16 research outputs found

    Investigation of Functional-technological Properties of Soya Protein

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    There was offered and grounded the use of functional technological properties of the soya protein isolate in the technology of oil pasts. It will allows to increase the balance of the oil past composition additionally and will favor the decrease of extracting moisture during the storage term.There was studied the dynamics of a gradient of the limit stress of soya protein: hydrated soya protein, hydrated soya protein with the temperature processing, hydrated soya protein with the preliminary keeping during 24 h, hydrated soya protein with the preliminary keeping during 24 h and temperature processing during 5 min, hydrated soya protein with the preliminary keeping during 24 h and temperature processing during 10 min; hydrated soya protein with the preliminary keeping during 24 h and temperature processing during 15 min.It was established, that the hydrated isolate of soya protein is a plastic system, has enough strength.The limit stress parameter at the variable velocity of deformation of model samples determines optimal technological parameters of preparing the soya isolate: hydromodule – 1: 8, temperature processing – (82±2) °С, process duration 10 min with preliminary keeping during 24 hours.As a result of the studies, there were demonstrated technological parameters of preparing the soya protein isolate for obtaining the oil past by the direct mixing with the oil base

    Thermogravimetric Analysis of Indicators of the Paste Based on Sour Cream

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    For forming structural-mechanical properties of sour milk pastes and guaranteeing their stability at storage, it is promising to use non-fried buckwheat in their recipes that allows to raise the food value of products additionally. The aim of the researches was the study of features of the condition of moisture of sour milk pastes, based on sour cream with introducing non-fried buckwheat in the amount 5,0 % of the mixture mass. A sample with modified starch Е 1410 was taken as a control in the amount 1,3 %.The study of the moisture condition was realized by the thermogravimetric method using a derivatograph Q-1500D (Paulik-Erdey) (Hungry). It was established, that the content of adsorptive moisture of the sour milk paste was 34,0 %, whereas in the control – 34,5 %, that confirm the effectiveness of using non-fried buckwheat as a moisture-binding component. Such properties of non-fried buckwheat may be explained by the presence of starch compounds and easily accessible protein in its composition, able to hydration in the process of preparation of a component and to keeping moisture at further storage of a product

    Studying the Effect of Electrospark Treatment of Milk Whey on the Process of Its Fermentation and Quality of Thermoacid Cheese

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    The paper reports a study into the influence of electrospark dispersion of current-conductive granules of magnesium and manganese in the environment of milk whey on the process of its fermentation in the technology of making soft thermo-acid cheeses the type of "Adyheyskyy".The object of this study was milk whey, obtained from the thermo-acid settling of cheeses. To prepare the coagulant, it was treated in an electric discharge chamber with a current-conductive layer of magnesium or/and manganese granules manganese over 30...120 s.It has been established that the result of such a treatment of milk whey is the increased magnesium content, by 1.8 to 4 times on average, and the increased manganese content, by 1.5 to 3.8 times on average, depending on the treatment duration.It has been proven that it was characteristic, of all the examined samples, to demonstrate a natural growth of titrated acidity during fermentation. However, the samples enriched with mineral elements following the electrospark treatment over 30...60 s have shown a more intensive growth in titrated acidity. Similar results were obtained when using milk whey from cottage cheese. Although at the initial stages of fermentation (0...6 hours) the increase in acidity was somewhat slower, which has an objective explanation related to the effect of enhanced acidity of the starting whey (50...60 °T) on lactobacilli.It was established that the production cycle is significantly reduced in case of using the proposed technology of acidic whey-coagulant for making thermo-acid cheeses.There is also an increase in the utilization coefficient of technological equipment and its resources. A given technology does not require significant areas for the introduction of an innovative electro-physical technique, and, instead, given the reduced fermentation time, it contributes to reducing the number of containers involved in the preparation of coagulant.It has been established that the use of acidic whey, produced from raw materials enriched with magnesium and manganese, in the technology of thermo-acid cheese contributes to its enrichment with valuable mineral elements. It also provides for a more complete use of the protein potential of milk and, consequently, increases the thermo-acid cheese yield by 1.8...6.5

    Development of A Recipe for A «Solodok» Multicomponent Mixture to Improve the Quality of Pastries

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    The object of research in this work is a baked product enriched with a mixture of sprouted grains, ground cinnamon, apple pectin, dry wheat gluten, ascorbic acid. Pastries occupy an important place in the production and sale of food products and have a high calorie content. To reduce the energy value of pastry products, it is proposed to replace wheat flour in the recipe with a mixture of germinated grains of wheat, oats, barley and corn. In this work, the properties of such mixtures were studied using the example of a mixture of the «CHOICE» company (Ukraine). The mixture of germinated grains of cereals of wheat, oats, barley and corn of this company is rich in dietary fiber, nonessential and irreplaceable amino acids, microelements and macroelements, vitamins. It has been established that a rational substitution of premium wheat flour for a mixture of germinated grains in the recipe for pastry products is 50 %. Due to the germination process, a large amount of amylolytic and proteolytic enzymes accumulates in cereals, which impair the structural and mechanical properties of the crumb of pastry products, as a result of which the crumb of the product becomes sticky and wrinkled. The work was aimed at developing a multicomponent mixture to improve the quality of pastry products, the formulation of which includes a mixture of germinated grains. A «Solodok» multicomponent mixture has been developed, which has a positive effect on the organoleptic and structural-mechanical properties of the product crumb. The mixture contains safe food additives and ingredients: ground cinnamon, dry wheat gluten, apple pectin, ascorbic acid. It has been established that the introduction of the «Solodok» multicomponent mixture into the dough leads to the replacement of the fermentation process with the stage of sedimentation. The use of a multicomponent mixture leads to an improvement in the organoleptic characteristics of rich products, an increase in the specific volume of products, and an improvement in the development of the porosity of products. Adding a mixture of sprouted grains and a «Solodok» multicomponent mixture leads to a change in the traditional taste, the products acquire a pleasant aftertaste of sprouted cereals and cinnamon. The use of a mixture of germinated grains and a «Solodok» multicomponent mixture in the recipe for pastry products leads to a decrease in the energy value of pastry products in comparison with the control

