419 research outputs found

    Terahertz-Wave Parametric Sources

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    Research on Hydrogen-Bonded Materials Using Terahertz Technology

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    We measured terahertz (THz) characterization of hydrogen-bonded materials using THz time domain spectroscopy (TDS) with a gas-cooling cryostat. The temperature and frequency dependencies of the complex dielectric constants of icy materials were measured over a wide temperature range. We checked the dielectric parameters of ices and gas hydrates using a mathematical model. Ice exhibits increasing absorption with frequency in the THz range because of the low-frequency tail of the infrared-absorption band. This behavior is also observed in gas hydrates. The parameters describing the frequency dependence of ε″ are treated as functions of temperature. From the THz spectroscopy on gas hydrates, we showed that the dielectric constants of the gas hydrates in the THz range can be analyzed using methods for ice. The complex dielectric constants in the THz range contribute to the infrared polarization and phonon absorption of the water molecules on the hydrogen-bonding matrices, so we suggest that THz-TDS is useful for physical and chemical studies of gas hydrates

    Labor Relation Theories in Post-war Japan (I)

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    International transfer of kaizen: an empirical study of Japanese manufacturers in the Netherlands

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    In the past few decades, a number of studies have been published that have identified specific Japanese approaches to management as being superior to other types of approaches (e.g. Toyota Production System). Recently, one of the specific issues that received attention is the concept of kaizen. Kaizen is generally defined as continuous improvement. It has been viewed as a key element in Japanese management and has been presented as one of the sources of the competitiveness of Japanese manufacturers (Imai, 1986: xxix). The transfer of kaizen overseas has been studied as part of studies on international transfer of Japanese management practices as well as in studies on best practices


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    The Middle Way may be, roughly speaking, understood from the philosophical point of view that things are neither existent nor nonexistent(非有非無). Nagarjuna seems to assume that this philosophical understanding of the Middle Way is taught so as to cancel any discursive knowledge whatsoever, including discursive knowledge of existence and that of non-existence, both of which pertain to the most fundamental categories by which to comprehend phenomena. Tsong kha pa gives two sorts of interpretations of "neither existcnce nor non-existence." In a context which concerns "the four alternative positions" (catuh-koti) along the same lins as Nagarjuna does and assumes that one should negate any discursive knowledge whatsoever that presupposes hypothesized entitics, namely, not only hypothesized existence (有), but hypothesized non-existence (無) as well. However, unlike other Madhyamaka followers, including Nagarjuna, he thinks that mental activities should be classified as virtuous (prajna) viz. the understanding of non-substantiality (vicious). We must not discard the former. In another context, he gives another interpretation of it in terms of the "two truths theory" (satya-dvaya). It shows that the hypothesized entities are denied on the uhimate level(非有), but everyday things must remain undenied(非無)on the conventional level

    High-Brightness and Continuously Tunable Terahertz-Wave Generation

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    One of the interesting frequency regions lies in the “frequency gap” region between millimeter wave and infrared, terahertz (THz) wave. Although new methods for generating terahertz radiation have been developed, most sources cannot generate high-brightness (high-peak-power and narrow-linewidth) and continuously tunable terahertz waves. Here, we introduce the generation of high-brightness and continuously tunable terahertz waves using parametric wavelength conversion in a nonlinear crystal; this is brighter than many specialized sources such as far-infrared free-electron lasers. We revealed novel optical parametric wavelength conversion using stimulated Raman scattering in lithium niobate as a nonlinear crystal without stimulated Brillouin scattering using recently developed microchip Nd:YAG laser. Furthermore, we show how to optimize the tuning curve by controlling the pumping and seeding beam. These are very promising for extending applied research into the terahertz region, and we expect that this source will open up new research fields such as nonlinear optics in the terahertz regio

    Kualitas Pelayanan Resep Obat Berdasarkan Waktu Tunggu Di Apotek Panacea Bulan Juli Tahun 2018

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    Lama waktu tunggu pelayanan resep dapat mencerminkan suatu proses kerja dari tenaga farmasi dalam melakukan pelayanan yang disesuaikan dengan situasi dan harapan pasien. Tujuan yang ingin dicapai dalam penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui kualitas pelayanan resep obat berdasarkan waktu tunggu di Apotek Panacea Kupang pada bulan Juli tahun 2018. Jenis penelitian yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah deskriptif observatif yaitu penelitian dengan melakukan pengamatan secara langsung di tempat penelitian untuk mendapatkan data. Sampel penelitian adalah resep racikan dan non racikan. Data yang diperoleh dianalisis secara deskriptif menggunakan lembar observasi. Berdasarkan hasil penelitian yang didapat, waktu tunggu pelayanan resep obat berdasarkan jenis resep yaitu resep obat racikan dan obat jadi dapat dikatakan baik, karena masih memenuhi standar pelayanan minimal dibidang kesehatan pelayanan farmasi tahun 2008 yaitu dibawah 30 menit dengan waktu tunggu obat jadi 8,8 menit dan obat racikan 10,8 menit. Waktu tunggu pelayanan resep obat berdasarkan jumlah item obat berkualitas baik dengan waktu tunggu jumlah item obat lebih dari satu 11,6 menit, dan resep dengan jumlah satu item obat membutuhkan waktu tunggu 8,4 menit