4 research outputs found

    Społeczno-ekonomiczne predyktory poglądów kobiet i mężczyzn dotyczących kulturowych ról płci w Polsce

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    Fertility decline in developed countries over recent five decades and persisting low fertility in the remarkable number of countries are increasingly attributed to changing gender roles, particularly to incompatibilities between institutional adjustments of individual- and family- oriented institutions as well as within the family and changing perceptions on social roles of women and men. These arguments are voiced also when debating on low fertility in Poland. The article focuses on perceptions of gender roles and their diversity across population groups which differ by socio-demographic attributes. Additionally, possible influences of parental home on opinions about gender roles are accounted for. The data coming from the Generations and Gender Survey, carried out in Poland in 2010/2011, made it possible to define two synthetic variables which described attitudes towards gender equality in the social sphere and in the private sphere (a responsibility for a child). Descriptive results confirmed findings of other studies: the gender attitudes are more diversified among women than men, especially as regards gender equality in the social sphere, women show more egalitarian attitudes than men, and within an age increase a social approval for gender equality declines. The generalized linear mixed models of two synthetic gender variables were used to identify predictors of gender attitudes across two birth cohorts of women and men – those born either in the years 1950–1969 or in the years 1970–1989. Among individual characteristics education, religiosity and place of residence were found out – as expected – the main predictors of gender attitudes. Contrary to expectations, labour market status, marital status and a number of children did not always play a significant role for distinguished cohorts of men and women. Economic activity showed its impact on women’s gender attitudes only. There are also some signs that in the 1970–1989 cohorts younger people are less in favour of gender equality than those over 30 years of age. Parental home attributes (place of residence at age 15, mother’ education and mother’s economic acitivity, number of siblings, and religiosity) were displayed as relevant predictors of gender attitudes for both birth cohorts of men and women

    Kulturowe role płci i dzietność w Polsce i Norwegii

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    Changing gender roles are increasingly considered as a driving factor of both fertility decline in European countries and its recovery in some of these countries. The fertility decline is attributed to the first stage of the gender revolution when increasing women’s labour force participation is accompanied by some progress in gender equality in the public sphere while in the family life a gender asymmetry remains. During the second stage of the gender revolution the progress towards new roles of men and women in the private sphere takes place – they both are considered as economic providers and careers and share work and family responsibilities (e.g. McDonald 2000b, Goldscheider, Bernhardt, Lappegård 2015, Esping-Andersen, Billari 2015). The article compares on-going changes in gender roles in Poland and Norway, two countries which are at different stages of this process, and their interplay with fertility (mean number of children and intensions about the second and third child). Attitudes towards gender equality are studied by taking into account views on this issue on one side and sharing care and housework on the other. Data come from the first round of the Generations and Gender Survey. The study has been performed for respondents aged 20–44, living together with a partner and children under 14 years of age. The descriptive analyses showed that Poles are not only less advanced in gender role changes in two gender dimensions studied: their views on gender roles are more traditional than Norwegian ones, women’s share in family duties is higher contrary to men who contribute less to family responsibilities than women and men in Norway. There is also a higher variation of views and practices among Poles. In Poland and Norway, egalitarian men participate more in family duties than those who declare traditional views, while egalitarian women are less burdened by home work and care. However, in Norway there is remarkably more egalitarian women with low and medium share of domestic duties in parallel to more numerous egalitarian men who take a great share of family responsibilities. More egalitarian respondents have fewer children than the traditional ones in both countries. However, the mean number of children among this group of respondents in Norway is higher than in Poland. Moreover, women in both countries are less inclined to declare intensions to have a second or third child when they participate more in care and domestic duties. This relationship has been found for men in Norway as well

    Znaczenie postaw wobec kulturowych ról płci, rodzinnego wzorca pracy matek oraz podziału obowiązków domowych i rodzicielskich dla zatrudnienia matek małych dzieci w Polsce

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    The paper presents estimation results of a logistic regression developed in order to explore such predictors of employment of mothers with children up to 14 years old in Poland as maternal attitudes towards cultural gender roles, a parental family of a working mother and sharing household and childcare duties between parents. The analysis was based on the data from the first wave of the Generations and Gender Survey (GGS-PL1). It was found that the family pattern of a working mother significantly increased the chances of employment of her daughter having her own offspring. Egalitarian attitudes towards gender roles have not proved to be a significant predictor of maternal employment. However, the stronger mother’s approval of the statement that “a small child suffers when his/her mother works” was, the lower the likelihood was of her employment. A larger number of children turned out to be a stimulus for maternal employment when the division of responsibilities between partners and the extent of informal childcare use were controlled for in the model

    Socio-economic predictors of women’s and men’s views on gender in Poland

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    Fertility decline in developed countries over recent five decades and persisting low fertility in the remarkable number of countries are increasingly attributed to changing gender roles, particularly to incompatibilities between institutional adjustments of individual- and family- oriented institutions as well as within the family and changing perceptions on social roles of women and men. These arguments are voiced also when debating on low fertility in Poland. The article focuses on perceptions of gender roles and their diversity across population groups which differ by socio-demographic attributes. Additionally, possible influences of parental home on opinions about gender roles are accounted for. The data coming from the Generations and Gender Survey, carried out in Poland in 2010/2011, made it possible to define two synthetic variables which described attitudes towards gender equality in the social sphere and in the private sphere (a responsibility for a child). Descriptive results confirmed findings of other studies: the gender attitudes are more diversified among women than men, especially as regards gender equality in the social sphere, women show more egalitarian attitudes than men, and within an age increase a social approval for gender equality declines. The generalized linear mixed models of two synthetic gender variables were used to identify predictors of gender attitudes across two birth cohorts of women and men – those born either in the years 1950–1969 or in the years 1970–1989. Among individual characteristics education, religiosity and place of residence were found out – as expected – the main predictors of gender attitudes. Contrary to expectations, labour market status, marital status and a number of children did not always play a significant role for distinguished cohorts of men and women. Economic activity showed its impact on women’s gender attitudes only. There are also some signs that in the 1970–1989 cohorts younger people are less in favour of gender equality than those over 30 years of age. Parental home attributes (place of residence at age 15, mother’ education and mother’s economic acitivity, number of siblings, and religiosity) were displayed as relevant predictors of gender attitudes for both birth cohorts of men and women. However, paid work of a mother seemed to be a weaker predictor than expected