47 research outputs found

    Antifungalna aktivnost propolisa u četiri vrste voćnih sokova

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    Fruit juices and soft drinks are targets for spoilage yeasts, moulds and bacteria. The aim of this study is to examine the antifungal effect of ethanolic extract of Turkish propolis (EETP) treatments in four nonpasteurized fruit juices including apple, orange, white grape and mandarin against 6 different yeasts isolated from the corresponding spoiled juices. These isolated yeasts include: Candida famata, C. glabrata, C. kefyr, C. pelliculosa, C. parapsilosis and Pichia ohmeri. Minimum Inhibitory Concentration (MIC) ranges were determined responding to the National Committee for Clinical Laboratory Standards (NCCLS) M27-A that were slightly modified with broth microdilution method. In this study, the presence of propolis in apple (pH=3.9), orange (pH=3.7), white grape (pH=3.8) and mandarin (pH=3.4) juices ranging from 0.01 to 0.375 mg/mL inhibited the growth of all spoilage yeasts at 25 °C. MIC ranges of propolis were 0.02–0.375, 0.04–0.375, 0.01–0.185, 0.02–0.185 and 0.04–0.375 mg/mL in mandarin, apple, orange, white grape juices and RPMI medium, respectively. MIC ranges of Na benzoate, which was used as positive control, were 80–320, 80–320, 40–640, 40–80 and 320–1280 μg/mL in mandarin, apple, orange, white grape and RPMI medium as blank control, respectively. In terms of MIC ranges, propolis showed greater antifungal activity than Na benzoate. As a result, propolis had significant antimicrobial activity against the yeast isolates from spoiled fruit juices. It was concluded that propolis is worthy to study further as a natural preservative for foods prone to fungal spoilage.Voćni sokovi i negazirana pića podložni su kvarenju u prisutnosti kvasaca, plijesni i bakterija. Svrha je ovog istraživanja ispitati antifungalni učinak etanolnog ekstrakta turskog propolisa (ETTP) u nepasteriziranom soku jabuke, naranče, bijeloga grožđa i mandarine na 6 različitih sojeva kvasca izoliranih iz pokvarenih sokova. Izolirani su sojevi kvasca Candida famata, C. glabrata, C. kefyr, C. pelliculosa, C. parapsilosis i Pichia omeri. Minimalna inhibicijska koncentracija (MIC) određena je prema standardima nacionalnog odbora za kliničke laboratorije (NCCLS) M27-A, neznatno modificiranih metodom mikrodilucije bujona. Prisutnost propolisa u soku jabuke (pH=3,9), naranče (pH=3,7), bijeloga grožđa (pH=3,8) i mandarine (pH=3,4) u rasponu od 0,01 do 0,375 mg/mL inhibirala je rast svih sojeva kvasca na temperaturi od 25 °C. MIC propolisa u soku mandarine iznosila je 0,02-0,375, u soku jabuke 0,04-0,375, u soku naranče 0,01-0,185, u soku bijeloga grožđa 0,02-0,185 te u RPMI mediju 0,04-0,375 mg/mL. MIC natrijeva benzoata, primijenjenog kao pozitivna kontrola, iznosila je 80-320 u soku mandarine, 80-320 u soku jabuke, 40-640 u soku naranče, 40-80 u soku bijeloga grožđa i 320-1280 μg/mL u RPMI mediju korištenom za slijepu probu. Propolis je imao značajnu antimikrobnu aktivnost na sojeve kvasca izoliranih iz pokvarenih voćnih sokova. Predloženo je daljnje istraživanje propolisa kao prirodnog konzervansa hrane podložne kvarenju u prisutnosti kvasaca

    Comparative study of in vitro methods used to analyse the antifungal activity of propolis against Trichophyton rubrum and Trichophyton mentagrophytes

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    The aim of this study was to evaluate the in vitro activity of propolis against clinical isolates of Trichophyton rubrum and Trichophyton mentagrophytes by following the NCCLS guidelines for testing filamentous fungi, and compare the two methods of evaluating the efficacy of propolis: NCCLS microdilution and agar dilution methods. A broth microdilution method following the recommendations established by the National Committee for Clinical Laboratory Standards (NCCLS) and agar dilution method were used to compare the in vitro activity of propolis with that of itraconazole (ITC) against 29 clinical isolates the dermatophytes belonging to two different species of Trichophyton. In terms of MICs (minimal inhibitory concentrations), ITC showed greater activity than propolis. MICs of propolis at which 50% (MIC50) and 90% (MIC90) of the isolates were 0.1 and 0.2 mu g ml(-1), respectively. Propolis merits further investigations as a potentially useful agent for treatment of dermatophytosis and the broth microdilution and the agar dilution methods were good agreement for propolis against dermatophytes. Moreover, the study suggests the potential value of the broth microdilution as a convenient alternative method for testing the susceptibilities of dermatophytes to propolis

