201 research outputs found

    Studying microtemporal, within-person processes of diet, physical activity, and related factors using the appetite-mobile-app: Feasibility, usability, and validation study

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    Background: Diet and physical activity (PA) have a major impact on physical and mental health. However, there is a lack of effective strategies for sustaining these health-protective behaviors. A shift to a microtemporal, within-person approach is needed to capture dynamic processes underlying eating behavior and PA, as they change rapidly across minutes or hours and differ among individuals. However, a tool that captures these microtemporal, within-person processes in daily life is currently not present. Objective: The APPetite-mobile-app is developed for the ecological momentary assessment of microtemporal, within-person processes of complex dietary intake, objectively recorded PA, and related factors. This study aims to evaluate the feasibility and usability of the APPetite-mobile-app and the validity of the incorporated APPetite-food record. Methods: The APPetite-mobile-app captures dietary intake event-contingently through a food record, captures PA continuously through accelerometers, and captures related factors (eg, stress) signal-contingently through 8 prompts per day. Empirical data on feasibility (n=157), usability (n=84), and validity (n=44) were collected within the Eat2beNICE-APPetite-study. Feasibility and usability were examined in healthy participants and psychiatric patients. The relative validity of the APPetite-food record was assessed with a subgroup of healthy participants by using a counterbalanced crossover design. The reference method was a 24-hour recall. In addition, the energy intake was compared with the total energy expenditure estimated from accelerometry. Results: Good feasibility, with compliance rates above 80% for prompts and the accelerometer, as well as reasonable average response and recording durations (prompt: 2.04 min; food record per day: 17.66 min) and latencies (prompts: 3.16 min; food record: 58.35 min) were found. Usability was rated as moderate, with a score of 61.9 of 100 on the System Usability Scale. The evaluation of validity identified large differences in energy and macronutrient intake between the two methods at the group and individual levels. The APPetite-food record captured higher dietary intakes, indicating a lower level of underreporting, compared with the 24-hour recall. Energy intake was assessed fairly accurately by the APPetite-food record at the group level on 2 of 3 days when compared with total energy expenditure. The comparison with mean total energy expenditure (2417.8 kcal, SD 410) showed that the 24-hour recall (1909.2 kcal, SD 478.8) underestimated habitual energy intake to a larger degree than the APPetite-food record (2146.4 kcal, SD 574.5). Conclusions: The APPetite-mobile-app is a promising tool for capturing microtemporal, within-person processes of diet, PA, and related factors in real time or near real time and is, to the best of our knowledge, the first of its kind. First evidence supports the good feasibility and moderate usability of the APPetite-mobile-app and the validity of the APPetite-food record. Future findings in this context will build the foundation for the development of personalized lifestyle modification interventions, such as just-in-time adaptive interventions

    Microtemporal Dynamics of Dietary Intake, Physical Activity, and Impulsivity in Adult Attention-Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder: Ecological Momentary Assessment Study Within Nutritional Psychiatry

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    Background: Increasing attention is being paid to lifestyle factors, such as nutrition and physical activity (PA), as potential complementary treatment options in attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder (ADHD). Previous research indicates that sugar and saturated fat intake may be linked to increased impulsivity, a core symptom of ADHD, whereas protein intake and PA may be related to reduced impulsivity. However, most studies rely on cross-sectional data that lack microtemporal resolution and ecological validity, wherefore questions of microtemporal dynamics (eg, is the consumption of foods high in sugar associated with increased impulsivity within minutes or hours?) remain largely unanswered. Ecological momentary assessment (EMA) has the potential to bridge this gap. Objective: This study is the first to apply EMA to assess microtemporal associations among macronutrient intake, PA, and state impulsivity in the daily life of adults with and without ADHD. Methods: Over a 3-day period, participants reported state impulsivity 8 times per day (signal-contingent), recorded food and drink intake (event-contingent), and wore an accelerometer. Multilevel 2-part models were used to study the association among macronutrient intake, PA, and the probability to be impulsive as well as the intensity of impulsivity (ADHD: n=36; control: n=137). Results: No association between macronutrient intake and state impulsivity was found. PA was not related to the intensity of impulsivity but to a higher probability to be impulsive (ADHD: β=−.09, 95% CI −0.14 to −0.04; control: β=−.03, 95% CI −0.05 to −0.01). No evidence was found that the combined intake of saturated fat and sugar amplified the increase in state impulsivity and that PA alleviated the positive association between sugar or fat intake and state impulsivity. Conclusions: Important methodological considerations are discussed that can contribute to the optimization of future EMA protocols. EMA research in the emerging field of nutritional psychiatry is still in its infancy; however, EMA is a highly promising and innovative approach as it offers insights into the microtemporal dynamics of psychiatric symptomology, dietary intake, and PA in daily life

    Individual differences in the dietary response to stress in ecological momentary assessment: Does the individual‐difference model need expansion?

