162 research outputs found

    Algorithms for the indefinite and definite summation

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    The celebrated Zeilberger algorithm which finds holonomic recurrence equations for definite sums of hypergeometric terms F(n,k)F(n,k) is extended to certain nonhypergeometric terms. An expression F(n,k)F(n,k) is called a hypergeometric term if both F(n+1,k)/F(n,k)F(n+1,k)/F(n,k) and F(n,k+1)/F(n,k)F(n,k+1)/F(n,k) are rational functions. Typical examples are ratios of products of exponentials, factorials, Ξ“\Gamma function terms, bin omial coefficients, and Pochhammer symbols that are integer-linear with respect to nn and kk in their arguments. We consider the more general case of ratios of products of exponentials, factorials, Ξ“\Gamma function terms, binomial coefficients, and Pochhammer symbols that are rational-linear with respect to nn and kk in their arguments, and present an extended version of Zeilberger's algorithm for this case, using an extended version of Gosper's algorithm for indefinite summation. In a similar way the Wilf-Zeilberger method of rational function certification of integer-linear hypergeometric identities is extended to rational-linear hypergeometric identities

    REDUCE package for the indefinite and definite summation

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    This article describes the REDUCE package ZEILBERG implemented by Gregor St\"olting and the author. The REDUCE package ZEILBERG is a careful implementation of the Gosper and Zeilberger algorithms for indefinite, and definite summation of hypergeometric terms, respectively. An expression aka_k is called a {\sl hypergeometric term} (or {\sl closed form}), if ak/akβˆ’1a_{k}/a_{k-1} is a rational function with respect to kk. Typical hypergeometric terms are ratios of products of powers, factorials, Ξ“\Gamma function terms, binomial coefficients, and shifted factorials (Pochhammer symbols) that are integer-linear in their arguments

    Formal power series

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    In this article we will describe the \Maple\ implementation of an algorithm presented in~\cite{Koe92}--\cite{Koeortho} which computes an {\em exact\/} formal power series (FPS) of a given function. This procedure will enable the user to reproduce most of the results of the extensive bibliography on series~\cite{Han}. We will give an overview of the algorithm and then present some parts of it in more detail

    Representations of orthogonal polynomials

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    Zeilberger's algorithm provides a method to compute recurrence and differential equations from given hypergeometric series representations, and an adaption of Almquist and Zeilberger computes recurrence and differential equations for hyperexponential integrals. Further versions of this algorithm allow the computation of recurrence and differential equations from Rodrigues type formulas and from generating functions. In particular, these algorithms can be used to compute the differential/difference and recurrence equations for the classical continuous and discrete orthogonal polynomials from their hypergeometric representations, and from their Rodrigues rperesentations and generating functions. In recent work, we used an explicit formula for the recurrence equation of families of classical continuous and discrete orthogonal polynomials, in terms of the coefficients of their differential/difference equations, to give an algorithm to identify the polynomial system from a given recurrence equation. In this article we extend these results by presenting a collection of algorithms with which any of the conversions between the differential/difference equation, the hupergeometric representation, and the recurrence equation is possible. The main technique is again to use texplicit formulas for structural identities of the given polynomial systems

    Algorithms for classical orthogonal polynomials

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    In this article explicit formulas for the recurrence equation p_{n+1}(x) = (A_n x + B_n) p_n(x) - C_n p_{n-1}(x) and the derivative rules sigma(x) p'_n(x) = alpha_n p_{n+1}(x) + beta_n p_n(x) + gamma_n p_{n-1}(x) and sigma(x) p'_n(x) = (alpha_n-tilde x + beta_n-tilde) p_n(x) + gamma_n-tilde p_{n-1}(x) respectively which are valid for the orthogonal polynomial solutions p_n(x) of the differential equation sigma(x) y''(x) + r(x) y'(x) + lambda_n y(x) = 0 of hypergeometric type are developed that depend only on the coefficients sigma(x) and tau(x) which themselves are polynomials w.r.t. x of degree not larger than 2 and 1, respectively. Partial solutions of this problem had beed previously published by Tricomi, and recently by Y\'a\~nez, Dehesa and Nikiforov

    On the De Branges theorem

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    Recently, Todorov and Wilf independently realized that de Branges' original proof of the Bieberbach and Milin conjectures and the proof that was later given by Weinstein deal with the same special function system that de Branges had introduced in his work. In this article, we present an elementary proof of this statement based on the defining differential equations system rather than the closed representation of de Branges' function system. Our proof does neither use special functions (like Wilf's) nor the residue theorem (like Todorov's) nor the closed representation (like both), but is purely algebraic. On the other hand, by a similar algebraic treatment, the closed representation of de Branges' function system is derived. In a final section, we give a simple representation of a generating function of the de Branges functions
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