19 research outputs found

    Taxonomic remarks on the genus Sternbergia L. (Amaryllidaceae) in Turkey based on leaf anatomy, karyosystematic analysis and nuclear DNA content

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    Anatomy of leaf cross sections, karyological studies, and nuclear DNA content analysis by flow cytometry were carried out on the six Sternbergia species from Turkey: S. candida (endemic to the country), S. clusiana, S. colchiciflora, S. lutea, S. sicula and S. vernalis. In karyological analysis, number and morphology of the somatic chromosomes, the ploidy level and karyotype formula of the specimens used in the study were investigated in detail. The measurements of somatic chromosomes were calculated with formula of the relative variation in chromosome lenght (CV CL) and mean centromeric asymmetry (M CA). According to the results of this study, there are two different basic chromosome numbers. i.e. x = 10 (S. candida, S. clusiana, S. colchiciflora and S. vernalis) and x = 11 (S. lutea and S. sicula). Results of karyotype analysis corroborated results of previous studies. The smallest chromosome length was measured as 3.05 mu m in S. clusiana while the longest length of 20.89 mu m was observed in S. sicula. This is the first study reporting nuclear DNA content results for Sternbergia. Based on results of the nuclear DNA content analysis, there is a great variation within the genus in the interspecific level as 2C DNA content varies between 54.03 and 80.42 pg among the species investigated in the study. Anatomical features of the leaves were good taxonomic markers, especially concerning their palisade cells, ribs, cuticle, laticifer canals, vascular bundles, crystals, stomatal index, and stomata structure. Analytical drawings were presented. Six noteworthy leaf characters were quantified, organized in a data matrix, and analysed with UPGMA methods. In conclusion, cytological characteristics of the Sternbergia species together with their leaf features proved to be quite useful in identification and therefore can provide more clarity for taxonomic revision of the genus.Istanbul UniversityIstanbul University [19344, 40044]The project financially supported by Scientific Investigation Project Coordinator of Istanbul University (project no: 19344 and 40044)

    A contribution to the genus Allium L. (Sect. Codonoprasum) in Turkey

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    Allium dentiferum Webb & Berthel and Allium dodecanesii Karavokyrou & Tzanoudak were collected during a floristic study of South Anatolia. A. dodecanesii is reported as a new record for the flora of Turkey. Although collected earlier by Aznavour,Bothmer, and Brullo, specimens of A. dentiferum were misinterpreted and the species was thus not recorded for the flora of Turkey. We provide drawings and photographs of the species, and maps of their distribution in Turkey

    Chromosome numbers of five Turkish Centaurea L. (Asteraceae) species

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    We investigated the chromosome number and morphology of five Centaurea species belonging to five different Centaurea sections. All material analyzed was diploid with chromosome number 2n=18 or 2n=20. Chromosome number 2n=18 was found for two populations (specimen a and specimen b) of Centaurea cassia Boiss., a rare species from Sect. Jacea (Mill.) DC., and two populations (specimen a and specimen b) of C. ptosimopappa Hayeka, a local endemic belonging to Sect. Ptosimopappus O. Hoffm. A chromosome number of 2n=20, however, was observed for the other three Centaurea species: C. arifolia Boiss., a local endemic from Sect. Cynaroides Boiss. ex Walp., C. antochia Boiss. var. antochia, an endemic variety belonging to Sect. Acrocentron (Cass.) DC., and C. hyalolepis Boiss. from Sect. Calcitrapa DC. The chromosome number for the latter species represents the first record for Hatay province. Differences in chromosome size and karyotype are described

    Taxonomic remarks on the genus Sternbergia L. (Amaryllidaceae) in Turkey based on leaf anatomy, karyosystematic analysis and nuclear DNA content