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    According to the individual-difference model, individuals differ in the way stress changes their eating behaviour. Research shows that some increase, some decrease, and others show no change in food intake. Despite numerous efforts to identify moderating variables that explain these individual (i.e., between-person) differences, evidence remains inconclusive. The present study aims at deepening the understanding of the stress and eating relationship by applying ecological momentary assessment to study (1) the influence of stress on whether and how much individuals eat and (2) the moderating role of gender, age, BMI, trait stress-eating, and eating styles. The APPetite-mobile-app was used for 3 days to capture actual food intake (event-contingent) and perceived stress (signal-contingent). Data of 154 healthy adults suggest that stress is not associated with whether but how much individuals eat. Only gender moderated the relationship between stress and the amount of food intake. Individual differences were small indicating that an individual\u27s dietary response to stress might not be as stable as yet assumed. Moreover, a study suggests that time-varying factors (e.g., food availability) moderate the stress and eating relationship. Hence, intraindividual (i.e., within-person) variability may be relevant. Therefore, we propose an expansion of the individual-difference model, which accounts for time-varying factors

    The dynamical association between physical activity and affect in the daily life of individuals with ADHD

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    ADHD, Mood; Physical activityTDAH; Estado anímico; Actividad físicaTDAH; Estat anímic; Activitat físicaExercise interventions in mental disorders have evidenced a mood-enhancing effect. However, the association between physical activity and affect in everyday life has not been investigated in adult individuals with ADHD, despite being important features of this disorder. As physical activity and affect are dynamic processes in nature, assessing those in everyday life with e-diaries and wearables, has become the gold standard. Thus, we used an mHealth approach to prospectively assess physical activity and affect processes in individuals with ADHD and controls aged 14–45 years. Participants wore accelerometers across a four-day period and reported their affect via e-diaries twelve times daily. We used multilevel models to identify the within-subject effects of physical activity on positive and negative affect. We split our sample into three groups: 1. individuals with ADHD who were predominantly inattentive (n = 48), 2. individuals with ADHD having a combined presentation (i.e., being inattentive and hyperactive; n = 95), and 3. controls (n = 42). Our analyses revealed a significant cross-level interaction (F(2, 135.072)=5.733, p = 0.004) of physical activity and group on positive affect. In details, all groups showed a positive association between physical activity and positive affect. Individuals with a combined presentation significantly showed the steepest slope of physical activity on positive affect (slope_inattentive=0.005, p<0.001; slope_combined=0.009, p<0.001; slope_controls=0.004, p = 0.008). Our analyses on negative affect revealed a negative association only in the individuals with a combined presentation (slope=-0.003; p = 0.001). Whether this specifically pronounced association in individuals being more hyperactive might be a mechanism reinforcing hyperactivity needs to be empirically clarified in future studies

    Relationships between incidental physical activity, exercise, and sports with subsequent mood in adolescents

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    Physical activity is beneficial for human physical health and well-being. Accordingly, the association between physical activity and mood in everyday life has been a subject of several Ambulatory Assessment studies. This mechanism has been studied in children, adults, and the elderly, but neglected in adolescents. It is critical to examine this mechanism in adolescents because adolescence plays a key role in human development and adolescents’ physical activity behavior translates into their behavior in adulthood. We investigated adolescents’ mood in relation to distinct physical activities: incidental activity such as climbing stairs; exercise activity, such as skating; and sports, such as playing soccer. We equipped 134 adolescents aged 12-17 years with accelerometers and GPS-triggered electronic diaries to use in their everyday life. Adolescents reported on mood repeatedly in real time across 7 days, and these data were analyzed using multilevel-modeling. After incidental activity, adolescents felt better and more energized. After exercise, adolescents felt better but less calm. After sports, adolescents felt less energized. Analyses of the time course of the effects confirmed our findings. Physical activity influences mood in adolescents’ everyday life, but has distinct effects depending on the kind of physical activity. Our results suggest incidental and exercise activities entail higher post-bout valence compared to sports in competitive settings. These findings may serve as an important empirical basis for the targeted application of distinct physical activities to foster well-being in adolescence

