53 research outputs found
Data compression opportunities in EOSDIS
The Earth Observing System Data and Information System (EOSDIS) is described in terms of its data volume, data rate, and data distribution requirements. Opportunities for data compression in EOSDIS are discussed
EOSDIS/DADS requirements
A brief summary of the Earth Observing System Data and Information System (EOSDIS) Core System (ECS) Data Archive and Distribution System (DADS) requirements is given. Among the requirements are the following: the ECS relationship to EOSDIS Version-O; phased implementation of ECS; and data ingest, archive, and distribution daily data volumes anticipated at each of the 7 Distributed Active Archive Centers (DAAC's)
Gingival Hyperplasia Caused by Medications
Gingivalna hiperplazija je poveÄanje gingive zbog poveÄanja izvanstaniÄnoga matriksa vezivnoga tkiva gingive. Ona može biti hereditarna, idiopatska, ali može se javiti i u graviditetu. Popratna je pojava kod leukemija, difuznoga limfoma (malt lymphoma) i u sklopu pojedinih sindroma. Važno je znati da takvu kliniÄku sliku mogu izazvati i razliÄiti lijekovi. ViÅ”e od 20 vrsta lijekova može izazvati te promjene, i to antiepileptici, imunosupresivi i blokatori kalcijevih kanala. HiperplastiÄne promjene najÄeÅ”Äe se javljaju 2-3 mjeseca nakon poÄetka uporabe lijeka, a ovise o dozi i duljini uzimanja lijeka.
PredisponirajuÄi Äimbenik za nastanak hiperplazije je loÅ”a higijena usne Å”upljine.
Svrha je ovoga rada upoznati oralne kirurge i doktore stomatologije s vrstama lijekova koji mogu uzrokovati hiperplaziju gingive, s ostalim njezinim uzrocima te o potrebi multidisciplinarne suradnje u lijeÄenju.
Prikaz sluÄaja
Bolesnik u dobi od 70 godina dolazi na pregled zbog poveÄanja gingive u objema Äeljustima upuÄen od doktora stomatologije primarne zaÅ”tite koji traži kirurÅ”ki zahvat. Iz anamneze saznajemo da je prve promjene na labijalnoj gingivi sjekutiÄa primijetio prije 2 godine, a da su veÄe promjene nastale prije 6 mjeseci. Bolesnik je dugogodiÅ”nji hipertoniÄar i dijabetiÄar, veÄ 12 godina na anihipertenzivnoj terapiji, a posljednjih sedam godina uzima Logimax forte, kombinaciju Ī²-blokatora i antagonista Ca. KliniÄki su osim hiperplazije vidljive i naslage supragingivnoga kamenca. U suradnji s internistom promijenjena je dosadaÅ”nja terapija, a bolesnik je upuÄen i specijalistu parodontologu. KirurÅ”ki zahvat nije potreban buduÄi da je nakon prestanka uzimanja navedene kombinacije antihipertenzivnoga lijeka nastala potpuna regresija hiperplastiÄnih promjena gingive.Gingival hyperplasia is the enlargement of gingiva due to increased extracellular matrix of gingival connective tissue. If may be hereditary, idiopathic, and can occur during pregnancy. It is a secondary occurrence in leukaemia, diffuse lymphoma (malt lymphoma) and within the complex of certain syndromes. It is important to know that such a clinical status can be caused by different medications. More than 20 types of medications can induce these lesions, such as antiepileptics, immunosuppressives and blockers of calcium canals. Hyperplastic lesions occur most frequently 2-3 months after initial application of the medication, and depend on the dose and duration of taking the medication. A predisposing factor for the development of hyperplasia is poor hygiene of the oral cavity.
The object of this study was to acquaint the oral surgeon and dental physician with the types of medications that can cause gingival hyperplasia, other causes and the need for multidisciplinary cooperation during treatment.
