19 research outputs found

    DuckyZip: Provably Honest Global Linking Service

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    DuckyZip is a provably honest global linking service which links short memorable identifiers to arbitrarily large payloads (URLs, text, documents, archives, etc.) without being able to undetectably provide different payloads for the same short identifier to different parties. DuckyZip uses a combination of Verifiable Random Function (VRF)-based zero knowledge proofs and a smart contract in order to provide strong security guarantees: despite the transparency of the smart contract log, observers cannot feasibly create a mapping of all short identifiers to payloads that is faster than O(n)\mathcal{O}(n) classical enumeration

    An Analysis of the ProtonMail Cryptographic Architecture

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    ProtonMail is an online email service that claims to offer end-to-end encryption such that even [ProtonMail] cannot read and decrypt [user] emails. The service, based in Switzerland, offers email access via webmail and smartphone applications to over five million users as of November 2018. In this work, we provide the first independent analysis of ProtonMail\u27s cryptographic architecture. We find that for the majority of ProtonMail users, no end-to-end encryption guarantees have ever been provided by the ProtonMail service and that the Zero-Knowledge Password Proofs are negated by the service itself. We also find and document weaknesses in ProtonMail\u27s Encrypt-to-Outside feature. We justify our findings against well-defined security goals and conclude with recommendations

    Capsule: A Protocol for Secure Collaborative Document Editing

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    Today's global society strongly relies on collaborative document editing, which plays an increasingly large role in sensitive work-flows. While other collaborative venues, such as secure messaging, have seen secure protocols being standardized and widely implemented, the same cannot be said for collaborative document editing. Popular tools such as Google Docs, Microsoft Office365 and Etherpad are used to col-laboratively write reports and other documents which are frequently sensitive and confidential, in spite of the server having the ability to read and modify text undetected. Capsule is the first formalized and formally verified protocol that addresses secure collaborative document editing. Capsule provides confidentiality and integrity on encrypted document data, while also guaranteeing the ephemeral identity of collaborators and preventing the server from adding new collaborators to the document. Capsule also, to an extent, prevents the server from serving different versions of the document being collaborated on. In this paper, we provide a full protocol description of Capsule. We also provide formal verification results on the Capsule protocol in the symbolic model. Finally, we present a full software implementation of Capsule, which includes a novel formally verified signing primitive implementation

    Ledger Design Language: Designing and Deploying Formally Verified Public Ledgers

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    International audienceCryptocurrencies have popularized public ledgers, known colloquially as "blockchains". While the Bitcoin blockchain is relatively simple to reason about as, effectively, a hash chain, more complex public ledgers are largely designed without any formalization of desired cryptographic properties such as authentication or integrity. These designs are then implemented without assurances against real-world bugs leading to little assurance with regards to practical, real-world security. Ledger Design Language (LDL) is a modeling language for describing public ledgers. The LDL compiler produces two outputs. The first output is a an applied-pi calculus symbolic model representing the public ledger as a protocol. Using ProVerif, the protocol can be played against an active attacker, whereupon we can query for block integrity, authenticity and other properties. The second output is a formally verified read/write API for interacting with the public ledger in the real world, written in the F ⋆ programming language. F ⋆ features such as dependent types allow us to validate a block on the public ledger, for example, by type-checking it so that its signing public key be a point on a curve. Using LDL's outputs, public ledger designers obtain automated assurances on the theoretical coherence and the real-world security of their designs with a single framework based on a single modeling language

