101 research outputs found

    q-Krawtchouk polynomials as spherical functions on the Hecke algebra of type B

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    The generic Hecke algebra for the hyperoctahedral group, i.e. the Weyl group of type B, contains the generic Hecke algebra for the symmetric group, i.e. the Weyl group of type A, as a subalgebra. Inducing the index representation of the subalgebra gives a Hecke algebra module, which splits multiplicity free. The corresponding zonal spherical functions are calculated in terms of q-Krawtchouk polynomials. The result covers a number of previously established interpretations of (q-)Krawtchouk polynomials on the hyperoctahedral group, finite groups of Lie type, hypergroups and the quantum SU(2) group. Jimbo's analogue of the Frobenius-Schur-Weyl duality is a key ingredient in the proof.Comment: AMS-TeX v. 2.1, 30 page

    Convolutions for orthogonal polynomials from Lie and quantum algebra representations

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    The interpretation of the Meixner-Pollaczek, Meixner and Laguerre polynomials as overlap coefficients in the positive discrete series representations of the Lie algebra su(1,1) and the Clebsch-Gordan decomposition leads to generalisations of the convolution identities for these polynomials. Using the Racah coefficients convolution identities for continuous Hahn, Hahn and Jacobi polynomials are obtained. From the quantised universal enveloping algebra for su(1,1) convolution identities for the Al-Salam and Chihara polynomials and the Askey-Wilson polynomials are derived by using the Clebsch-Gordan and Racah coefficients. For the quantised universal enveloping algebra for su(2) q-Racah polynomials are interpreted as Clebsch-Gordan coefficients, and the linearisation coefficients for a two-parameter family of Askey-Wilson polynomials are derived.Comment: AMS-TeX, 31 page

    Noncommutative Gauge Theory on the q-Deformed Euclidean Plane

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    In this talk we recall some concepts of Noncommutative Gauge Theories. In particular, we discuss the q-deformed two-dimensional Euclidean Plane which is covariant with respect to the q-deformed Euclidean group. A Seiberg-Witten map is constructed to express noncommutative fields in terms of their commutative counterparts.Comment: 5 pages; Talk given by Frank Meyer at the 9th Adriatic Meeting, September 4th-14th, 2003, Dubrovni

    Green function on the quantum plane

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    Green function (which can be called the q-analogous of the Hankel function) on the quantum plane E_q^2= E_q(2)/U(1) is constructed.Comment: 8 page

    Big q-Laguerre and q-Meixner polynomials and representations of the algebra U_q(su(1,1))

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    Diagonalization of a certain operator in irreducible representations of the positive discrete series of the quantum algebra U_q(su(1,1)) is studied. Spectrum and eigenfunctions of this operator are found in an explicit form. These eigenfunctions, when normalized, constitute an orthonormal basis in the representation space. The initial U_q(su(1,1))-basis and the basis of eigenfunctions are interrelated by a matrix with entries, expressed in terms of big q-Laguerre polynomials. The unitarity of this connection matrix leads to an orthogonal system of functions, which are dual with respect to big q-Laguerre polynomials. This system of functions consists of two separate sets of functions, which can be expressed in terms of q-Meixner polynomials M_n(x;b,c;q) either with positive or negative values of the parameter b. The orthogonality property of these two sets of functions follows directly from the unitarity of the connection matrix. As a consequence, one obtains an orthogonality relation for q-Meixner polynomials M_n(x;b,c;q) with b<0. A biorthogonal system of functions (with respect to the scalar product in the representation space) is also derived.Comment: 15 pages, LaTe

    Covariant q-differential operators and unitary highest weight representations for U_q su(n,n)

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    We investigate a one-parameter family of quantum Harish-Chandra modules of U_q sl(2n). This family is an analog of the holomorphic discrete series of representations of the group SU(n,n) for the quantum group U_q su(n, n). We introduce a q-analog of "the wave" operator (a determinant-type differential operator) and prove certain covariance property of its powers. This result is applied to the study of some quotients of the above-mentioned quantum Harish-Chandra modules. We also prove an analog of a known result by J.Faraut and A.Koranyi on the expansion of reproducing kernels which determines the analytic continuation of the holomorphic discrete series.Comment: 26 page

    Quantum Field Theory on the Noncommutative Plane with Eq(2)E_q(2) Symmetry

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    We study properties of a scalar quantum field theory on the two-dimensional noncommutative plane with Eq(2)E_q(2) quantum symmetry. We start from the consideration of a firstly quantized quantum particle on the noncommutative plane. Then we define quantum fields depending on noncommutative coordinates and construct a field theoretical action using the Eq(2)E_q(2)-invariant measure on the noncommutative plane. With the help of the partial wave decomposition we show that this quantum field theory can be considered as a second quantization of the particle theory on the noncommutative plane and that this field theory has (contrary to the common belief) even more severe ultraviolet divergences than its counterpart on the usual commutative plane. Finally, we introduce the symmetry transformations of physical states on noncommutative spaces and discuss them in detail for the case of the Eq(2)E_q(2) quantum group.Comment: LaTeX, 26 page

    The oscillator model for the Lie superalgebra sh(2|2) and Charlier polynomials

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    We investigate an algebraic model for the quantum oscillator based upon the Lie superalgebra sh(2|2), known as the Heisenberg-Weyl superalgebra or "the algebra of supersymmetric quantum mechanics", and its Fock representation. The model offers some freedom in the choice of a position and a momentum operator, leading to a free model parameter gamma. Using the technique of Jacobi matrices, we determine the spectrum of the position operator, and show that its wavefunctions are related to Charlier polynomials C_n with parameter gamma^2. Some properties of these wavefunctions are discussed, as well as some other properties of the current oscillator model.Comment: Minor changes and some additional references added in version

    A Commuting q-Analogue of the Addition Formula for Disk Polynomials

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