326 research outputs found

    Properties of TiO2 coatings applied by atomic layer deposition (ALD) on 100Cr6 steel

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    The paper presents the method of forming TiO2 coatings on 100Cr6 steel using the ALD method and assessing the properties of the obtained coatings. The coatings were assessed in terms of surface morphology, chemical composition, contact angle and tribological properties. The performed tribological tests show that TiO2 coatings are characterized by lower resistance to motion. During measuring the geometric structure of surfaces on samples with TiO2 coating, smaller wear traces were recorded than for 100Cr6 steel. The obtained values of the contact angles prove that the 100Cr6 steel coated with TiO2 is more hydrophobic than the uncoated 100Cr6 steel. TiO2 coatings can be used in low-loaded tribological systems and as barrier coatings

    Properties of TiO2 coatings applied by atomic layer deposition (ALD) on 100Cr6 steel

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    The paper presents the method of forming TiO2 coatings on 100Cr6 steel using the ALD method and assessing the properties of the obtained coatings. The coatings were assessed in terms of surface morphology, chemical composition, contact angle and tribological properties. The performed tribological tests show that TiO2 coatings are characterized by lower resistance to motion. During measuring the geometric structure of surfaces on samples with TiO2 coating, smaller wear traces were recorded than for 100Cr6 steel. The obtained values of the contact angles prove that the 100Cr6 steel coated with TiO2 is more hydrophobic than the uncoated 100Cr6 steel. TiO2 coatings can be used in low-loaded tribological systems and as barrier coatings

    The effects of peer influence on adolescent pedestrian road-crossing decisions

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    Objective: Adolescence is a high-risk period for pedestrian injury. It is also a time of heightened susceptibility to peer influence. The aim of this research was to examine the effects of peer influence on the pedestrian road-crossing decisions of adolescents. Methods: Using 10 videos of road-crossing sites, 80 16- to 18-year-olds were asked to make pedestrian road-crossing decisions. Participants were assigned to one of 4 experimental conditions: negative peer (influencing unsafe decisions), positive peer (influencing cautious decisions), silent peer (who observed but did not comment), and no peer (the participant completed the task alone). Peers from the adolescent’s own friendship group were recruited to influence either an unsafe or a cautious decision. Results: Statistically significant differences were found between peer conditions. Participants least often identified safe road-crossing sites when accompanied by a negative peer and more frequently identified dangerous road-crossing sites when accompanied by a positive peer. Both cautious and unsafe comments from a peer influenced adolescent pedestrians’ decisions. Conclusions: These findings showed that road-crossing decisions of adolescents were influenced by both unsafe and cautious comments from their peers. The discussion highlighted the role that peers can play in both increasing and reducing adolescent risk-taking

    Influence of surface roughness on selected properties of the TiAlN coating

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    The HS6-5-2C steel samples with different surface roughness were used for the tests. After grinding had a roughness parameter of Ra = 0,03 μm, and after polishing Ra = 0,01 μm. A TiAlN coating was applied to the substrate prepared in this way. Using a confocal microscope with an interferometric mode, the geometrical structure of the samples was analyzed. The optical strain gauge was used to measure the contact angle. Tribological tests were carried out in conditions of technically dry friction. The polished sample with the coating was characterized by a more stable course of the friction coefficient, lower wear and a smaller wetting angle

    The influence of environmental conditions on the tribological properties of the Ti13Nb13Zr alloy

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    The paper presents the results of tribological tests of the Ti13Nb13Zr titanium alloy - carried out in the conditions of lubrication with liquids simulating body fluids. Artificial saliva solutions were used for the tests. Two pH values were used – 7,0 characteristic of a healthy organism and 4,9 - typical for the presence of inflammation. The countersample in the tested friction nodes were Al2O3 balls with a diameter of 6 mm loaded with a normal force of 1 N. The tests obtained showed a strong influence of environmental conditions on the tribological properties of the Ti13Nb13Zr titanium alloy. This applies to both the value of the coefficient of friction and linear wear. In the case of tests carried out under lubrication conditions with an artificial saliva solution at pH 7,0 they were 0,47 and 31,1 μm, respectively; in the case of a fluid at pH 4,9 they were 25 % and 45 % higher (0,62 and 65,6 μm)

    Tribological properties of diamond-like-carbon coating doped with tungsten

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    This paper presents the tribological properties of diamond-like-carbon coatings (DLC) doped with tungsten. The hardness of the DLC coating was determined using a micro-hardness tester. Friction tests were carried out on a tribometer in rotational motion in a 100Cr6 steel ball-disk association with a-C-H:W tungsten doped hydrogenated DLC coating. Tests were carried out with loads of 10 N, 25 N and 50 N under technically dry friction conditions. Using a scanning electron microscopy (SEM), the surface morphology was observed, and with a confocal microscope, the geometric structure of the surface was observed before and after the friction tests. The wetting angle of the samples was examined on an optical tensiometer for distilled water and diiodomethane. The results indicated that DLC coatings of the a-C:H:W type obtained by the PVD technique can be used in unlubricated high-load tribological systems