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Biocompatibility Assessment of the CentriMag-Novalung Adult ECMO Circuit in a Model of Acute Pulmonary Hypertension
Extracorporeal membrane oxygenation (ECMO) is rarely used in patients with severe pulmonary hypertension (PH) as a bridge to lung transplantation. In this study, we assess the blood biocompatibility of the integrated CentriMag-Novalung ECMO system (venoarterial) in an acute model of PH. Severe PH (≥2/3 systemic) was induced in eight sheep through progressive ligation of the main pulmonary artery. System performance, platelet activation, thromboelastography (TEG) parameters, fibrinogen, plasma-free hemoglobin, and total plasma protein were measured at initiation, 3, and 6 hr of support in the ECMO (N = 4) and sham (N = 4) groups. A stable ECMO flow (2.2 ± 0.1 L/min), low transmembrane pressure gradient, and steady blood O2 and CO2 levels were maintained. Platelet activation was low (<4%) in both the groups, whereas platelet responsiveness to agonist (platelet activating factor) was reduced in the sham group when compared with the ECMO group. There were no differences in the TEG parameters, fibrinogen concentration, plasma-free hemoglobin (<10 mg/dl), and plasma total protein between the two groups. The findings of low levels of platelet activation and plfHb suggest adequate blood biocompatibility of the integrated CentriMag-Novalung circuit use for short-term support in a model of PH