Case presentation
A 70-year old patient was referred to the Department by his dentist because of increased size of the gingiva in both jaws, for which surgical procedure was requested. From the case history we learnt that the initial changes on the labial gingiva of the incisor had been observed two years beforehand, and that greater changes had occurred 6 months ago. The patient had been a hypertonic for many years, was a diabetic, and had received antihypertensive therapy for 12 years. For the last seven years he had taken Logimax forte, a combination of Ī²-blockers and antagonist Ca. Apart from hyperplasia a layer of supragingival calculus could be seen. In cooperation with the internist the therapy was changed and the patient was referred to a periodontist. Surgical operation was unnecessary due to the fact that after abandoning the above combination of antihypertensive medications complete regression of the hyperplastic gingival lesions occurred
A Finding of Diffuse Cellular Non-Hodgkin Lymphoma in the Oral Cavity - Case Presentation Dg: Diffuse giant cell Non-Hodgkin lymphoma B-immunophenotype
Definicija: Non-Hodgkinovi limfomi (NHL) heterogena su skupina limfoproliferativnih neoplazmi Å”to ih obilježava pojava maligno promijenjenih limfocita u limfnome Ävoru, a rjeÄe primarno u drugim organima.
Heterogenost bolesti oÄituje se u raznovrsnom kliniÄkom oÄitovanju bolesti, raznovrsnim laboratorijskim parametrima, histoloÅ”kome nalazu, imunoloÅ”kom podrijetlu malignih stanica, reagiranju na terapiju i u prognozi bolesti. Bolest se najÄeÅ”Äe oÄituje bezbolnim poveÄanjem limfnih žlijezda, a rjeÄe poremeÄajima u drugim organskim sustavima zbog limfomske infiltracije organa.
Difuzni velikostaniÄni NHL B-imunofenotipa spada u limfome srednjega stupnja malignosti.
Javlja se u srednjoj i starijoj životnoj dobi, obiÄno s diseminiranom pojavom limfnih Ävorova, a do 70% bolesnika ima infiltraciju koÅ”tane srži limfomskim stanicama.
Difuzni limfomi velikih stanica vrlo Äesto su lokalizirani, a Äesta je infiltracija gastrointestinalnog trakta i srediÅ”njega živÄanog sustava.
U radu opisujemo dijagnosticiranje difuznoga velikostaniÄnog NHL B imunofenotipa koji je otkriven nakon neadekvatnoga cijeljenja postekstrakcijske alveole.
Pacijent se javlja zbog otekline i izrasline iz postekstrakcijske alveole u podruÄju donjega umnjaka lijevo i anestezije brade. Zub je vaÄen zbog bolova zuba i zubnoga mesa. Navodi da od otprilike prije 6 mjeseci osjeÄa āutrnutostā brade lijevo. Tada je lijeÄen kod specijalista oralne medicine laserskom terapijom, te navodi djelomiÄno poboljÅ”anje, ali se anestezija podruÄja, bolovi i oticanje javljaju ponovno, te se tada odluÄi za ekstrakciju donjega umnjaka. Kod nas je prvotno lijeÄen kohleacijom i antibioticima. Tjedan dana nakon tretmana poboljÅ”anje, ali se nakon remisije ponovo javljaju bolovi i otok. Tada se uzme detaljnija anamneza iz koje se sazna da je pacijent nekoliko mjeseci prije pri operaciji ingvinalne hernije imao problem s koagulacijom i da su mu poviÅ”eni jetreni enzimi sa sumnjom na hepatitis.
Kod nas se tada uzme biopsija te poÅ”alje na PHD. U podruÄju glave i vrata ne naÄe se palpabilnih limfnih Ävorova. Prigodom raÅ”Älambe prve biopsije nalaz je suspektan na maligni limfom te se pacijent Å”alje na daljnju obradbu na hematopatologiju gdje se uzima ponovna biopsija. Radi se o difuznom velikostaniÄnom Non-Hogkin limfomu B imunofenotipa. Pacijent je na obradbi KliniÄkoga zavoda za hematologiju te je nakon potrebne terapije bolest u remisiji.Definition: Non-Hodgkin lymphomas (NHL) are a heterogenetic group of lymphoproliferative neoplasms characterised by the occurrence of malignantly changed lymphocytes in a lymph node, and rarely primary in other organs.
