23 research outputs found

    The effect of deep acting in emotional labor on stress in service workers. : Focus on the process of deep acting

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    Service workers are required to perform emotional labor as part of their duties to maintain an appropriate emotional state. While deep acting—the process of recapturing one’s emotions—can reduce emotional laborers’ stress, the dissonance with natural emotional experiences may lead to self-loathing. Subsequent psychological reactions may change depending on the cognitive manipulation performed during deep acting. This study focused on the deep-acting process in emotional labor and examined whether emotion control strategies mediate emotional labor and influence service workers’ stress reactions. The mediation analysis results revealed that the “put into perspective” and “rumination or focus on the thought” aspects mediated deep acting and stress reactions; deep actin g reduced stress reactions. Future studies should focus on how emotions can be controlled during emotional labor and the method of acting involved

    Trends and future perspectives in current studies of self-compassion for mental health improvement.

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    Mental health problems among young people, especially university students, are serious in Japan. Several studies have shown that the cultivation of self-compassion is effective for improving mental health, and the number of studies has increased over the years. The definition of self-compassion includes (1)self-kindness, (2)sense of common humanity and (3)mindfulness. Therefore, we reviewed the positive impact of self-compassion on mental health and the effectiveness of programs that cultivate for self-compassion. However, previous studies have revealed that some people found it difficult to incorporate self-compassion into their lives and attitude. We also reviewed previous research that examined these issues. However, it is not clear why or how some people have difficulty accepting self-compassion. Therefore, we have to engage in empirical research investigating for this idea(e. g. , investigate the detail of the individual life story)

    A review of the literature on the characteristics and current status of "modern type depression" and perspectives for future research.

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    “Modern-type depression” is the syndrome with symptoms of depression, has different characteristic from traditional depression. These characteristics are pointed out that younger, feeling for stress to social rules, being depressive only situation that being at workplace, feeling better when they away from work, and blaming others of their bad conditions. Previous studies have focused exclusively on the individual's internal factors for the causes of modern type depression. “modern type depressive” people are susceptible to misunderstandings due to the variability of symptoms and behavior outside the workplace. In addition, they are more prone to interpersonal problems. It has been suggested that these behaviors and problems are due to their blaming others. In this paper we suggested that the "blaming others" nature of modern type depressive people may function as stress coping for them. As a means of modifying such coping, we discussed the necessity of devising an intervention approach to promote the acquisition of the other's viewpoint

    The effects of subtypes of affinity for hikikomori on lifestyle and internet use behavior.

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    Young people showing an affinity for hikikomori experience positive feelings such as desire and empathy toward it. This study aimed to classify university students according to hikikomori affinity subcomponents: the “desire for hikikomori” and “empathy for others with hikikomori.” In addition, life habits and Internet behavior characteristics were examined for each group. Consequently, we classified the groups into four subtypes: those who “understand the feelings of hikikomori”, have an “affinity for hikikomori”, “do not understand the feelings of hikikomori”, and exhibit “non-affinity for hikikomori”, respectively. Each subtype exhibited unique characteristics, indicating a combination of those at high risk of transitioning to hikikomori and those who did not face such risk

    Relationship between self-compassion, exercise and physical education experiences, and subjective well-being in university students.

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    This study examined how exercise and physical education (PE) experiences and exercise images are related to self-compassion, physical competence, and subjective well-being. One hundred eighty-three undergraduate and graduate students completed questionnaires regarding pre-college exercise and PE experiences, exercise images, self-compassion, physical competence, and subjective well-being. The participants were divided into two groups according to their extracurricular activity experience. Correlation analysis, t-tests, and multiple regression analysis were conducted. The results showed that: (a) self-compassion was positively related to subjective well-being in both groups; (b) self-compassion was positively related to physical competence in the group with extracurricular experience; (c) no significant difference in self-compassion existed between the two groups; and (d) the three factors of ‘‘physical competence,’’ ‘‘reflecting on performance in PE,’’ and ‘‘instructors’ instruction was sensory’’ increased self-compassion in the group with extracurricular experience. Finally, we discussed the nature of the exercise and PE experiences and their images that may improve self-compassion

    The effects of narcissism on adaptation and maladaptation associated with "Otaku" activities. : From the perspective of passion

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    In recent years, there has been a noticeable increase in individuals, primarily among young people, engaging in otaku activities. However, the mechanisms that differentiate adaptive and maladaptive otaku activities have not been examined. This study focuses on narcissism and passion as factors that distinguish between them. Specifically, we investigate whether differences in narcissism influence variations in passion for otaku activities. Furthermore, we aim to explore a causal model in which these differences in passion affect mood states during otaku activities, post-activity, and when activity is obstructed. The analysis results revealed that individuals driven by obsessive passion to engage in otaku activities tend to become ensnared by these activities and have difficulty switching between them and their daily lives. Future research should also focus on the type of "Otaku" activities and contents type

    Differences in the Effect of Compassion-Based Psychological Classroom Group Intervention in Adolescents