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    Anatomy of leaf cross sections, karyological studies, and nuclear DNA content analysis by flow cytometry were carried out on the six Sternbergia species from Turkey: S. candida (endemic to the country), S. clusiana, S. colchiciflora, S. lutea, S. sicula and S. vernalis. In karyological analysis, number and morphology of the somatic chromosomes, the ploidy level and karyotype formula of the specimens used in the study were investigated in detail. The measurements of somatic chromosomes were calculated with formula of the relative variation in chromosome lenght (CV CL) and mean centromeric asymmetry (M CA). According to the results of this study, there are two different basic chromosome numbers. i.e. x = 10 (S. candida, S. clusiana, S. colchiciflora and S. vernalis) and x = 11 (S. lutea and S. sicula). Results of karyotype analysis corroborated results of previous studies. The smallest chromosome length was measured as 3.05 mu m in S. clusiana while the longest length of 20.89 mu m was observed in S. sicula. This is the first study reporting nuclear DNA content results for Sternbergia. Based on results of the nuclear DNA content analysis, there is a great variation within the genus in the interspecific level as 2C DNA content varies between 54.03 and 80.42 pg among the species investigated in the study. Anatomical features of the leaves were good taxonomic markers, especially concerning their palisade cells, ribs, cuticle, laticifer canals, vascular bundles, crystals, stomatal index, and stomata structure. Analytical drawings were presented. Six noteworthy leaf characters were quantified, organized in a data matrix, and analysed with UPGMA methods. In conclusion, cytological characteristics of the Sternbergia species together with their leaf features proved to be quite useful in identification and therefore can provide more clarity for taxonomic revision of the genus

    Allium nerimaniae (Amaryllidaceae), a new species of A. sect. Codonoprasum from Turkey

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    Allium nerimaniae from Van (East Anatolia) is described and illustrated. It is compared with the related Allium hirtovaginum according to distinct morphological characteristics. The seed morphology and leaf anatomy of A. nerimaniae and A. hirtovaginum are also presented and discussed. A key for identification of the hairy taxa of sect. Codonoprasum is presented

    Allium maraschicum sp nov (Alliaceae) from Turkey

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    Allium maraschicum M. Kocyigit & N. Ozhatay sp. nov. (sect. Codonoprasum Reich.) from southeast Anatolia (C6 Kahramanmaras, Turkey) is described and illustrated. Diagnostic characters, a description, detailed illustrations and taxonomic comments on the species are given. It is compared with the related species A. kurtzianum Asch. & Sint. ex Kollmann. The geographic distribution of the new and related species is given

    Pollen morphology of some Allium L. taxa (sect. Codonoprasum/Alliaceae) in Turkey

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    The genus Allium L. is represented by about 196 taxa grouped under 14 sections in Turkey. The sect. Codonoprasum consists of 49, of which 21 are endemics. In this study pollen morphological features of 12 taxa belonging to Sect. Codonoprasum have been demonstrated using Wodehouse (1935) method and with Light Microscope (LM). Detailed pollen morphological characteristics of genus Allium are given on the basis of the results presented. The genus Allium is homogeneous in both aperture type and exine ornamentation. The pollen of the genus is monocolpate. The shapes (based on Long Axis / Short Axis) are prolate and subprolate. The colpus extends from distal to proximal side in all taxa. The colpus membrane is provided with a fragmented operculum in the sect. Codonoprasum.Istanbul University, Department of Research ProjectsIstanbul University [1442]This study was financially supported by Istanbul University, Department of Research Projects (Project number: 1442). Also we are grateful to Prof. Dr. Engin Ozhatay for providing literatures and technical supports in Marmara University

    Allium dumanii (A. sect. Codonoprasum, Amaryllidaceae), a new species from E Turkey

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    Allium dumanii Koyuncu & Kocyigit, a new species in A. sect. Codonoprasum (Rchb.) Endl. from Kahramanmaras and Malatya, Anatolia, is described and illustrated. It is compared with the possibly related A. armenum Boiss. & Kotschy. The karyomorphology of A. dumanii and A. armenum is also presented and discussed. The chromosome number of the new species is 2n = 16