    In vitro susceptibility testing of dermatophytes: comparison of disk diffusion and reference broth dilution methods

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    A total of 56 strains belonging to 4 species of dermatophytes were tested against 10 antifungal drugs by using a modification of the NCCLS (M38-P) standard for filamentous fungi. The minimum inhibitory concentration (MIC) values obtained using the dilution method were compared with the diameters of growth inhibition zones using the disk diffusion method. The antifungals used were itraconazole, fluconazole, ketoconazole, miconazole, sulconazole, oxiconazole, bifonazole, griseofulvin, ciclopiroxolamine, and terbinafine. Relative to the other agents tested. terbinafine possessed the highest antifungal activity against all of the dermatophytes. In contrast, fluconazole was the least active drug. An increase of MIC values was accompanied by a decrease of growth inhibition zone diameter. The disk diffusion method of fungal susceptibility assessment yields data consistent with results obtained front the dilution method. The Study suggests the potential value of the disk diffusion method as a convenient alternative method for testing the susceptibilities of dermatophytes. (C) 2004 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved

    A fatal Acremonium falciforme peritonitis

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    A case of Acremonium falciforme peritonitis in a 50-year-old man with a 10-year history of end stage renal disease that was on Continuous Ambulatory Peritoneal Dialysis for 8 years is reported. The aim of this report is to remind the clinician that in resistant and life-threatening peritonitis, A. falciforme may be the cause. This fungus was identified as A. falciforme in culture by its characteristic colonies and microscopic morphological findings. In vitro fluconazole and amphotericin B minimum inhibitory concentrations (MICs) were found as 6 and 0.125 μg/mL respectively. First fluconazole and then amphotericin B was administered, but patient was deceased on day 10 of amphotericin B therapy. This indicates that more antifungal susceptibility studies should be done before making a comment about in vivo and in vitro concordance of susceptibility of filamentous fungi. [Med-Science 2018; 7(1.000): 222-224

    The Effect of Combinations of Antimycotics on Systemic Candidiasis in a Mouse Model

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    Objective: This study was planned to investigate the therapeutic efficacy of terbinafine and interaction between terbinafine with amphotericin B, and fluconazole on candidiasis in a mouse model

    Antifungal susceptibility testing of Candida albicans by flow cytometry

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    Antifungal susceptibilities of 28 Candida albicans isolates and two quality control strains to amphotericin B and fluconazole were determined by flow cytometry and microdilution method. Minimum inhibitory concentrations (MICs) obtained by flow cytometry were compared with the results obtained by The National Committee for Clinical Laboratory Standards Subcommittee (NCCLS) broth microdilution method. The agreement of results (within two dilution) obtained was found as 96 and 93% for amphotericin B and fluconazole. respectively. At least 24 h incubation was required for reading the microdilution assays. Four hours of incubation was required for fluconazole, whereas 2-h incubation was sufficient for amphotericin B to provide MIC by flow cytometry. Results of this study show that flow cytometry provides a rapid and sensitive in vitro method for antifungal susceptibility testing of Candida albicans isolates

    Evaluation of Terbinafine Activity on Pneumocystis carinii in the Rat Model

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    Objective: The purpose of this study was to test the hypothesis thThis study was planned to investigate the antipneumocystis activity of terbinafine in a rat model

    Case reports. Isolation of two Trichosporon cutaneum strains from urine

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    Two strains of Trichopsoron cutaneum were isolated from the urine of two male patients. Antifungal susceptibility and cross-reactivity with Cryptococcus antigen latex agglutination text as well as the patients' situation are reported

    Isolation of Acremonium strictum from pleural fluid of a patient with colon adenocarcinoma

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    Although Acremonium strictum is environmentally widespread as opportunistic fungus, it may cause infection in patients who have immunodeficiency. In this study, A. strictum were isolated from the pleural fluid of a patient with colon adenocarcinoma. The patient did not receive antifungal therapy because the patient died on the same day after the isolation of the mould from the pleural fluid. Major risk factors for the fungal infection are surgery because of cancer, administration of parenteral hyperalimentation and broad-spectrum antibiotics, attaching chest tube and ventilation tube and hospitalization in intensive care unit. The minimal inhibitory concentrations (MICs) of amphotericin B, fluconazole, ketoconazole, itraconazole, voriconazole for the A. strictum strain isolated from pleural fluid were 0.125, 256, 2, 1.5 and 0.25 mu g ml(-1), respectively. In conclusion, bacteria and fungi, especially opportunistic fungi should be taken into consideration in the developing pleuritis in the patients with predisposing risks for the fungal infection