16 research outputs found

    Ruthenium-106 Plaque Therapy for Diffuse Choroidal Hemangioma in Sturge-Weber Syndrome

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    Diffuse choroidal hemangiomas associated with Sturge-Weber syndrome (SWS) are classically treated with external beam radiotherapy (EBR), but there are a few reports usually of single cases indicating the usefulness of plaque therapy. We present our observations on two cases of diffuse choroidal hemangiomas with exudative retinal detachment associated with SWS treated with Ruthenium-106 plaque therapy. Outcomes included best-corrected visual acuity (BCVA) and regression in tumor thickness measured by ultrasonography. The initial BCVA of the affected eyes was counting fingers at 1 meter and light projection. Pretreatment tumors thickness was 3.5 mm and 4.7 mm. In a follow-up period of 18–24 months, significant reduction in thickness of choroidal hemangiomas up to 1.2 mm and 1.4 mm with prompt resolution of exudative retinal detachment was observed. BCVA achieved 20/200 and 20/400, respectively. The findings in this paper indicate that Ruthenium-106 plaque therapy is effective in treatment of diffuse choroidal hemangiomas associated with SWS

    Retinoblastoma. [W : retinal tumors]

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    Siatkówczak. [W : guzy siatkówki]

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    Marketing based on knowledge as a basis for strategy of research institution – on the example of the Packaging Research Institute

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    Basis for marketing activities of COBRO – Packaging Research Institute are two main issues. First of all, as a small research and development centre, COBRO has no funds to carry out specialized marketing department. On the other hand, due to huge growth of packaging market, all needs of stakeholders – companies but also other research institutions seeking consortium members – cannot be entirely identified or forecasted, and practical solutions are created in the course of cooperation. For all that reasons Institute has developed its own concept of the knowledge-based marketing, which means more flexible use of the potential of academics and research employees

    Marketing oparty na wiedzy jako podstawa strategii jednostki badawczej – na przykładzie Instytutu Badawczego Opakowań

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    Basis for marketing activities of COBRO – Packaging Research Institute are two main issues. First of all, as a small research and development centre, COBRO has no funds to carry out specialized marketing department. On the other hand, due to huge growth of packaging market, all needs of stakeholders – companies but also other research institutions seeking consortium members – cannot be entirely identified or forecasted, and practical solutions are created in the course of cooperation. For all that reasons Institute has developed its own concept of the knowledge-based marketing, which means more flexible use of the potential of academics and research employees.Działania marketingowe COBRO – Instytutu Badawczego Opakowań są uwarunkowane dwiema głównymi kwestiami. Z jednej strony COBRO, jako niewielka państwowa jednostka badawczo-rozwojow,a nie dysponuje funduszami na prowadzenie marketingu przez wyspecjalizowany dział. Z drugiej zaś ogromna dynamika rynku opakowań, potrzeby zainteresowanych stron – przedsiębiorstw czy instytucji badawczych poszukujących partnera do konsorcjum – nie mogą być do końca zidentyfikowane i przewidziane, a rozwiązania praktyczne rodzą się w toku współpracy. Dlatego właśnie Instytut wypracował własną koncepcję marketingu bazującego na wiedzy, a więc elastycznym wykorzystaniu potencjału pracowników naukowych i badawczych