    Determining the Expediency of Using Protein-polysaccharide Complexes Based on Dairy and Vegetable Proteins in the TECHNOLOGY of Butter Pastes

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    The expediency of using milk proteins in the technology of butter pastes, dry milk protein concentrate, and dry whey protein concentrate, has been substantiated.It was determined that the use of protein-polysaccharide complexes in the technology of butter pastes makes it possible to reduce the caloric content of products by 2...3 % and increase the nutritional value by increasing the protein content up to 8.2 %. The biological value of the protein of new types of butter pastes, stabilized protein-polysaccharide complexes based on milk protein, was 43.6 %, based on milk and pea protein isolate ‒ 45.0 %. This can be explained by the partial compensation of the lack of essential acids at the expense of plant protein.It was established that the introduction of dry powder of blueberries and pea protein isolate makes it possible to enrich the product with a complex of biologically active and mineral substances. The degree of meeting the daily requirement by using 10 g of the product is: calcium ‒ by 1.0 % on average; potassium ‒ 0.6 %, iron ‒ 0.3...0.6 %, rutin ‒ 2.6 %.The introduction of blueberry micronutrients into the butter paste would increase the biological value of the protein by 2.5 %. The use of pea protein isolate could increase it by 1.5 %, which is due to partial compensation of deficient amino acids through plant components.Thus, due to the enrichment of the pastes with high-grade protein with a high degree of digestibility, it may become possible to increase the nutritional value of products.The social effect of the introduction of new types of butter pastes into production is to improve the nutritional structure of the population through the use of low-fat analogs of butter, enriched with protein and micronutrients of blueberries. This would help improve health and prevent microelement-dependent disease

    Determining the Effect of A Multicomponent Mixture on the Quality of Pastry Products Containing A Mixture of Germinated Grains

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    A bun with a mixture of germinated cereals of wheat, oats, barley, and corn is an innovative product rich in dietary fiber, replaceable and essential amino acids, micro and macro elements, vitamins. In the process of germination, grains accumulate a large number of amylolytic and proteolytic enzymes, which worsen the structural and mechanical properties of the crumb of pastry products, as a result of which it becomes sticky and wrinkled. The experimental study reported in this work aimed to improve the organoleptic indicators and prolong the freshness of pastry products whose formulation includes a mixture of germinated grains. The expediency has been proven of using the polycomponent mixture "Solodok" (Ukraine) in the amount of 3.0 % to the mass of flour in the production of pastry products in whose formulation 50 % of flour was replaced with a mixture of germinated grains. The application of the polycomponent mixture "Solodok" has a positive effect on the organoleptic and structural-mechanical properties of the product crumb. The composition of the polycomponent mixture includes safe food additives and ingredients such as ground cinnamon, dry wheat gluten, apple pectin, and ascorbic acid. It has been proven that products with the addition of the polycomponent mixture retain freshness longer, which was confirmed by a lower rate of staleness, by 59.2 %, compared to control. The stale processes in the case of using a polycomponent mixture are inhibited due to the greater accumulation of dextrins compared to control. Thus, the total content of dextrins in a pastry product is 1.668 % to DM (dry matter) while in the bun "Tsilyushcha", it is 2.443 % to DM. The study results show the technological effectiveness of the use of the "Solodok" polycomponent mixture to slow down the staleness of products and provide products enriched with a mixture of germinated cereals with satisfactory consumer properties

    A Study of the Effect of Enriched Whey Powder on the Quality of a Special-purpose Bread

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    A topical problem of the bakery industry is to expandthe range of bakery products for special purposes, especially for people over 60. The problem can be solved by using whey in the technology of bread-making. However, whey has a limited shelf life. We have made a comparative analysis of the chemical compositions as well as functional and technological properties of different types of whey powder existing on the market of Ukraine and innovative ones, developed at the National University of Food Technologies (Kyiv, Ukraine). The analysis was aimed at selecting dairy products capable of meeting the technological requirements of lability. Regarding the considerable practical interest, behaviour during processing, transportation and storage, an objective analysis and an accurate calculation of the comprehensive quality index determined the choice of the following criteria: organoleptic characteristics, solubility, and storability. It has been found that the highest comprehensive index (98 %) characterizes whey with an enriched mineral composition, which has served as the basis for its use as a dairy ingredient in the recipes of wheat bread for people of older age groups. It has been specified that the optimal dose of whey to enrich the wheat bread and prolong its freshness is 5 % to the weight of flour. The study has proved the positive influence of whey powder enriched with Mg and Mn on the quality and freshness of bakery products. The findings ascertain the feasibility of introducing magnesium-enriched and manganese-enriched whey powder in the recipes of wheat bread to expand the assortment of bakery products for people of older age groups