    Verified Models and Reference Implementations for the TLS 1.3 Standard Candidate

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    International audienceTLS 1.3 is the next version of the Transport Layer Security (TLS) protocol. Its clean-slate design is a reaction both to the increasing demand for low-latency HTTPS connections and to a series of recent high-profile attacks on TLS. The hope is that a fresh protocol with modern cryptography will prevent legacy problems; the danger is that it will expose new kinds of attacks, or reintroduce old flaws that were fixed in previous versions of TLS. After 18 drafts, the protocol is nearing completion, and the working group has appealed to researchers to analyze the protocol before publication. This paper responds by presenting a comprehensive analysis of the TLS 1.3 Draft-18 protocol. We seek to answer three questions that have not been fully addressed in previous work on TLS 1.3: (1) Does TLS 1.3 prevent well-known attacks on TLS 1.2, such as Logjam or the Triple Handshake, even if it is run in parallel with TLS 1.2? (2) Can we mechanically verify the computational security of TLS 1.3 under standard (strong) assumptions on its cryptographic primitives? (3) How can we extend the guarantees of the TLS 1.3 protocol to the details of its implementations? To answer these questions, we propose a methodology for developing verified symbolic and computational models of TLS 1.3 hand-in-hand with a high-assurance reference implementation of the protocol. We present symbolic ProVerif models for various intermediate versions of TLS 1.3 and evaluate them against a rich class of attacks to reconstruct both known and previously unpublished vulnerabilities that influenced the current design of the protocol. We present a computational CryptoVerif model for TLS 1.3 Draft-18 and prove its security. We present RefTLS, an interoperable implementation of TLS 1.0-1.3 and automatically analyze its protocol core by extracting a ProVerif model from its typed JavaScript code

    Verifpal: Cryptographic Protocol Analysis for the Real World

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    Verifpal is a new automated modeling framework and verifier for cryptographic protocols, optimized with heuristics for common-case protocol specifications, that aims to work better for real-world practitioners, students and engineers without sacrificing comprehensive formal verification features. In order to achieve this, Verifpal introduces a new, intuitive language for modeling protocols that is easier to write and understand than the languages employed by existing tools. Its formal verification paradigm is also designed explicitly to provide protocol modeling that avoids user error. Verifpal is able to model protocols under an active attacker with unbounded sessions and fresh values, and supports queries for advanced security properties such as forward secrecy or key compromise impersonation. Furthermore, Verifpal\u27s semantics have been formalized within the Coq theorem prover, and Verifpal models can be automatically translated into Coq as well as into ProVerif models for further verification. Verifpal has already been used to verify security properties for Signal, Scuttlebutt, TLS 1.3 as well as the first formal model for the DP-3T pandemic-tracing protocol, which we present in this work. Through Verifpal, we show that advanced verification with formalized semantics and sound logic can exist without any expense towards the convenience of real-world practitioners

    Noise Explorer: Fully Automated Modeling and Verification for Arbitrary Noise Protocols

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    International audienceThe Noise Protocol Framework, introduced recently, allows for the design and construction of secure channel protocols by describing them through a simple, restricted language from which complex key derivation and local state transitions are automatically inferred. Noise "Handshake Patterns" can support mutual authentication, forward secrecy, zero round-trip encryption, identity hiding and other advanced features. Since the framework's release, Noise-based protocols have been adopted by WhatsApp, WireGuard and other high-profile applications.We present Noise Explorer, an online engine for designing, reasoning about, formally verifying and implementing arbitrary Noise Handshake Patterns. Based on our formal treatment of the Noise Protocol Framework, Noise Explorer can validate any Noise Handshake Pattern and then translate it into a model ready for automated verification and also into a production-ready software implementation written in Go or in Rust. We use Noise Explorer to analyze more than 57 handshake patterns. We confirm the stated security goals for 12 fundamental patterns and provide precise properties for the rest. We also analyze unsafe handshake patterns and document weaknesses that occur when validity rules are not followed. All of this work is consolidated into a usable online tool that presents a compendium of results and can parse formal verification results to generate detailed-but-pedagogical reports regarding the exact security goals of each message of a Noise Handshake Pattern with respect to each party, under an active attacker and including malicious principals. Noise Explorer evolves alongside the standard Noise Protocol Framework, having already contributed new security goal verification results and stronger definitions for pattern validation and security parameters

    Modèles vérifiés et implémentations de référence pour le candidat standard TLS 1.3

