972 research outputs found

    Charge-Transfer Bonding in Metal–Arene Coordination

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    X-ray crystallographic structures of donor–acceptor complexes of aromatic hydrocarbons with transition metals are re-examined with the focus on the arene ligands. Thus, significant structural and electronic changes are revealed in the arene moiety due to coordination to the metal center including: (i) expansion of the aromatic six-carbon ring; (ii) endocyclic π-bond localization; (iii) distortion of the planarity (folding) of the arene ring; and (iv) shortening of the metal-arene bond distances. All structural features are characteristic of metal–arene (π- or σ-) complexes that exhibit various degrees of (metal-to-ligand) charge transfer. The concept of charge-transfer bonding not only explains the structural details but also the various facets of chemical reactivity of metal-coordinated arenes including efficient carbon-hydrogen bond activation and nucleophilic–electrophilic umpolung, both of which are critical factors in homogeneous metal catalysis

    Photoinduced Coupling of Acetylenes and Quinone in the Solid State as Preorganized Donor−Acceptor Pairs

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    Crystalline electron donor−acceptor (EDA) complexes of various diarylacetylenes (DA) and dichlorobenzoquinone (DB) are isolated and structurally characterized by X-ray crystallography. Deliberate excitation of either the DB acceptor at λDB = 355 nm or the 1:2 [DA, 2DB] complex at λCT = 532 nm in the solid state leads to [2 + 2] cycloaddition and identical (isomeric) mixtures of the quinone methide products. Time-resolved (ps) diffuse reflectance spectroscopy identifies the ion-radical pair [DA•+, DB•-] as the reactive intermediate derived by photoinduced electron transfer in both photochemical procedures. The effects of crystal-lattice control on the subsequent ion-radical pair dynamics are discussed in comparison with the same photocouplings of acetylenes and quinone previously carried out in solution

    Preparation and Structures of Crystalline Aromatic Cation-Radical Salts. Triethyloxonium Hexachloroantimonate as a Novel (One-Electron) Oxidant

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    Triethyloxonium hexachloroantimonate [Et3O+SbCl6-] is a selective oxidant of aromatic donors (ArH), and it allows the facile preparation and isolation of crystalline paramagnetic salts [ArH+•, SbCl6-] for the X-ray structure determination of various aromatic cation radicals. The mechanistic relationship between the Meerwein salt [Et3O+SbCl6-] and the pure Lewis acid oxidant SbCl5 is based on a prior ethyl transfer from oxygen to chlorine within the ion pair

    Disproportionation and Structural Changes of Tetraarylethylene Donors upon Successive Oxidation to Cation Radicals and to Dications

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    The stepwise (one-electron) chemical oxidation of the tetraphenylethylene donor and its substituted analogues (D) can be carried out by electron exchange with aromatic cations or antimony(V) oxidants to selectively afford the cation radical (D+•) initially and then the dication (D2+). The ready interchange of the latter establishes the facile disproportionation (i.e., 2D+• ⇌ D2+ + D) that was originally examined by only transient electrochemical techniques. The successful isolations of the crystalline salts of the tetraanisylethylene cation radical (1+•) as well as the tetraanisylethylene dication (12+) allow X-ray diffraction analysis (for the first time) to quantify the serial changes in the molecular structure upon successive oxidations. Five structural parameters (d, l, θ, φ, and q) are identified as quantitative measures of changes in bond (CαCβ, Cαanisyl) lengths, dihedral (CαCβ)/torsional (anisyl) angles, and quinoidal (anisyl) distortion attendant upon the removal of first one-electron and then another electron from the tetraanisylethylene framework. The linear variation of all five parameters in Chart 3 point to a strongly coupled relaxation of tetraanisylethylene (involving simultaneous changes of d, l, θ, φ, and q) to a severely twisted dication. Most noteworthy is the structure of the cation radical 1+• with d, l, θ, φ, and q values that are exactly one-half those of the dication. The complex molecular changes accompanying the transformation:  D → D+• → D2+ bear directly on the donor properties and the disproportionation processes of various tetraarylethylenes

    Novel Synthesis and Structures of Tris-Annelated Benzene Donors for the Electron-Density Elucidation of the Classical Mills−Nixon Effect

