8 research outputs found

    Эпидемиология эндопротезирования тазобедренного и коленного суставов и перипротезной инфекции в Российской Федерации

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    Background. Since there is no national arthroplasty registry in the Russian Federation, the exact number of arthroplasty operations performed is unknown. Aim of the study to evaluate the epidemiology of primary, revision hip and knee arthroplasty and periprosthetic joint infection in Russian Federation. Materials and Methods. The inquires were made to 85 subjects, 73 federal state budget institutions and 30 private hospitals. Results. Answers were received from 76 subjects of Russian Federation, 41 federal and 18 private hospitals. The studied indicators revealed to be pretty much heterogenic. The decrease of operations number from 20% to 40% in subjects of Russian Federation due to SARS-CoV-2 pandemic forced us to make no analysis for these 2020 indicators in Russian Federation generally. 147 061 primary hip and knee arthroplasties were performed in 2019 in Russian Federaion. 7 770 revison hip and knee arthroplasties were done. 6 606 cases of severe orthopaedic implant-assosiated infection were cured including 4 282 cases post hip and knee arthroplasties that constitutes 2,91 % from primary arthroplasties. Conclusions. The frequency of periprosthetic joint infection in Russian Federation correlates to the world data. High complexity for patients routing with implant-assosiated infection and strong demand for Federal Center of implant-assosiated orthopaedic infection are revealed.Актуальность. Поскольку в Российской Федерации отсутствует национальный регистр артропластики, точное число выполненных операций эндопротезирования неизвестно. Цель изучить эпидемиологию эндопротезирования коленного и тазобедренного суставов, а также перипротезной инфекции (ППИ) в Российской Федерации (РФ). Материал и методы. Сделаны запросы в 85 субъектов, 73 федеральных государственных бюджетных учреждения и 30 частных учреждений здравоохранения. Результаты. Получены ответы из 76 субъектов РФ, 41 федерального и 18 частных учреждений здравоохранения. В 2020 г. установлена значительная гетерогенность изучаемых показателей: снижение числа операций составило от 20 до 40% в различных субъектах РФ в связи с пандемией SARS-CoV-2, поэтому показатели 2020 г. решено было не анализировать по России в целом. В 2019 г. в РФ выполнено 147 061 операций первичного эндопротезирования коленного и тазобедренного суставов, 7 770 ревизионных артропластик коленного и тазобедренного суставов. В 2019 г. пролечено 6 606 случаев тяжелой ортопедической имплантат-ассоциированной инфекции, в т.ч. 4 282 случая после эндопротезирования коленного и тазобедренного суставов, что составляет 2,91% от первичных эндопротезирований. Заключение. Частота ППИ в РФ коррелирует с мировыми данными. Выявлена высокая сложность маршрутизации пациентов с имплантат-ассоциированной инфекцией и стойкая необходимость в создании федерального центра по лечению имплантат-ассоциированной ортопедической инфекции

    [Towards advanced biotechnological developments to realize the genetic potential of egg-type poultry] Направления современных биотехнологических разработок для реализации генетического потенциала яичной птицы

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    Realization of the genetic potential of laying hens makes it feasible to achieve the maximum possible yield of egg products against, while using effective feed compositions and various feed additives. Implementation of molecular genetic technologies for the analysis of intestinal microbiota and the expression of key genes for productivity and resistance is an important tool in studying mechanisms of the effects of feed preparations on microorganism of birds. Within the framework of the project for the development of modern biotechnologies to assess gene expression, we carried out an experiment to assess influence of human recombinant interferon alpha-2b on the expression of genes for productivity and immunity in laying hens. A positive effect of the additive on the immune system of birds and the effectiveness of molecular genetic technologies for assessing the expression of key genes and the use of the studied additives in feeding of egg-type poultry have been shown. Реализация генетического потенциала кур-несушек позволяет достигать максимально возможный выход яичной продукции на фоне применения эффективных композиций кормов и различных кормовых добавок. Внедрение молекулярно-генетических технологий для анализа микробиоты кишечника и экспрессии ключевых генов продуктивности и резистентности является важным инструментом в исследовании механизмов воздействия кормовых препаратов на макроорганизм птицы. В рамках проекта по разработке современных биотехнологий для оценки экспрессии генов нами осуществлен эксперимент по изучению человеческого рекомбинантного интерферона альфа-2b на экспрессию генов продуктивности и иммунитета у кур-несушек. Показаны положительное влияние препарата на иммунную систему птиц и эффективность молекулярно-генетических технологий для оценки экспрессии ключевых генов и использования изучаемых добавок в кормлении яичной птицы

