12 research outputs found

    Distribution of the Rate of Morbidity and Mortality Developing After Surgical Treatment of Non-small Lung Cancer Surgery by Years

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    Aim:The most effective treatment for lung cancer is surgery. Morbidity rates remained almost constant over the years. However, morbidity rates have started to decline with better management of preoperative and postoperative procedures. We examined the causes and results of postoperative morbidity and mortality after resection surgery by years.Methods:Anatomical lung resections performed in our clinic from January 2013 to December 2017 were retrospectively reviewed. Patients who underwent bilateral lung resections and those with comorbid infections, such as abscess and tuberculosis, were excluded.Results:A total of 907 patients were included in the study. 79% of the patients were male and the median age was 56 years. The increase in malignant pulmonary resection rates by years was statistically significant (p<0.001). It was found that video-assisted thoracoscopic surgery (VATS) lobectomy rates increased (p<0.001), thoracotomy lobectomy (p=0.006) and pneumonectomy rates decreased (p<0.001). The rates of atrial fibrillation, prolonged air leakage and pneumonia were statistically significantly decreased (p=0.004, p<0.001 and p<0.001, respectively) and no change was observed in mortality rates (p=0.123).Conclusion:Our study showed that postoperative morbidity was significantly reduced in lung cancer. A recent increase in VATS lobectomy procedures may have an effect on this result, however, the relationship was not statistically significant. Thus, the increase in the success rates can be attributed to the improved experience of the team in our hospital in years as well as being a specialty hospital for chest diseases and thoracic surgery

    Patient and physician delay in the diagnosis and treatment of non-small cell lung cancer in Turkey

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    Aim: The early diagnosis and treatment of lung cancer are important for the prognosis of patients withlung cancer. This study was undertaken to investigate patient and doctor delays in the diagnosis andtreatment of NSCLC and the factors affecting these delays.Materials and methods: A total of 1016 patients, including 926 (91.1%) males and 90 (8.9%) females with amean age of 61.5 10.1 years, were enrolled prospectively in this study between May 2010 and May2011 from 17 sites in various Turkish provinces.Results: The patient delay was found to be 49.9 96.9 days, doctor delay was found to be 87.7 99.6 days,and total delay was found to be 131.3 135.2 days. The referral delay was found to be 61.6 127.2 days,diagnostic delay was found to be 20.4 44.5 days, and treatment delay was found to be 24.4 54.9 days.When the major factors responsible for these delays were examined, patient delay was found to be morefrequent in workers, while referral delay was found to be more frequent in patients living in villages(p < 0.05). We determined that referral delay, doctor delay, and total delay increased as the number of doctorswho were consulted by patients increased (p < 0.05). Additionally, we determined that diagnostic andtreatment delays were more frequent at the early tumour stages in NSCLC patients (p < 0.05)

    Evaluation of Six Patients with Pulmonary Carcinosarcoma with a Literature Review

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    Background. Carcinosarcoma of the lung is a rare malignant neoplasm. We evaluated the diagnosis and treatment of six carcinosarcoma cases, including a synchronous tumour and a solitary pulmonary tumour, along with the clinical and histological features and survival times. Methods. From a retrospective analysis of 1076 non-small-cell lung cancer resections performed between January 1996 and January 2011, six patients (0.5%) with pulmonary carcinosarcoma (all males; mean age 58 years; range 53–66) who underwent surgical treatment were studied. Results. The mean tumour pathological T diameter was 7.2 cm (median 6 cm, range 3–14.5 cm). Only one patient was diagnosed with carcinosarcoma preoperatively. The clinical presentation and tumour localisations differed. The operations performed were a lobectomy (n=4), pneumonectomy (n=1), and bilobectomy (n=1). Histologically, the epithelial characteristics of the tumours were consistent with squamous cell carcinoma in most of the patients. A complete resection was performed in all six patients. No mortality occurred in the early postoperative period. The median survival time was 9 (3–25) months. Conclusion. The preoperative diagnosis of carcinosarcoma of the lung is difficult due to the composition of the different histopathological structures. Complete surgical resection is the treatment of choice for pulmonary carcinosarcoma, although further studies are needed

    Presentation and surgical treatment of congenital pulmonary airway malformation in an adult

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    Congenital pulmonary airway malformation (CPAM) is a congenital lung disease that is usually diagnosed in the prenatal or neonatal period but is rarely seen in adults as well. In this report, we present a 26-year-old male patient who presented to our clinic with respiratory difficulty due to a CPAM that affected the entire right lung, caused mediastinal and diaphragmatic compression, and led to extensive diffuse hemorrhage from the adjacent structures that required massive transfusion

    Prognostic factors and 10 years survival analysis that operated early stage non-small cell lung carcinoma

