10 research outputs found

    Rapid motion estimation and correction using self-encoded FID navigators in 3D radial MRI.

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    To develop a self-navigated motion compensation strategy for 3D radial MRI that can compensate for continuous head motion by measuring rigid body motion parameters with high temporal resolution from the central k-space acquisition point (self-encoded FID navigator) in each radial spoke. A forward model was created from low-resolution calibration data to simulate the effect of relative motion between the coil sensitivity profiles and the underlying object on the self-encoded FID navigator signal. Trajectory deviations were included in the model as low spatial-order field variations. Three volunteers were imaged at 3 T using a modified 3D gradient-echo sequence acquired with a Kooshball trajectory while performing abrupt and continuous head motion. Rigid body-motion parameters were estimated from the central k-space signal of each spoke using a least-squares fitting algorithm. The accuracy of self-navigated motion parameters was assessed relative to an established external tracking system. Quantitative image quality metrics were computed for images with and without retrospective correction using external and self-navigated motion measurements. Self-encoded FID navigators achieved mean absolute errors of 0.69 ± 0.82 mm and 0.73 ± 0.87° relative to external tracking for maximum motion amplitudes of 12 mm and 10°. Retrospective correction of the 3D radial data resulted in substantially improved image quality for both abrupt and continuous motion paradigms, comparable to external tracking results. Accurate rigid body motion parameters can be rapidly obtained from self-encoded FID navigator signals in 3D radial MRI to continuously correct for head movements. This approach is suitable for robust neuroanatomical imaging in subjects that exhibit patterns of large and frequent motion

    Head motion measurement and correction using FID navigators.

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    To develop a novel framework for rapid, intrinsic head motion measurement in MRI using FID navigators (FIDnavs) from a multichannel head coil array. FIDnavs encode substantial rigid-body motion information; however, current implementations require patient-specific training with external tracking data to extract quantitative positional changes. In this work, a forward model of FIDnav signals was calibrated using simulated movement of a reference image within a model of the spatial coil sensitivities. A FIDnav module was inserted into a nonselective 3D FLASH sequence, and rigid-body motion parameters were retrospectively estimated every readout time using nonlinear optimization to solve the inverse problem posed by the measured FIDnavs. This approach was tested in simulated data and in 7 volunteers, scanned at 3T with a 32-channel head coil array, performing a series of directed motion paradigms. FIDnav motion estimates achieved mean absolute errors of 0.34 ± 0.49 mm and 0.52 ± 0.61° across all subjects and scans, relative to ground-truth motion measurements provided by an electromagnetic tracking system. Retrospective correction with FIDnav motion estimates resulted in substantial improvements in quantitative image quality metrics across all scans with intentional head motion. Quantitative rigid-body motion information can be effectively estimated using the proposed FIDnav-based approach, which represents a practical method for retrospective motion compensation in less cooperative patient populations

    Prospective motion correction in kidney MRI using FID navigators.

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    Abdominal MRI scans may require breath-holding to prevent image quality degradation, which can be challenging for patients, especially children. In this study, we evaluate whether FID navigators can be used to measure and correct for motion prospectively, in real-time. FID navigators were inserted into a 3D radial sequence with stack-of-stars sampling. MRI experiments were conducted on 6 healthy volunteers. A calibration scan was first acquired to create a linear motion model that estimates the kidney displacement due to respiration from the FID navigator signal. This model was then applied to predict and prospectively correct for motion in real time during deep and continuous deep breathing scans. Resultant images acquired with the proposed technique were compared with those acquired without motion correction. Dice scores were calculated between inhale/exhale motion states. Furthermore, images acquired using the proposed technique were compared with images from extra-dimensional golden-angle radial sparse parallel, a retrospective motion state binning technique. Images reconstructed for each motion state show that the kidneys' position could be accurately tracked and corrected with the proposed method. The mean of Dice scores computed between the motion states were improved from 0.93 to 0.96 using the proposed technique. Depiction of the kidneys was improved in the combined images of all motion states. Comparing results of the proposed technique and extra-dimensional golden-angle radial sparse parallel, high-quality images can be reconstructed from a fraction of spokes using the proposed method. The proposed technique reduces blurriness and motion artifacts in kidney imaging by prospectively correcting their position both in-plane and through-slice

    Dynamic distortion correction for functional MRI using FID navigators.

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    To develop a method for slice-wise dynamic distortion correction for EPI using rapid spatiotemporal B <sub>0</sub> field measurements from FID navigators (FIDnavs) and to evaluate the efficacy of this new approach relative to an established data-driven technique. A low-resolution reference image was used to create a forward model of FIDnav signal changes to enable estimation of spatiotemporal B <sub>0</sub> inhomogeneity variations up to second order from measured FIDnavs. Five volunteers were scanned at 3 T using a 64-channel coil with FID-navigated EPI. The accuracy of voxel shift measurements and geometric distortion correction was assessed for experimentally induced magnetic field perturbations. The temporal SNR was evaluated in EPI time-series acquired at rest and with a continuous nose-touching action, before and after image realignment. Field inhomogeneity coefficients and voxel shift maps measured using FIDnavs were in excellent agreement with multi-echo EPI measurements. The FID-navigated distortion correction accurately corrected image geometry in the presence of induced magnetic field perturbations, outperforming the data-driven approach in regions with large field offsets. In functional MRI scans with nose touching, FIDnav-based correction yielded temporal SNR gains of 30% in gray matter. Following image realignment, which accounted for global image shifts, temporal SNR gains of 3% were achieved. Our proposed application of FIDnavs enables slice-wise dynamic distortion correction with high temporal efficiency. We achieved improved signal stability by leveraging the encoding information from multichannel coils. This approach can be easily adapted to other EPI-based sequences to improve temporal SNR for a variety of clinical and research applications

    Klinik der Kardiomyopathien

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