107 research outputs found

    Elastic properties of polycrystalline dense matter

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    Elastic properties of the solid regions of neutron star crusts and white dwarfs play an important role in theories of stellar oscillations. Matter in compact stars is presumably polycrystalline and, since the elastic properties of single crystals of such matter are very anisotropic, it is necessary to relate elastic properties of the polycrystal to those of a single crystal. We calculate the effective shear modulus of polycrystalline matter with randomly oriented crystallites using a self-consistent theory that has been very successful in applications to terrestrial materials and show that previous calculations overestimate the shear modulus by approximately 28%.Comment: Preprint NORDITA-2015-1

    Nucleus--nucleus interactions in the inner crust of neutron stars

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    The interaction between nuclei in the inner crust of neutron stars consists of two contributions, the so-called "direct" interaction and an "induced" one due to density changes in the neutron fluid. For large nuclear separations rr the contributions from nuclear forces to each of these terms are shown to be nonzero. In the static limit they are equal in magnitude but have opposite signs and they cancel exactly. We analyze earlier results on effective interactions in the light of this finding. We consider the properties of long-wavelength collective modes and, in particular, calculate the degree of mixing between the lattice phonons and the phonons in the neutron superfluid. Using microscopic theory, we calculate the net non-Coulombic contribution to the nucleus--nucleus interaction and show that, for large rr, the leading term is due to exchange of two phonons and varies as 1/r71/r^7: it is an analog of the Casimir--Polder interaction between neutral atoms.Comment: 11 pages, 4 figures, 3 table

    Dynamics of the inner crust of neutron stars: hydrodynamics, elasticity and collective modes

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    We present calculations of the hydrodynamics of the inner crust of neutron stars, where a superfluid neutron liquid coexists with a lattice of neutron-rich nuclei. The long-wavelength collective oscillations are combinations of phonons in the lattice and phonons in the superfluid neutrons. Velocities of collective modes are calculated from information about effective nucleon-nucleon interactions derived from Lattimer and Swesty's microscopic calculations based on a compressible liquid drop picture of the atomic nuclei and the surrounding neutrons.Comment: Preprint NORDITA-2013-1

    Two-component superfluid hydrodynamics of neutron star cores

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    We consider the hydrodynamics of the outer core of a neutron star under conditions when both neutrons and protons are superfluid. Starting from the equation of motion for the phases of the wave functions of the condensates of neutron pairs and proton pairs we derive the generalization of the Euler equation for a onecomponent fluid. These equations are supplemented by the conditions for conservation of neutron number and proton number. Of particular interest is the effect of entrainment, the fact that the current of one nucleon species depends on the momenta per nucleon of both condensates. We find that the nonlinear terms in the Euler-like equation contain contributions that have not always been taken into account in previous applications of superfluid hydrodynamics. We apply the formalism to determine the frequency of oscillations about a state with stationary condensates and states with a spatially uniform counterflow of neutrons and protons. The velocities of the coupled sound-like modes of neutrons and protons are calculated from properties of uniform neutron star matter evaluated on the basis of chiral effective field theory. We also derive the condition for the two-stream instability to occur.Comment: Final version. 9 pages, 5 figure

    Dispersion and decay of collective modes in neutron star cores

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    We calculate the frequencies of collective modes of neutrons, protons and electrons in the outer core of neutron stars. The neutrons and protons are treated in a hydrodynamic approximation and the electrons are regarded as collisionless. The coupling of the nucleons to the electrons leads to Landau damping of the collective modes and to significant dispersion of the low-lying modes. We investigate the sensitivity of the mode frequencies to the strength of entrainment between neutrons and protons, which is not well characterized. The contribution of collective modes to the thermal conductivity is evaluated.Comment: 10 pages, 4 figure

    Turbulence in Binary Bose-Einstein Condensates Generated by Highly Non-Linear Rayleigh-Taylor and Kelvin-Helmholtz Instabilities

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    Quantum turbulence (QT) generated by the Rayleigh-Taylor instability in binary immiscible ultracold 87Rb atoms at zero temperature is studied theoretically. We show that the quantum vortex tangle is qualitatively different from previously considered superfluids, which reveals deep relations between QT and classical turbulence. The present QT may be generated at arbitrarily small Mach numbers, which is a unique property not found in previously studied superfluids. By numerical solution of the coupled Gross-Pitaevskii equations we find that the Kolmogorov scaling law holds for the incompressible kinetic energy. We demonstrate that the phenomenon may be observed in the laboratory.Comment: Revised version. 7 pages, 8 figure

    Superfluid liquid crystals: pasta phases in neutron star crusts

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    The pasta phases predicted to occur near the inner boundary of the crust of a neutron star resemble liquid crystals, a smectic A in the case of sheet-like nuclei (lasagna) and the columnar phase in the case of rod-like nuclei (spaghetti). An important difference compared with usual liquid crystals is that the nucleons are superfluid. We develop the hydrodynamic equations for this system and use them to study collective oscillations. Nucleon superfluidity leads to important qualitative differences in the spectra of these oscillations and also increases their frequencies compared with ordinary liquid crystals. We discuss a number of directions for future work.Comment: 7 page

    Elastic properties of phases with nonspherical nuclei in dense matter

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    We consider the elastic constants of phases with nonspherical nuclei, so-called pasta phases, predicted to occur in the inner crust of a neutron star. First, we treat perfectly ordered phases and give numerical estimates for lasagna and spaghetti when the pasta elements are spatially uniform: the results are in order-of-magnitude agreement with the numerical simulations of Caplan, Schneider, and Horowitz, Phys. Rev. Lett. 121, 132701 (2018). We then turn to pasta phases without long-range order and calculate upper (Voigt) and lower (Reuss) bounds on the effective shear modulus and find that the lower bound is zero, but the upper bound is nonzero. To obtain better estimates, we then apply the self-consistent formalism and find that this predicts that the shear modulus of the phases without long-range order is zero if the pasta elements are spatially uniform. In numerical simulations, the pasta elements are found to be modulated spatially and we show that this modulation is crucial to obtaining a nonzero elastic moduli for pasta phases without long-range order. In the self-consistent formalism we find that, for lasagna, the effective shear modulus is linear in the elastic constants that do not vanish when the pasta elements are spatially uniform while, for spaghetti, it varies as the square root of these elastic constants. We also consider the behavior of the elastic constant associated with a homologous strain (hydrostatic compression) of the structure of the pasta phases without long-range order.Comment: 9 pages, 6 figure

    Parametric resonance of capillary waves at the interface between two immiscible Bose-Einstein condensates

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    We study parametric resonance of capillary waves on the interface between two immiscible Bose-Einstein condensates pushed towards each other by an oscillating force. Guided by analytical models, we solve numerically the coupled Gross-Pitaevskii equations for two-component Bose-Einstein condensate at zero temperature. We show that, at moderate amplitudes of the driving force, the instability is stabilized due to non-linear modifications of the oscillation frequency. When the amplitude of the driving force is large enough, we observe detachment of droplets from the Bose-Einstein condensates, resulting in generation of quantum vortices (skyrmions). We analytically investigate the vortex dynamics, and conditions of quantized vortex generation.Comment: (Version 2) 11 resized figures. One new reference adde