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    Amaç: Akciğer kanseri dünyada kanserden ölümlerin ilk sırasında yer almaktadır. Günümüzde yeni geli?en tanısal metotlara, ilerlemi? cerrahi tekniklere ve cerrahi dı?ı tedavi yöntemlerindeki geli?melere rağmen, genel olarak akciğer kanserinin be? yıllık kümülatif sağ kalımı hala %14’tür. Gereç ve Yöntem: Postoperatif histopatolojik inceleme sonucunda erken evre (Evre I - II) olarak değerlendirilen 207 olgunun kayıtları retrospektif olarak gözden geçirildi. Çalı?mamızda olgularımızın ya?, cins, solunum fonksiyonları, ?ikayetleri, postoperatif komplikasyonlar, tümörün evresi ve histopatolojik tipinin prognoza ve sağ kalıma olan etkileri ara?tırılmı?tır. Bulgular: Çalı?mamızda dü?ük evre tümörlerde cinsiyet, tanı sırasında ?ikâyeti olma/olmama durumu, göğüs ağrısı, hemoptizi, balgam, dispne ve sigara anamnezi sağ kalımı istatistiksel olarak etkilememi?tir. TNM evresi ve postoperatif komplikasyon varlığı sağ kalım süresini anlamlı olarak etkilemi?tir. Sonuç: Küçük hücreli dı?ı akciğer kanserinde (KHDAK) küratif tedavi ?ekli cerrahidir. KHDAK’li hastaların prognozunu belirleyen en önemli kriter evredir.Aim: Lung cancer is at the beginning causes of deaths from cancer in the world. Despite recent advances in diagnostic methods, advanced surgical techniques, and non-surgical methods of treatment, overall 5-year cumulative survival of lung cancer is still 14%. Materials and Methods: As a result of postoperative histopathological examination, the records of 207 patients who were evaluated as early stage (stage I and II) were retrospectively reviewed. We investigated the age, gender, respiratory functions, complaints, and postoperative complications, prognosis of the tumor stage and histopathologic type and the effects of survival in our study. Results: Low grade tumors, gender, presence / absence of complaints during diagnosis, chest pain, hemoptysis, sputum, dyspnea and smoking history did not affect survival statistically. TNM stage and postoperative complications significantly affected the survival time. Conclusion: Curative therapy in non-small cell lung cancer is surgery. The most important criteria determining the prognosis of patients is stage

    Prognostic factors and 10 years survival analysis that operated early stage non-small cell lung carcinoma

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    Amaç: Akciğer kanseri dünyada kanserden ölümlerin ilk sırasında yer almaktadır. Günümüzde yenigeli?en tanısal metotlara, ilerlemi? cerrahi tekniklere ve cerrahi dı?ı tedavi yöntemlerindeki geli?melererağmen, genel olarak akciğer kanserinin be? yıllık kümülatif sağ kalımı hala %14’tür.Gereç ve Yöntem: Postoperatif histopatolojik inceleme sonucunda erken evre (Evre I - II) olarakdeğerlendirilen 207 olgunun kayıtları retrospektif olarak gözden geçirildi. Çalı?mamızda olgularımızınya?, cins, solunum fonksiyonları, ?ikayetleri, postoperatif komplikasyonlar, tümörün evresi vehistopatolojik tipinin prognoza ve sağ kalıma olan etkileri ara?tırılmı?tır.Bulgular: Çalı?mamızda dü?ük evre tümörlerde cinsiyet, tanı sırasında ?ikâyeti olma/olmama durumu,göğüs ağrısı, hemoptizi, balgam, dispne ve sigara anamnezi sağ kalımı istatistiksel olaraketkilememi?tir. TNM evresi ve postoperatif komplikasyon varlığı sağ kalım süresini anlamlı olaraketkilemi?tir.Sonuç: Küçük hücreli dı?ı akciğer kanserinde (KHDAK) küratif tedavi ?ekli cerrahidir. KHDAK’lihastaların prognozunu belirleyen en önemli kriter evredir.Aim: Lung cancer is at the beginning causes of deaths from cancer in the world. Despite recent advances in diagnostic methods, advanced surgical techniques, and non-surgical methods of treatment, overall 5-year cumulative survival of lung cancer is still 14%. Materials and Methods: As a result of postoperative histopathological examination, the records of 207 patients who were evaluated as early stage (stage I and II) were retrospectively reviewed. We investigated the age, gender, respiratory functions, complaints, and postoperative complications, prognosis of the tumor stage and histopathologic type and the effects of survival in our study. Results: Low grade tumors, gender, presence / absence of complaints during diagnosis, chest pain, hemoptysis, sputum, dyspnea and smoking history did not affect survival statistically. TNM stage and postoperative complications significantly affected the survival time. Conclusion: Curative therapy in non-small cell lung cancer is surgery. The most important criteria determining the prognosis of patients is stage