5 research outputs found

    Urban waste water discharges and their treatment: Case study Waste Water Treatment Plant of Kavaja (WWTPK)

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    WWTPK is the first plant built sewage purification in the Republic of Albania (RA). This plant it is placed in the Kavaja region, district of Tirana. For this is an important area sewage treatment and waste water treatment according to the standards of the Ministry of Environment, Forestry and Water Management (MoE) in Republic of Albania and not directly discharged untreated in nature. In order to determine productivity of the IPUZ and to predict the future of the operation, the results of the analysis of BOD, COD, SS are produced. According to chemical analyzes carried out in the period from February to May-June 2012 the water quality of effluents meet the standards under MoE for BOD, SS and COD parameters. The method used in this plant is the two stage method, physical and biological treatment. It is important to mention the lack of measurement of pH, temperature and O2 for a period of more than 1 year; and the lack of measurement of total phosphorus as a procedure, as a determinant of nutrients eutrophication of surface waters. For better result of water quality we think it is necessary to use the third level of cleaning waste water (chemical treatment)

    Water resources systems planning and management

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    The most fundamental human needs of water are for drinking, cooking and personal hygiene. In order to fulfill these needs, the quality of the water used should cause no risk to human health. The quality of the water in nature also affects the condition of ecosystems all living organisms depend on. At the same time, humans use water bodies as convenient sinks for the disposal of domestic, industrial and agricultural wastewaters. This, of course, degrades the quality of those water bodies. Water resources management involves the monitoring and management of water quality as much as the monitoring and management of water quantity. Various models have been developed to assist in predicting the water quality impacts of alternative land and water management policies and practices. This research provides a pricing framework for decision-makers that will help in the development of strategies for water quality management. However, trading schemes can be complex to set up with factors such as the number of facilities involved in the scheme and the variety of the pollutants discharged influencing the complexity. Success depends upon achieving a balance between the environmental benefits of improving water quality and administration costs. In Europe the drive to improve water quality under the EU Water Framework Directive (WFD) encourages European citizens to get involved in improving water quality. Following recommendations from the IPCC3, the WFD aims to prevent and control emissions into water. Implementation of trading schemes could contribute to these goals

    The Surface Distribution of Oil Spills, the Environmental Status of the Visoka Oilfield, Its Rehabilitation Ways: Case Study

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    Visoka oilfield was explored in 1963 through the well G-622. In this oilfield had been drilled more than 170 production wells. Through all this years of its exploitation, mainly because of the outdated technology, the environmental pollution reached really dramatic values. The pollution extends on the Visoka village, affecting so the life for the entire community. The oil spills, the gas emissions and the formation water affected and polluted and ―k illed‖ the Gjanica River, its delta and the Adriatic coast in the Semani beach. Due to the technology and the completely wrong policies, used in the past, the wells had been equipped with a pit, whose actually are filled with oil, water and solid wastes. Now these mixtures are more similar with TAR‘s. This is the main evidence which proves that, the area had never been cleaned up properly. Actually the reservoir had been given in use to a foreigner company, based in a petroleum agreement. The concessionary has already preparing the rehabilitation plan. Based on the best international experience the cleaning up ways will be based on the oil spill treatment, mainly through dispersants, the water treatment through dispersants, filtrations processes and reinjection and the emissions cleaning up mainly through reinjection. The polluted soil will be treated through thermal methods, or will be deposited in a closed landfill. Evaluations, calculations and spatial distribution of the oil spills of the Gjanica River and Adriatic Sea are presented in this paper

    3D Conceptual Modelling and Direct Utilization Calculations of The Albanian Geothermal Resources

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    Albanian possibilities on geothermal direct utilization

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    The Llixha Elbasan hot springs are among the most important geothermal springs of Albania. Balneological use dates back centuries, but the first modern use started in 1937. Unfortunately this water has not been used for its energetic values yet. The temperature of the water is above 60 °C and the flow above 16 l/s, thus direct utilization is possible, in particular for space heating. Three-dimensional temperature field calculations and engineering calculations on a heating system with heat exchangers are presented here. The results show that the water temperature is expected to be stable and considerably higher temperature is expected through deep well drilling. Geothermal water of Llixha hot springs fulfils all requirements needed for a district heating system in the region. The University's Campus of Tirana is composed of 29 buildings, which are partially heated through a coal heater. The installed capacity is 2558 kW while the coal consumption is about 920 kg/h. The University's Campus of Tirana is one of the most important areas and with the highest density of population in Tirana, so it is the best area to show the heat exchanger efficiency. The economical analyses prove that the borehole heat exchangers are more convenient than the coal heating systems.Geothermal Temperature field Modeling Radiators Wells Borehole heat exchangers