    Breed-specific patterns of early myogenesis, nitric oxide metabolism, and post-hatch growth in relation to genetic diversity and divergent selection in chickens [Породоспецифичные модели раннего миогенеза, метаболизма оксида азота и постнатального роста в связи с генетическим разнообразием и разнонаправленной селекцией у кур]

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    Aims: There is currently a significant genetic diversity across poultry breeds as a result of long-term domestication, breeding, and divergent selection, with each breed having its own distinctive phenotypic and genetic characteristics [1,2]. We presumed and set out to investigate whether differences between chicken breeds divergently selected for economically and culturally significant traits [3] manifest as early as possible in development and growth stages. Methods: Breed-specific patterns and relationships of embryo myogenesis, nitric oxide (NO) metabolism, and post-hatch growth rate were studied and analyzed [4]. Results: Our research revealed that myogenesis genes were coordinatedly expressed in the thigh and breast muscles, demonstrating breed uniqueness. Indicators of NO oxidation and post-hatch growth were largely consistent with utility breed types, with meat breeds showing higher NO oxidation levels and better growth rate values in comparison to egg, dual purpose, game, and fancy breeds. Conclusions: The findings of this study indicate that breed-specific variations in early myogenesis, NO metabolism, and post-hatch growth adequately represent genetic variety and reliably depict the evolutionary history of diversely chosen chicken breeds

    From feed regulation to regulated feeding: intestinal microbiome and performance optimization in broiler chickens in response to antibiotic and probiotic treatment [От регулирования кормов к регулируемому кормлению: оптимизация микробиома кишечника и продуктивности цыплят-бройлеров в ответ на применение антибиотика и пробиотика]

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    Aims: The nutrition and immune system of poultry are significantly influenced by gut bacteria. The physiological status, metabolism, and innate immunity of poultry are all impacted by changes in the gut microbiota [1,2]. The current study aimed to define age-related changes in the gastrointestinal tract (GIT) microbiota, with the addition of the in-feed antibiotic Stafac® 110 and a probiotic based on the Bacillus subtilis strain to the diet of broiler chickens. Methods: Using a molecular genetic technique called the Terminal-Restriction Fragment Length Polymorphism (T-RFLP) analysis [3,4], a thorough investigation of the taxonomic structure of the microbial community in the GIT of broiler chickens was conducted in this regard, while considering age dynamics and feeding treatment. The latter involved administering the in-feed antibiotic Stafac® 110 as well as a probiotic based on the Bacillus subtilis strain 1-85. Results: The findings provided insight into how the GIT microflora of broiler chickens develops during the developing stage and how it alters in response to antibiotic and probiotic treatment. Using the antibiotic and probiotic in compound feeds had a positive impact on the microbiological makeup and body weight of broilers. Due to the addition of the antibiotic and probiotic to the feed, different bacterial communities were found in the duodenum and cecum of broiler chickens, and their beneficial effects on broiler growth were demonstrated. Conclusions: We propose that the use of the tested in-feed antibiotic and probiotic can be advantageous in regulating microbial activities in the GIT and improving broiler chicken productivity and feeding effectiveness. These feed additives can form the basis of a useful procedure for controlling the intestinal microbiota and enhancing broiler performance