The heterogenicity of the disease is interpreted in the diverse clinical manifestations of the disease, diverse laboratory parameters, histological finding, immunological origin of the malignant cells, reaction to therapy and disease prognosis. The disease is most frequently interpreted by painless enlarged lymph nodes, and more rarely with disturbances in other organic systems due to lymphomic infiltration of organs. Diffuse giant cell NHL B-immunophenotype belongs to the group of lymphomas of moderate degree of malignancy. It occurs in middle-aged and older age groups, usually with disseminated lymph nodes, and up to 70% of patients have infiltration of the bone marrow by lymphoid cells. Diffuse lymphomas of giant cells are very often localised and infiltration of the gastrointestinal tract and central nervous system is a frequent occurrence.
In this study we describe the method of diagnosing diffuse giant cell NHL B-immunophenotype, which was detected after inadequate healing of postextraction alveola.
The patient was admitted because of a swelling and growth from the post-extraction alveola in the area of the lower left wisdom tooth and anaesthesia of the chin. The tooth was extracted because of pain in the tooth and gingiva. The patient informed us that approximately 6 months ago he had felt ātinglingā on the left side of the chin. At that time he was treated with laser therapy by a specialist in oral medicine, after which partial improvement occurred. However anaesthesia of the area, pain and swelling recurred, and it was decided to perform extraction of the lower wisdom tooth. The patient was treated in this Department initially with cochleation and antibiotics. Improvement occurred one week after treatment. However, after the remission pain and swelling recurred. A detailed history was taken and it was learnt that a few months beforehand, during an operation for an inguinal hernia, a problem had occurred with coagulation, and renal enzymes were raised and hepatitis suspected. A biopsy was then taken in our Department and sent for PHD. Palpable lymph nodes were not found in the area of the head and neck. During analysis of the first biopsy the result was suspect for malignant lymphoma and the patient was sent for further treatment by a haematopathologist, where a further biopsy was taken. The finding showed diffuse giant-cell Non-Hodgkin lymphoma B-immunophenotype. The patient is presently undergoing treatment in the Clinical Department of Haematology, and after appropriate therapy the disease is in remission
Implantoprosthetic Rehabilitation of Distal Edentulousness by Immediate Placement of Dental Implants - Case Presentation
Imedijatna ugradnja usatka u svježu alveolu izvaÄenoga zuba ima niz prednosti naspram odgoÄene implantacije. U prvome redu skraÄuje se razdoblje implantoprotetske rehabilitacije za oko 6-8 mjeseci koliko je potrebno da se alveola ispuni novostvorenom kosti, potrebno je manje kirurÅ”kih zahvata, prevenira se koÅ”tana resorpcija i bolje se pozicionira usadak. Histomorfometrijske raÅ”Älambe na eksperimentalnome modelu pokazale su da je cijeljenje koÅ”tanoga defekta oko imedijatno ugraÄenog usatka u postekstrakcijsku alveolu potpuno i da su moguÄnosti za oseointegraciju bolje nego kod odgoÄene implantacije. Razlog tomu je veÄi potencijal cijeljenja svježe ekstrakcijske alveole. Schultesovo istraživanje pokazalo je da je postotak oseointegrirane povrÅ”ine 6 mjeseci nakon imedijatne ugradnje usatka 80%, naspram odgoÄene implantacije kod koje je taj postotak neÅ”to manji, 75%.
Na primjeru pacijentice u dobi od 56 god. s distalnom parcijalnom bezuboÅ”Äu lijeve strane gornje Äeljusti prikazat Äe se potpuna implantoprotetiÄka rehabilitacija kombinacijom dvaju razliÄitih tipova usadaka i tehnikom imedijatne implantacije koniÄnog, vijak implantata u svježu alveolu izvaÄenoga lijevog gornjeg oÄnjaka. TakoÄer Äe biti prikazan primjer imedijatne ugradnje s augmentacijom koÅ”tanoga defekta autolognim koÅ”tanim presatkom kod gubitka jednoga zuba frontalne regije i primjer imedijatne ugradnje na mjesta izvaÄenih donjih oÄnjaka za sidriÅ”te donje pokrovne proteze.Immediate placement of an implant in the fresh alveoli of an extracted tooth has many advantages compared to delayed implantation. In the first place the shortened period of implant prosthetic rehabilitation of approximately 6-8 months, which is the time necessary for the alveoli to fill with the newly formed bone, the smaller number of surgical interventions, prevention of bone resorption and better positioning of the implant. Histomorphometrical analyses on an experimental model have demonstrated that healing of the bone defect around the immediately placed implant in post-extraction alveoli is complete and that the possibility of osseointegration better than in the case of delayed implantation. The reason is the greater potential for healing fresh extractive alveoli. Schultesās investigation showed that the percentage of osseointegrated surface 6 months after immedi-ate placement of implants was 80%, compared with delayed implantation where this percentage was somewhat less, 75%.