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    The purpose of this study was to examine whether a compassion-based psychological intervention increased the social skills and satisfaction with school. Participants were 159 junior high school students, and the program involved four-session interventions with 50 minutes per session in a classroom setting. On the basis of cluster analysis of the pre-during-post scores of self-reported compassion for others, participants were divided into three groups: (a) decrease, (b) maintain high score, and (c) increase. The students whose compassion scores increased from low to high had multiplied commitment skill, which is a subscale of social skills, and increased total score of satisfaction with school after the intervention. The self-compassion score of that group also increased in the intervention season when compared to the students whose compassion scores decreased. These results suggested that the students whose compassion scores increased had increased social skills, satisfaction with school, and self-compassion.本研究ではコンパッションの促進を目的としたプログラムを実施し,コンパッションの向上に伴って社会的スキル,学校適応感,セルフ・コンパッションの向上が見られるかを検討した。対象は中学校1 年生の4 学級159名であった。プログラムは学級単位で1 回50 分,合計4回にわたって行われた。介入前後のコンパッション合計得点に基づくクラスター分析を行った結果,参加者は得点の変化の傾向によって下降群,高得点保持群,上昇群の3 群に分類された。上昇群は社会的スキルの下位尺度である積極的スキルが介入期間中に増加していた。自己へのコンパッション得点に関しては,介入期間中に下降群の得点が減少しているのに対して,上昇群は増加していることが示された。以上のことから,コンパッションが促進された生徒は社会的スキルとセルフ・コンパッションが向上することが示された

    Prevalence and profile of depressive mixed state in patients with autism spectrum disorder

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    Purpose: The present study aimed to clarify prevalence and profile of depressive mixed state (DMX) in depressed individuals with autism spectrum disorder (ASD). Patients and methods: The Quick Inventory of Depressive Symptomatology Self-Report Japanese version (QIDS-SR-J) and global assessment of functioning (GAF) were administered to 182 consecutive patients (36 ASD and 146 non-ASD subjects) with a major depressive episode (MDE). DMX was categorically diagnosed according to the criteria for mixed depression (MD) by Benazzi and mixed features (MF) specifier by DSM-5. Severity of DMX was assessed by the self-administered 12-item questionnaire for DMX (DMX-12). Clinical backgrounds and incidence/severity of DMX were compared between the ASD and non-ASD groups. Results: ASD patients showed higher prevalence of MD than non-ASD patients (36.1% versus 18.5%). Mood lability, distractibility, impulsivity, aggression, irritability, dysphoria and risk-taking behavior as mixed symptoms were more prevalent in ASD patients than those in non-ASD patients, together with higher scores of total DMX-12 and its disruptive emotion/behavior cluster. Multiple regression analysis revealed significant contribution of ASD to the disruptive emotion/behavior symptoms. Conclusion: Careful monitoring and management of potential DMX are warranted in depressed ASD individuals

    Effects of attitudes towards ambiguity on subclinical depression and anxiety in healthy individuals

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    This study aims to examine the effects of multidimensional attitudes towards ambiguity on subclinical depression and anxiety in healthy individuals. Attitudes Towards Ambiguity Scale, consisting of four clusters (enjoyment, anxiety, exclusion, and noninterference), Self-Rating Depression Scale, and State-Trait Anxiety Inventory–trait version were administered to 1019 Japanese volunteers. The result of a regression analysis suggested that the score of Attitudes Towards Ambiguity Scale–enjoyment factor significantly contributed to the Self-Rating Depression Scale score while that of Attitudes Towards Ambiguity Scale–anxiety factor significantly contributed to the State-Trait Anxiety Inventory–trait score. Among attitudes toward ambiguity, enjoyment may have protective effects against subclinical depression whereas anxiety can enhance anxiety-trait in nonclinical individuals

    Development of a 20-item questionnaire for drinking behavior pattern (DBP-20) toward personalized behavioral approaches for alcohol use disorder

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    Although screening tools are available for alcohol use disorders (AUD), such as the Alcohol Use Disorders Identification Test (AUDIT), these tools do not directly characterize individual drinking behavior for patients with AUD. Therefore, the aim of this study was to develop a new self-report questionnaire to identify the characteristics of drinking behavior patterns in patients with AUD. The study team developed a self-administered 20-item questionnaire for drinking behavior pattern (DBP-20) based on semistructured interviews of patients with AUD. The DBP-20 and AUDIT were administered to 232 patients with AUD and 222 normal drinkers (1 ≤ AUDIT <20) as controls. Exploratory factor analysis of the DBP-20 was conducted for patients with AUD, followed by comparisons of its item and subscale scores between patients with AUD and controls. Correlations of AUDIT with total and subscale scores of the DBP-20 were also analyzed. Receiver operating characteristic (ROC) analyses for the DBP-20 and its subscales were performed to distinguish patients with AUD from controls. Exploratory factor analysis revealed a multidimensional 4-factor model of the DBP-20: coping with negative affect, automaticity, enhancement, and social use. Significant differences in DBP-20 total and subscale scores were observed for patients with AUD versus controls for all factors, except the social use subscale. Both the coping with negative affect and automaticity subscale scores as well as total DBP-20 scores were highly correlated with AUDIT scores. Total DBP-20 scores showed the greatest sensitivity, negative predictive value, and area under the ROC curve to distinguish patients with AUD from normal drinkers. Drinking as a means of coping with negative affect and automaticity may be specific for patients with AUD. DBP-20 may help patients with AUD to be aware of their own targeted problematic drinking behaviors and to seek their personalized behavioral approaches in a collaborative relationship with therapists