40 research outputs found

    Reformasi Pelayanan Publik

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    The reformation that is rolledon in the middle of may 1998 is a demand that a change in the quality of bureaucracy service is needed by the society. It is a fact that the bureaucracy fails, it is full of corruption, formal and other negative senses.The internal factors that contribute in bureaucracy reformation are globalization and free trade, the development of technology and human rights. The reformation is still in the surface level, it means the change is only in political problems, not in bureaucracy. In this case the man of letters .from France states that bureaucracy is a dull donkey that will only neglect the society. It is the strength of traditional culture.There is not a modern bureaucracy that makes efficiency, effectivity and rationality as a priority. If the nation will overcome these problems, a reformation is really needed. The ideal motto of bureaucracy is "giving good service for prosperity of the society" it must become the main reference. Keywords: Reformation , Satisfaction of the society

    Penyingkapan-diri, Perilaku Seksual, Dan Penyalahgunaan Narkoba

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    Research was based on drug abused phenomenon of youth, which lead to the question: what the real caused and the effect of drug abuse was. The aim of the research was to find out whether there were correlation between self-disclosure and drug abuse, the drug abuse and sexual behavior, and the self-disclosure and sexual behavior. Here also to answer empirical research about why the interrelation between 3 variables above was existed and how those effect to one another. Subjects were 18-24 years old drug users in Yogyakarta and already graduated from or still in High School. Fifty-one subjects successfully participate this research. Researcher was using Quantitative Method for analyzing data, Product Moment Analysis and Regression Analysis, and Qualitative Method for answering empirical question about the psychological dynamics of drug abusers. The research was proceed by giving Self-Disclosure Questionnaire and Sexual Behavior Questionnaire to all subjects. Followed by In Depth Interview, Participant Observation, and finally Focus Group Discussion was conducted to 3 of them in order to have a comprehensive understanding about drug abusers. The result of quantitative data analysis shows there are no correlation between either sels-disclosure and drug abuse nor drug abuse and sexual behavior. Nevertheless, there is a significance correlation between selfdisclosure and sexual behavior. The result of qualitative data shows some substance dealing with drug abusers. The substances are the the first drug used started from trial and error, the effect of drugs abused to sexual behavior depend on each individual differences, and the users show unsatisfied relationships to their parents but has a high level of self-disclosure especially to the peer from the same sex. Keywords: self-disclosure, sexual behavior, and drug abus

    Pengaruh Pelatihan Strategi Koping Adaptif untuk Menurunkan Tingkat Stres pada Wanita Hamil Pranikah

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    Kehamilan pranikah memiliki banyak dampak negatif. Bukan hanya bagi perkembangan janin, namun juga bagi kesehatan psikologis ibu seperti stres selama kehamilan yang dapat mengarah pada kondisi depresi selama dan pasca melahirkan. Keterampilan mengelola stres diperlukan agar para wanita yang mengalami hamil pranikah mampu melalui masa-masa kehamilan mereka dengan kondisi psikologis yang lebih sehat. Hipotesis penelitian ini adalah pelatihan strategi koping adaptif dapat mengubah strategi koping serta menurunkan tingkat stres pada wanita hamil pranikah. Desain penelitian menggunakan kuasi eksperimen yang melibatkan partisipan sebanyak 5 orang wanita hamil pranikah. Pengukuran menggunakan skala koping dan skala stres kehamilan yang diberikan sebelum pelatihan, setelah pelatihan dan 2 minggu setelah pelatihan. Setelah melakukan analisis kuantitatif dengan Mc Nemar test dan Wilcoxon sign ranks test, hasil penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa tidak ada Perubahan strategi koping dengan nilai p=1,000 dan tidak ada penurunan tingkat stres yang signifikan pada subjek penelitian setelah mengikuti pelatihan strategi koping adaptif yang ditunjukkan dengan nilai z=-1,753 dan p=0,080. Namun berdasarkan hasil analisis secara kualitatif, menunjukkan adanya penurunan beberapa aspek stres yang berbeda-beda pada masing-masing subjek penelitia