An example is given of a female patient, aged 56 years, with distal partial edentulousness/edentia of the left side of the upper jaw. Complete implantoprosthetic rehabilitation was achieved by a combination of two different types of implants and the technique of immediate implantation of a conical, screw implant into the fresh alveoli of an extracted left upper canine. An example will also be given of immediate implantation with augmentation of the bone defect by autologous bone transplant in the case of loss of one tooth in the frontal region and an example of immediate implantation on the site of extracted lower canines, with anchors of the lower supporting prostheses
One-dimensional metal-organic framework photonic crystals used as platforms for vapor sorption.
We present the fabrication of one-dimensional photonic crystals (Bragg stacks) based on a microporous metalāorganic framework material and mesoporous titanium dioxide. The Bragg stack heterostructures were obtained using two complementary synthesis approaches utilizing the bottom-up assembly of heterogeneous, i.e. two-component photonic crystal multilayer structures. Zeolitic imidazolate framework ZIF-8 and mesoporous titanium dioxide were chosen as functional components with different refractive indices. While ZIF-8 is intended to impart molecular selectivity, mesoporous TiO2 is used to ensure high refractive index contrast and to guarantee molecular diffusion within the Bragg stack. The combination of micro- and mesoporosity within one scaffold endows the 1D-MOF PC with characteristic adsorption properties upon exposure to various organic vapors. In this context, the sorption behavior of the photonic material was studied as a function of partial pressure of organic vapors. The results show that the multilayered photonic heterostructures are sensitive and selective towards a series of chemically similar solvent vapors. It is thus anticipated that the concept of multilayer heterogeneous photonic structures will provide a versatile platform for future selective, label-free optical sensors
Signal Transmission in the Auditory System
Contains table of contents for Section 3, an introduction, and reports on seven research projects.National Institutes of Health Grant 5 R01 DC00194National Institutes of Health Grant P01 DC00119National Institutes of Health Grant F32 DC00073National Institutes of Health Grant 5 R01 DC00473National Institutes of Health Grant 2 R01 DC00238National Institutes of Health Grant 2 R01 DC00235National Institutes of Health Grant 5 P01 DC00361National Institutes of Health Grant T32 DC00006Whitaker Health Sciences Fun
Signal Transmission in the Auditory System
Contains table of contents for Section 3 and reports on nine research projects.National Institutes of Health (Grant 5 P01 NS13126)National Institutes of Health (Grant 5 P01 NS23734)National Institutes of Health (Grant 5 R01 NS18682)National Institutes of Health (Grant 5 RO1 NS25995)National Institutes of Health (Grant 5 R01 NS20269)National Institutes of Health (Grant 5 R01 NS20322)National Institutes of Health (Grant 5 T32 NS07047)Johnson and Johnson Foundatio
Signal Transmission in the Auditory System
Contains table of contents for Section 3, an introduction and reports on six research projects.Health Sciences FundNational Institutes of Health Grant 5 R01 DC00194National Institutes of Health Grant 8 P01 DC00119National Institutes of Health Grant 5 R01 DC00473National Institutes of Health Grant 5 R01 DC00238National Institutes of Health Grant 5 T32 DC00006National Institutes of Health Grant 5 P01 DC00361National Institutes of Health Grant 5 R01 DC00235Peoples Republic of China FellowshipUnisys Corporation Doctoral FellowshipWhitaker Health Sciences Fellowshi
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