845 research outputs found

    On the stability of compact supermassive objects

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    Proceeded from the gravitation equations proposed by one of authors it was argued in a previous paper that there can exist supermassive compact configurations of degenerated Fermi-gas without events horizon. In the present paper we consider the stability of these objects by method like the one used in the theory of stellar structure. It is shown that the configurations with an adiabatic equation of state with the power 4/3 are stable.Comment: 10 pages, 5 figure

    Effective spin-fermion model for strongly correlated electrons

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    A modified spin-fermion model is proposed to describe the physics of the underdoped phase of the t-J model of strongly correlated electron

    Limitations of the mean field slave-particle approximations

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    We show that the transformation properties of the mean field slave boson/fermion order parameters under an action of the global SU(2) group impose certain restrictions on their applications to describe the phase diagram of the t-J model.Comment: to appear in Phys. Rev.

    On the extra phase correction to the semiclassical spin coherent-state propagator

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    The problem of an origin of the Solary-Kochetov extra-phase contribution to the naive semiclassical form of a generalized phase-space propagator is addressed with the special reference to the su(2) spin case which is the most important in applications. While the extra-phase correction to a flat phase-space propagator can straightforwardly be shown to appear as a difference between the principal and the Weyl symbols of a Hamiltonian in the next-to-leading order expansion in the semiclassical parameter, the same statement for the semiclassical spin coherent-state propagator holds provided the Holstein-Primakoff representation of the su(2) algebra generators is employed.Comment: 19 pages, no figures; a more general treatment is presented, some references are added, title is slightly changed; submitted to JM

    On representation of the t-J model via spin-charge variables

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    We show that the t-J Hamiltonian is not in general reduced to H(S,f), where S and f stand for independent ([S,f]=0) SU(2) (spin) generators and spinless fermionic (hole) field, respectively. The proof is based upon an identification of the Hubbard operators with the generators of the su(2|1) superalgebra in the degenerate fundamental representation and ensuing SU(2|1) path integral representation of the partition function.Comment: 15 pages, latex, no figure
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