    Konsep Diri Perempuan Marginal

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    The aim of this study was to make an objective description about self concept of “Perempuan Marginal” (women in marginal social and economic status) by concerning the rearing environment characterization. The hypotesis was there is difference self-concept related in the rearing environmen. Data was collected from 77 subjects, 34 subjects upbringing by original family, 34 subject were reared in orphanage and the rest 9 subjects were taken from street children community. Data was gathered by Q-Sort test modification, observation, interview and also by Focus Group Discussion. Result shows that female teenagers from orphanage have the highest selfconcept, meanwhile female teenagers from street children community have the lowest self-concept. Keywords: self-concept; “perempuan marginal”; teenage

    Model Simulasi Dan Visualisasi Prediksi Potensi Hasil Dan Produksi Kedelai Di Jawa Timur

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    The prediction of national soybean yield and production could be improved its accuracy by integrating a simulation model and Geographic Information Systems (GIS). The objective of this research was to integrate a simulation model with a GIS, to predict the potential yield and production of soybean in the soybean production centers of East Java. This study was conducted from December 2013 till May 2014. The approach used in this study was a systems approach using a simulation model as solution to the problem. The model is SUCROS.SIM (Simple Universal Crops Growth Simulator), which was written using Powersim software and Spreadsheet in order to be fully integrated with GIS. The initial phase of the integration process between SUCROS.SIM and GIS are as follows (a) model validation, using input data of soybean plant assimilate partitioning, (b) climatic data (solar radiation, maximum and minimum temperatures) collected from the climatological station (BMKG) Karangploso Malang and (c) observation data of soybean yields of two varieties (Wilis and Argomulyo) at Muneng Experiment Station. It was found that the coefficients of determination of simulation model of soybean yield potential (R2) range from 0.945-0.992 and RMSE (Root Mean Square Error) values range from 0.11 to 0.25 t/ha. The average of soybean yield potential and production in 2012 at soybean production centers of East Java were 1.94 t/ha and 293,459 ton, respectively. The conclusion is SUCROS.SIM valid to be integrated with GIS

    Penyebaran Kuat Tekan Beton Pada Penampang Spun-pile

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    Spun pile dibuat dengan metode spinning. Hal ini menimbulkan pertanyaan mengenai homogenitas kekuatan tekan beton pada spun pile karena proses pemadatan dilakukan dengan memanfaatkan gaya sentrifugal. Pada saat spun pile di spinning, material dengan massa jenis yang besar akan cenderung terlempar pada dinding luar tiang pancang sehingga menyebabkan sisi terluar tiang cenderung lebih padat. Penelitian ini mempelajari mengenai penyebaran kuat tekan beton pada penampang spun pile yang ada di lapangan. Dalam penelitian ini, pengambilan benda uji dilakukan dengan metode pengeboran (core drill) pada spun pile di lapangan. Pengambilan benda uji diambil masing-masing searah dan tegak lurus dengan panjang spun pile. Setelah itu benda uji diratakan dengan gerinda dan dilakukan pengujian kuat tekan. Hasil kuat tekan masing-masing benda uji dikoreksi berdasarkan dimensi dan arah pengambilan sesuai dengan standar pengeboran beton inti (SNI 03-3403-1994). Hasil penelitian awal ini menunjukkan bahwa, untuk hasil benda uji yang sejajar panjang tiang menunjukkan kepadatan benda uji yang diambil pada radius terjauh dari sumbu spun pile relatif lebih padat, akan tetapi kekuatan tekannya tidak manunjukkan konsistensi dengan kepadatan. Sedangkan untuk benda uji yang diambil tegak lurus panjang tiang, semakin jauh dari sumbu tiang semakin padat dan semakin kuat