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    The authors present a short analysis of autoabstracts of all theses in traumatology and orthopedics speciality (14.01.15), 10 doctoral and 59 candidate theses, that were defended at 11 dedicated dissertation boards starting mid of October 2016 until mid of October 2017 and underwent expert reviews during 2017 in expert council of the Higher certifying commission on surgical science.The absolute majority of 26 papers in traumatology (16 candidate and 5 doctoral theses) were dedicated to treatment of patients with different fractures and another 5 candidate theses examined issues of arthroscopic procedures in case of a trauma. 25 dissertations in orthopedics mainly reviewed aspects of large joints replacement (6 candidate and 3 doctoral these) and treatment of periprosthetic infection (4 candidate theses). Spine pathologies (5 candidate theses) and oncology orthopedics (2 candidate theses) prevailed among dissertation topics on paediatric orthopedics. The only doctoral thesis on paediatric orthopaedics was dedicated to clubfoot.In accordance with recommended criteria of clinical Orthopaedics and Related Research journal 40 (67,8%) candidate theses and 2 (20%) doctoral theses corresponded to evidence level III, 17 (28,8%) candidate and 8 (80%) doctoral theses were classified as evidence level IV and only 2 candidate theses (3,4%) formally corresponded to evidence level II. В работе представлен краткий анализ авторефератов всех диссертационных работ по специальности 14.01.15 – травматология и ортопедия (10 докторских и 59 кандидатских), защищенных в 11 профильных диссертационных советах в период с середины октября 2016 до середины октября 2017 г. и прошедших экспертизу на протяжении 2017 г. в экспертном совете Вак по хирургическим наукам.Среди 26 работ травматологического профиля абсолютное большинство (16 кандидатских и 5 докторских) было посвящено лечению пациентов с переломами костей, а еще в 5 кандидатских диссертациях рассматривались проблемы артроскопических операций при травмах. В 25 работах ортопедического профиля чаще всего рассматривались вопросы эндопротезирования крупных суставов (6 кандидатских и 3 докторские) и лечения перипротезной инфекции (4 кандидатские). среди тем диссертаций по детской ортопедии преобладали патология позвоночника (5 кандидатских) и онкоортопедия (2 кандидатские). единственная докторская диссертация по детской ортопедии была посвящена лечению эквиноварусных деформаций стоп.В соответствии с критериями, рекомендуемыми журналом Clinical Orthopaedics and Related Research, 40 (67,8%) кандидатских и 2 (20%) докторские диссертации были отнесены к III уровню доказательности, 17 (28,8%) кандидатских и 8 (80%) докторских диссертаций — к IV уровню и только 2 кандидатские работы (3,4%) формально соответствовали II уровню доказательности

    [Modern biotechnology and optimization of intestinal microbiota in poultry industry] Современные биотехнологии и оптимизация микробиоты кишечника в условиях промышленного птицеводства

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    Currently, special attention is paid to the optimization of the microbiota in the gastrointestinal tract (GIT) of highly productive commercial poultry. Many studies in the field of feeding, physiology, genetics, and resistance of poultry are devoted to this important area [1–4]. Various feed additives are studied and tested to help create and maintain optimal GIT microflora. Within the framework of a research project supported by the Government of the Russian Federation, biotechnologies are developed at the Skryabin MVA, including scientific approaches and practical techniques for managing the microbiota of the gastrointestinal tract, using modern methods such as assessing the expression of key genes using real-time PCR [5] and the composition of the gut microbiome based on T-RFLP analysis [6,7] and next generation sequencing. The developed technologies are successfully tested in the conditions of commercial egg production and adapted to the conditions of modern egg poultry farms in Russia. At the same time, the effects of feed additives are evaluated not only on the general state of the birds’ organism, including the GIT microbiota [8–12], but also on the productivity and resistance of poultry to infectious diseases [13, 14]. In the future, it is planned to organically integrate the developed microbiota management technology into the existing technological programs for egg production, including that during prolonged exploitation of layers (after the peak of egglaying). At the same time, the synergistic interaction of microflora and various feed additives will be of great importance in order to achieve a favorable effect of additives on the intestinal microbiota and in order to maximize the genetic potential of modern egg laying crosses. This work was supported by a grant from the Government of the Russian Federation (contract No. 14.W03.31.0013 of February 20, 2017)