit potential in sorting out mean-field model descriptions is emphasized.Comment: 17 pages, 9 figures, 30 kbytes. Uses EPSF.TEX. To appear in Zeit. f. Phys. A (Hadrons and Nuclei

    Electromagnetic Moments of the Baryon Decuplet

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    We compute the leading contributions to the magnetic dipole and electric quadrupole moments of the baryon decuplet in chiral perturbation theory. The measured value for the magnetic moment of the Ω\Omega^- is used to determine the local counterterm for the magnetic moments. We compare the chiral perturbation theory predictions for the magnetic moments of the decuplet with those of the baryon octet and find reasonable agreement with the predictions of the large--NcN_c limit of QCD. The leading contribution to the quadrupole moment of the Δ\Delta and other members of the decuplet comes from one--loop graphs. The pionic contribution is shown to be proportional to IzI_z (and so will not contribute to the quadrupole moment of I=0I=0 nuclei), while the contribution from kaons has both isovector and isoscalar components. The chiral logarithmic enhancement of both pion and kaon loops has a coefficient that vanishes in the SU(6)SU(6) limit. The third allowed moment, the magnetic octupole, is shown to be dominated by a local counterterm with corrections arising at two loops. We briefly mention the strange counterparts of these moments.Comment: Uses harvmac.tex, 15 pages with 3 PostScript figures packed using uufiles. UCSD/PTH 93-22, QUSTH-93-05, Duke-TH-93-5

    NN interaction in a Goldstone boson exchange model

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    Adiabatic nucleon-nucleon potentials are calculated in a six-quark nonrelativistic chiral constituent quark model where the Hamiltonian contains a linear confinement and a pseudoscalar meson (Goldstone boson) exchange interaction between quarks. Calculations are performed both in a cluster model and a molecular orbital basis, through coupled channels. In both cases the potentials present an important hard core at short distances, explained through the dominance of the [51]_{FS} configuration, but do not exhibit an attractive pocket. We add a scalar meson exchange interaction and show how it can account for some middle-range attraction.Comment: 32 pages with 12 eps figures incorporated, RevTeX. Final version published in PR

    Derivative-Coupling Models and the Nuclear-Matter Equation of State

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    The equation of state of saturated nuclear matter is derived using two different derivative-coupling Lagrangians. We show that both descriptions are equivalent and can be obtained from the sigma-omega model through an appropriate rescaling of the coupling constants. We introduce generalized forms of this rescaling to study the correlations amongst observables in infinite nuclear matter, in particular, the compressibility and the effective nucleon mass.Comment: 16 pages, 6 figures, 36 kbytes. To appear in Zeit. f. Phys. A (Hadrons and Nuclei

    Hadronization of a Quark-Gluon Plasma in the Chromodielectric Model

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    We have carried out simulations of the hadronization of a hot, ideal but effectively massive quark-gluon gas into color neutral clusters in the framework of the semi-classical SU(3) chromodielectric model. We have studied the possible quark-gluon compositions of clusters as well as the final mass distribution and spectra, aiming to obtain an insight into relations between hadronic spectral properties and the confinement mechanism in this model.Comment: 34 pages, 37 figure

    Chiral Symmetry and the Nucleon's Vector Strangeness Form Factors

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    The nucleon's strange-quark vector current form factors are studied from the perspective of chiral symmetry. It is argued that chiral perturbation theory cannot yield a prediction for the strangeness radius and magnetic moment. Arrival at definite predictions requires the introduction of additional, model-dependent assumptions which go beyond the framework of chiral perturbation theory. A variety of such model predictions is surveyed, and the credibility of each is evaluated. The most plausible prediction appears in a model where the unknown chiral counterterms are identified with tt-channel vector meson exchange amplitudes. The corresponding prediction for the mean square Dirac strangeness radius is rs2=0.24\langle r_s^2\rangle = 0.24 fm2^2, which would be observable in up-coming semileptonic determinations of the nucleon's strangeness form factors.Comment: LaTex 31 pages, four figures available from authors

    Proton drip-line nuclei in Relativistic Hartree-Bogoliubov theory

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    Ground-state properties of spherical even-even nuclei 14Z2814\leq Z \leq 28 and N=18,20,22N=18,20,22 are described in the framework of Relativistic Hartree Bogoliubov (RHB) theory. The model uses the NL3 effective interaction in the mean-field Lagrangian, and describes pairing correlations by the pairing part of the finite range Gogny interaction D1S. Binding energies, two-proton separation energies, and proton rmsrms radii that result from fully self-consistent RHB solutions are compared with experimental data. The model predicts the location of the proton drip-line. The isospin dependence of the effective spin-orbit potential is discussed, as well as pairing properties that result from the finite range interaction in the pppp channel.Comment: 12 pages, RevTex, 10 p.s figures, submitted to Phys. Rev.

    dbar/ubar Asymmetry and the Origin of the Nucleon Sea

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    The Drell-Yan cross section ratios, σ(p+d)/σ(p+p)\sigma(p+d)/\sigma(p+p), measured in Fermilab E866, have led to the first determination of dˉ(x)/uˉ(x)\bar d(x) / \bar u(x), dˉ(x)uˉ(x)\bar d(x) - \bar u(x), and the integral of dˉ(x)uˉ(x)\bar d(x) - \bar u(x) for the proton over the range 0.02x0.3450.02 \le x \le 0.345. The E866 results are compared with predictions based on parton distribution functions and various theoretical models. The relationship between the E866 results and the NMC measurement of the Gottfried integral is discussed. The agreement between the E866 results and models employing virtual mesons indicates these non-perturbative processes play an important role in the origin of the dˉ\bar d, uˉ\bar u asymmetry in the nucleon sea.Comment: 5 pages, 3 figures, ReVTe

    Electromagnetic Form Factors of the Nucleon in an Improved Quark Model

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    Nucleon electromagnetic form factors are studied in the cloudy bag model (CBM) with center-of-mass and recoil corrections. This is the first presentation of a full set of nucleon form factors using the CBM. The center of mass motion is eliminated via several different momentum projection techniques and the results are compared. It is found that the shapes of these form factors are significantly improved with respect to the experimental data if the Lorentz contraction of the internal structure of the baryon is also appropriately taken into account.Comment: revtex, 28 pages, 8 ps figs include