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    TLS 1.3 is the next version of the Transport Layer Security (TLS) protocol. Its clean-slate design is a reaction both to the increasing demand for low-latency HTTPS connections and to a series of recent high-profile attacks on TLS. The hope is that a fresh protocol with modern cryptography will prevent legacy problems; the danger is that it will expose new kinds of attacks, or reintroduce old flaws that were fixed in previous versions of TLS. After 18 drafts, the protocol is nearing completion, and the working group has appealed to researchers to analyze the protocol before publication. This paper responds by presenting a comprehensive analysis of the TLS 1.3 Draft-18 protocol.We seek to answer three questions that have not been fully addressed in previous work on TLS 1.3: (1) Does TLS 1.3 prevent well-known attacks on TLS 1.2, such as Logjam or the Triple Handshake, even if it is run in parallel with TLS 1.2? (2) Can we mechanically verify the computational security of TLS 1.3 under standard (strong) assumptions on its cryptographic primitives? (3) How can we extend the guarantees of the TLS 1.3 protocol to the details of its implementations?To answer these questions, we propose a methodology for developing verified symbolic and computational models of TLS 1.3 hand-in-hand with a high-assurance reference implementation of the protocol. We present symbolic ProVerif models for various intermediate versions of TLS 1.3 and evaluate them against a rich class of attacks to reconstruct both known and previously unpublished vulnerabilities that influenced the current design of the protocol. We present a computational CryptoVerif model for TLS 1.3 Draft-18 and prove its security. We present RefTLS, an interoperable implementation of TLS 1.0-1.3 and automatically analyze its protocol core by extracting a ProVerif model from its typed JavaScript code.TLS 1.3 est la prochaine version du protocole TLS (Transport Layer Security). Sa conception à partir de zéro est une réaction à la fois à la demande croissante de connexions HTTPS à faible latence et à une série d'attaques récentes de haut niveau sur TLS. L'espoir est qu'un nouveau protocole avec de la cryptographie moderne éviterait d'hériter des problèmes des versions précédentes; le danger est que cela pourrait exposer à de nouveaux types d'attaques ou réintroduire d'anciens défauts corrigés dans les versions précédentes de TLS. Après 18 versions préliminaires, le protocole est presque terminé, et le groupe de travail a appelé les chercheurs à analyser le protocole avant publication. Cet article répond en présentant une analyse globale du protocole TLS 1.3 Draft-18.Nous cherchons à répondre à trois questions qui n'ont pas été entièrement traitées dans les travaux antérieurs sur TLS 1.3: (1) TLS 1.3 empêche-t-il les attaques connues sur TLS 1.2, comme Logjam ou Triple Handshake, même s'il est exécuté en parallèle avec TLS 1.2 ? (2) Peut-on vérifier mécaniquement la sécurité calculatoire de TLS 1.3 sous des hypothèses standard (fortes) sur ses primitives cryptographiques? (3) Comment pouvons-nous étendre les garanties du protocole TLS 1.3 aux détails de ses implémentations?Pour répondre à ces questions, nous proposons une méthodologie pour développer des modèles symboliques et calculatoires vérifiés de TLS 1.3 en même temps qu'une implémentation de référence du protocole. Nous présentons des modèles symboliques dans ProVerif pour différentes versions intermédiaires de TLS 1.3 et nous les évaluons contre une riche classe d'attaques, pour reconstituer à la fois des vulnérabilités connues et des vulnérabilités précédemment non publiées qui ont influencé la conception actuelle du protocole. Nous présentons un modèle calculatoire dans CryptoVerif de TLS 1.3 Draft-18 et prouvons sa sécurité. Nous présentons RefTLS, une implémentation interopérable de TLS 1.0-1.3 et analysons automatiquement le coeur de son protocole en extrayant un modèle ProVerif à partir de son code JavaScript typé

    Formal Modeling and Verification for Domain Validation and ACME

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    Web traffic encryption has shifted from applying only to highly sensitive websites (such as banks) to a majority of all Web requests. Until recently, one of the main limiting factors for enabling HTTPS is the requirement to obtain a valid certificate from a trusted certification authority, a tedious process that typically involves fees and ad-hoc key generation, certificate request and domain validation procedures. To remove this barrier of entry, the Internet Security Research Group created Let's Encrypt, a new non-profit certificate authority which uses a new protocol called Automatic Certificate Management Environment (ACME) to automate certificate management at all levels (request, validation , issuance, renewal, and revocation) between clients (website operators) and servers (certificate authority nodes). Let's Encrypt's success is measured by its issuance of over 12 million free certificates since its launch in April 2016. In this paper, we survey the existing process for issuing domain-validated certificates in major certification authorities to build a security model of domain-validated certificate issuance. We then model the ACME protocol in the applied pi-calculus and verify its stated security goals against our threat model of domain validation. We compare the effective security of different domain validation methods and show that ACME can be secure under a stronger threat model than that of traditional CAs. We also uncover weaknesses in some flows of ACME 1.0 and propose verified improvements that have been adopted in the latest protocol draft submitted to the IETF