572 research outputs found

    Color Photograph of a Statue of Standing Abraham Lincoln

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    Color snapshot photo; statue of standing A. Lincoln, at an unidentified location. In this photograph, the state of Abraham Lincoln is in the center of the image. Abraham Lincoln is depicted holding an axe while facing outward. The background of the image is pick. produced by the Kodak Company (American,1888-present)https://scholarsjunction.msstate.edu/fvw-artifacts/4713/thumbnail.jp

    Evaluating preference for reinforcers under varying schedule requirements in children with developmental disabilities

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    Previous research has shown that preference for concurrently available reinforcers can be influenced by the reinforcement schedule (DeLeon, Neidert, Anders, & Rodriguez-Catter, 2001; Tustin, 1994). However, limited research has been conducted on specific variables that may influence preference under various schedule requirements. The present study evaluated the influence of task preference, schedule, and quality of reinforcement on choice between either an arbitrary reinforcer or a functional reinforcer. Five participants diagnosed with Autism participated in the study. In the first phase, we evaluated the effects of task preference and schedule of reinforcement on choice between a 30-s break and a high preference food item. The results indicated that the food item was preferred over the break, regardless of the preference level of the task and schedule of reinforcement. In the second phase of the study, the parameters of the break were manipulated and toys and/or attention were added to the break. Only one participant showed preference for the enriched break during Phase 2. In the third phase of the study, we evaluated preference for a medium and/or low preference food item versus the enriched break. Three of the four participants in this phase showed preference for the break over the lower preference food item


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    The paper explores the poetics of a well-known drama by Kulish paying special attention to its pathos, symbolic structures, comic and melodramatic elements, roles of characters, theatricality, and various allusions to the realistic drama. The interpretation offered here involves some of the methods of analytical psychology.У статті розглядаються риси поетики відомої драми М. Куліша: пафос, символізація, елементи комізму й мелодраматизму, персонажні ролі, театральність, перегуки із класичною реалістичною традицією. В інтерпретації задіяно інструментарій аналітичної психології

    Effects of Reward Magnitude Frames on Measures of Delay Discounting in a Hypothetical Money Scenario

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    The current study analyzed the effects of three frames of reward magnitude – quantity, volume, and duration – on the rate at which college students discounted hypothetical, delayed monetary rewards. Hypothetical scenarios were presented using the fill-in-the-blank discounting questionnaire and participants made choices between immediate and delayed hypothetical monetary rewards. Scenarios framed the monetary choices as (a) quantity of dollar bills, (b) height (inches) of a stack of dollar bills, and (c) duration of time spent in a hypothetical cash machine to collect dollar bills. For each scenario, participants’ subjective values were used to calculate the area under the curve (AuC). Framing resulted in a moderate effect size: the duration frame yielded significantly smaller AuC values compared to the quantity and volume frames. Thus, the framing of reward magnitude was a significant variable in controlling discounting rates for hypothetical, delayed monetary rewards. Subsequent investigations should be aware of the independent effects of the reward magnitude frames on delay discounting rates

    Geometric reliability model of the five site redundant structure

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    The study results from the graphical representation on connectivity probability of systems that have structural redundancy for modeling. The structural reliability of different systems is presented. A oneparameter expression of a two-ring structure reliability with five sites is described. All the unique operating conditions of the structure are shown in a graphical form. The compact form of the exact expression of the redundant two-ring structure reliability with five sites is presented, which is convenient for computer modeling. The peculiarities of the dependences of many variables in the reliability model of the two-ring structure with five sites and four nodes are determined. It is shown that the graphic representation of the dependence of the five variables helps to study the properties of multiparameter dependencies. The components of a geometric model of various dimensions are considered in detail

    La guía esencial de referencia para cineastas.

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    Las buenas películas, aquellas que comunican de forma efectiva el mensaje deseado, son el resultado de una mezcla casi mágica de ingredientes constituidos por ideas y tecnología. Y con un conocimiento de las herramientas y técnicas disponibles para el cineasta, podemos hacer realidad nuestra visión. El ingrediente “idea” está bien documentado, tanto para el principiante como para el profesional. Existen numerosos libros que tratan prácticamente de todos los aspectos de la estética y la mecánica de la realización cinematográfica: cómo elegir un estilo cinematográfico adecuado, la importancia del sonido, cómo escribir un guión cinematográfico efectivo, los elementos fundamentales de la continuidad visual, etc. Pero siendo igualmente importante, llegar a dominar con soltura los aspectos tecnológicos de la cinematografía puede parecer desalentador. Teniendo esto en cuenta, hemos producido este libro, La guía esencial de referencia para cineastas. En él encontrará información técnica acerca de fotómetros, cámaras, iluminación, selección de películas, postproducción y flujos de trabajo en un formato fácil de leer y de aplicar. Nuestro negocio tiene ya más de 100 años y, desde el principio, Kodak ha reconocido que el cine es una forma de expresión artística. Los actuales directores de fotografía disponen de una variedad de herramientas para ayudarles a manipular y dar los últimos retoques a sus imágenes. Y con todos los cambios que tienen lugar en las tecnologías fotoquímicas, digital e híbrida, nos encontramos inmersos en la industria del entretenimiento en uno de sus momentos más dinámicos. A medida que se adentre en el emocionante mundo de la cinematografía, recuerde que Kodak es una fuente inagotable de información y estamos aquí para ayudarle en su andadura. Esperamos que encuentre útil este libro y le invitamos a que nos pregunte ahora y en el futuro sobre la tecnología, productos y apoyo que necesite para triunfar