    A Multi-wavelength Study of the Sunyaev-Zel'dovich Effect in the Triple-Merger Cluster MACS J0717.5+3745 with MUSTANG and Bolocam

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    We present 90, 140, and 268GHz sub-arcminute resolution imaging of the Sunyaev-Zel'dovich effect (SZE) in MACSJ0717.5+3745. Our 90GHz SZE data result in a sensitive, 34uJy/bm map at 13" resolution using MUSTANG. Our 140 and 268GHz SZE imaging, with resolutions of 58" and 31" and sensitivities of 1.8 and 3.3mJy/beam respectively, was obtained using Bolocam. We compare these maps to a 2-dimensional pressure map derived from Chandra X-ray observations. Our MUSTANG data confirm previous indications from Chandra of a pressure enhancement due to shock-heated, >20keV gas immediately adjacent to extended radio emission seen in low-frequency radio maps. The MUSTANG data also detect pressure substructure that is not well-constrained by the X-ray data in the remnant core of a merging subcluster. We find that the small-scale pressure enhancements in the MUSTANG data amount to ~2% of the total pressure measured in the 140GHz Bolocam observations. The X-ray template also fails on larger scales to accurately describe the Bolocam data, particularly at the location of a subcluster known to have a high line of sight optical velocity (~3200km/s). Our Bolocam data are adequately described when we add an additional component - not described by a thermal SZE spectrum - coincident with this subcluster. Using flux densities extracted from our model fits, and marginalizing over the temperature constraints for the region, we fit a thermal+kinetic SZE spectrum to our data and find the subcluster has a best-fit line of sight proper velocity of 3600+3440/-2160km/s. This agrees with the optical velocity estimates for the subcluster. The probability of velocity<0 given our measurements is 2.1%. Repeating this analysis using flux densities measured non-parametrically results in a 3.4% probability of a velocity<=0. We note that this tantalizing result for the kinetic SZE is on resolved, subcluster scales.Comment: 10 Figures, 18 pages. this version corrects issues with the previous arXiv versio

    Mood Dimensions Show Distinct Within-Subject Associations With Non-exercise Activity in Adolescents : An Ambulatory Assessment Study

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    Physical activity is known to preserve both physical and mental health. However, the physical activity levels of a large proportion of adolescents are insufficient. This is critical, since physical activity levels in youth have been shown to translate into adulthood. Whereas in adult populations, mood has been supposed to be one important psychological factor that drives physical activity in everyday life, this issue has been poorly studied in adolescent populations. Ambulatory Assessment is the state-of-the-art approach to investigate how mood and non-exercise activity fluctuate within persons in everyday life. Through assessments in real time and real life, this method provides ecological validity, bypassing several limitations of traditional assessment methods (e.g., recall biases). To investigate whether mood is associated with non-exercise activity in adolescents, we equipped a community-based sample comprising 113 participants, aged 12–17 years, with GPS-triggered e-diaries querying for valence, energetic arousal, and calmness, and with accelerometers continuously measuring physical activity in their everyday lives for 1 week. We excluded all acceleration data due to participants' exercise activities and thereafter we parameterized non-exercise activity as the mean value across 10-min intervals of movement acceleration intensity following each e-diary prompt. We used multilevel analyses to compute the effects of the mood dimensions on non-exercise activity within 10-min intervals directly following each e-diary prompt. Additionally, we conducted explorative analyses of the time course of the effects, i.e., on different timeframes of non-exercise activity up to 300 min following the mood assessment. The results showed that valence (p &lt; 0.001) and energetic arousal (p &lt; 0.001) were positively associated with non-exercise activity within the 10 min interval, whereas calmness (p &lt; 0.001) was negatively associated with non-exercise activity. Specifically, adolescents who felt more content, full of energy, or less calm were more physically active in subsequent timeframes. Overall, our results demonstrate significant associations of mood with non-exercise activity in younger ages and converge with the previously observed association between mood and physical activity in adults. This knowledge on distinct associations of mood-dimensions with non-exercise activity may help to foster physical activity levels in adolescents
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