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    A versatile method for the high-yield synthesis of various tris-, bis-, and mono-annelated benzenes (as well as cyclooctatetraene) is based on the Pd-catalyzed coupling of three (or four) ethylenic units comprised of α,β-dibromoalkenes and α‘-alkenyl Grignard reagentsall carried out in a single pot. The particular application to tris(bicyclopentyl)-annelated benzene yields the syn isomer 1s in high purity; X-ray diffraction analysis confirms the aromatic bond alternation relevant to the Mills−Nixon effect. Most importantly, the efficient synthesis of 1s crystals of extraordinary quality allows us (for the first time) to make precise electron-density measurements of the “banana-type” distortion and the ellipticity (π-character) of the various aromatic C−C bondssufficient to identify the electronic origin of the classical Mills−Nixon effect. The unique electron-donor properties of tris-annelated benzenes also relate to their highly reversible one-electron oxidation potentials even in nonpolar solvents

    Isolation and X-ray Structures of Labile Benzoic- and Acetic-Acidium Carbocations

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    New carbocationic salts (via O-protonation of substituted benzoic acids) are prepared for the first time by controlled hydration of the corresponding benzoylium salts and isolated in pure crystalline form. Precise X-ray structural analyses reveal the rather unexpected (electronic) structure of the carboxylic-acidium functionality

    Isolation, X-ray Structures, and Electronic Spectra of Reactive Intermediates in Friedel−Crafts Acylations

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    Reactive intermediates in the Friedel−Crafts acylation of aromatic donors are scrutinized upon their successful isolation and X-ray crystallography at very low temperatures. Detailed analyses of the X-ray parameters for the [1:1] complexes of different aliphatic and aromatic-acid chlorides with the Lewis acids antimony pentafluoride and pentachloride, gallium trichloride, titanium and zirconium tetrachlorides provide unexpected insight into the activation mechanism for the formation of the critical acylium carbocations. Likewise, the X-ray-structure examinations of aliphatic and aromatic acylium electrophiles also isolated as crystalline salts point to the origins of their electrophilic reactivity. Although the Wheland intermediates (as acylium adducts to arene donors) could not be isolated in crystalline form owing to their exceedingly short lifetimes, transient (UV−vis) spectra of benzenium adducts of acylium carbocations with hexamethylbenzene can be measured and directly related to Wheland intermediates with other cationic electrophiles that have been structurally established via X-ray studies

    Structural Effects of Carbon Monoxide Coordination to Carbon Centers. π and σ Bindings in Aliphatic Acyl \u3cem\u3eversus\u3c/em\u3e Aromatic Aroyl Cations

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    The binding of carbon monoxide to carbon centers has been examined with two series of aromatic and aliphatic oxocarbonium ions that are successfully isolated as crystalline and highly reactive (hygroscopic) aroylium and acylium salts with poorly coordinating counteranions. X-Ray crystallographic analyses at −150 °C afford precise structural parameters for the characteristic linear carbonyl bond (rCO) and the bond to the carbon centers (rCα). The correlations of these structural parameters evaluated for alkyl (Me, Et and i-Pr) and aryl (p-Me, 2,4,6-trimethyl, p-MeO and p-fluorophenyl) oxocarbonium ions with the corresponding carbonyl stretching frequencies in the solid-state (reflectance) IR spectra yield valuable insight into the binding mode of carbon monoxide. Most noteworthy is the synergic (π–σ) bonding in aroylium structures in contrast to the mainly σ bonding in acylium structures that are organic mimics for carbon monoxide bonding in classical and nonclassical metal carbonyls, respectively

    Diels−Alder Topochemistry via Charge-Transfer Crystals:  Novel (Thermal) Single-Crystal-to-Single-Crystal Transformations

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    The solid-state [4+2] cycloaddition of anthracene to bis(N-ethylimino)-1,4-dithiin occurs via a unique single-phase topochemical reaction in the intermolecular (1:1) charge-transfer crystal. The thermal heteromolecular solid-state condensation involves the entire crystal, and this rare crystalline event follows topochemical control during the entire cycloaddition. As a result, a new crystalline modification of the Diels−Alder product is formed with a crystal-packing similar to that of the starting charge-transfer crystal but very different from that of the (thermodynamically favored) product modification obtained from solution-phase crystallization. Such a single-phase transformation is readily monitored by X-ray crystallography at various conversion stages, and the temporal changes in crystallographic parameters are correlated with temperature-dependent (solid-state) kinetic data that are obtained by 1H NMR spectroscopy at various reaction times. Thus, an acceleration of the solid-state reaction over time is found which results from a progressive lowering of the activation barrier for cycloaddition in a single crystal as it slowly and homogeneously converts from the reactant to the product lattice
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