36 research outputs found

    Characterization of bacterial acylpeptidyl-oligopeptidase

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    Acylpeptidyl-oligopeptidase (AOP), which has been recently identified as a novel enzyme in a periodontopathic bacterium, Porphyromonas gingivalis, removes di- and tri-peptides from N-terminally acylated polypeptides, with a preference for hydrophobic P1-position amino acid residues. To validate enzymatic properties of AOP, characteristics of two bacterial orthologues from Bacteroides dorei (BdAOP), a Gramnegative intestinal rod, and Lysinibacillus sphaericus (LsAOP), a Gram-positive soil rod, were determined. Like P. gingivalis AOP (PgAOP), two orthologues more efficiently hydrolyzed N-terminal acylated peptidyl substrates than non-acylated ones. Optimal pH was shifted from 7.0 ? 8.9 for N-acylated to 8.5 ? 9.5 for non-acylated substrates, indicating preference for non-charged hydrophobic N-terminal residues. Hydrophobic P1- and P2-position preferences were common in the three AOPs, although PgAOP preferred Leu and the others preferred Phe at the P1 position. In vitro mutagenesis demonstrated that Phe647 in PgAOP was responsible for the P1 Leu preference. In addition, bacterial AOPs commonly liberated acetyl-Ser1-Tyr2 from amelanocyte-stimulating hormone. Taken together, although these three bacterial AOPs exhibited some variations in biochemical properties, the present study demonstrated the existence of a group of exopeptidases that preferentially liberates mainly dipeptides from N-terminally acylated polypeptides with a preference for hydrophobic P1 and P2-position residues

    Characterization of substrate specificity and novel autoprocessing mechanism of dipeptidase A from Prevotella intermedia

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    Prevotella intermedia, a gram-negative anaerobic rod, is frequently observed in subgingival polymicrobial biofilm from adults with chronic periodontitis. Peptidases in periodontopathic bacteria are considered to function as etiological reagents. Pre. intermedia OMA14 cells abundantly express an unidentified cysteine peptidase specific for Arg-4-methycoumaryl-7- amide (MCA). BAU17746 (locus tag, PIOMA14_I_1238) and BAU18827 (locus tag, PIOMA14_II_0322) emerged as candidates of this peptidase from the substrate specificity and sequence similarity with C69-family Streptococcus gordonii Arg-aminopeptidase. The recombinant form of the former solely exhibited hydrolyzing activity toward Arg-MCA, and BAU17746 possesses a 26.6% amino acid identity with the C69-family Lactobacillus helveticus dipeptidase A. It was found that BAU17746 as well as L. helveticus dipeptidase A was a P1-position Arg-specific dipeptidase A, although the L. helveticus entity, a representative of the C69 family, had been reported to be specific for Leu and Phe. The fulllength form of BAU17746 was intramolecularly processed to a mature form carrying the N-terminus of Cys15. In conclusion, the marked Arg-MCA-hydrolyzing activity in Pre. intermedia was mediated by BAU17746 belonging to the C69-family dipeptidase A, in which the mature form carries an essential cysteine at the N-terminus

    Preferential dipeptide incorporation of Porphyromonas gingivalis mediated by proton-dependent oligopeptide transporter (Pot)

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    Multiple dipeptidyl-peptidases (DPPs) are present in the periplasmic space of Porphyromonas gingivalis, an asaccharolytic periodontopathic bacterium. Dipeptides produced by DPPs are presumed to be transported into the bacterial cells and metabolized to generate energy and cellular components. The present study aimed to identify a transporter responsible for dipeptide uptake in the bacterium. A real-time metabolic analysis demonstrated that P. gingivalis preferentially incorporated Gly-Xaa dipeptides, and then,single amino acids, tripeptides, and longer oligopeptides to lesser extents. Heterologous expression of the P. gingivalis serine/threonine transporter (SstT) (PGN_1460), oligopeptide transporter (Opt) (PGN_1518), and proton-dependent oligopeptide transporter (Pot) (PGN_0135) genes demonstrated that Escherichia coli expressing Pot exclusively incorporated Gly-Gly, while SstT managed Ser uptake and Opt was responsible for Gly-Gly-Gly uptake. Dipeptide uptake was significantly decreased in a P. gingivalis Δpot strain and further suppressed in a Δpot-Δopt double-deficient strain. In addition, the growth of the Δpot strain was markedly attenuated and the Δpot-Δopt strain scarcely grew, whereas the ΔsstT strain grew well almost like wild type. Consequently, these results demonstrate that predominant uptake of dipeptide in P. gingivalis is mostly managed by POT. We thus propose that Pot is a potential therapeutic target of periodontal disease and P. gingivalis related systemic diseases

    Single Nucleotide Polymorphism that Accompanies a Missense Mutation (Gln488His) Impedes the Dimerization of Hsp90.

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    A single nucleotide polymorphism (SNP) that causes a missense mutation of highly conserved Gln488 to His of the alpha isoform of the 90-kDa heat shock protein (Hsp90alpha) molecular chaperone is observed in Caucasians. The mutated Hsp90alpha severely reduced the growth of yeast cells. To investigate this molecular mechanism, we examined the domain-domain interactions of human Hsp90alpha by using bacterial 2-hybrid system. Hsp90alpha was expressed as a full-length form, N-terminal domain (residues 1-400), or middle (residues 401-617) plus C-terminal (residues 618-732) domains (MC domain/amino acids 401-732). The Gln488His substitution in MC domain did not affect the intra-molecular interaction with N-terminal domain, whereas the dimeric interaction-mediated by the inter-molecular interaction between MC domains was decreased to 32%. Gln488Ala caused a similar change, whereas Gln488Thr, which exceptionally occurs in mitochondrial Hsp90 paralog, fully maintained the dimeric interaction. Therefore, the SNP causing Gln488His mutation could abrogate the Hsp90 function due to reduced dimerization

    A comprehensive study on the immunological reactivity of the Hsp90 molecular chaperone.

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    Periodontitis is a chronic infectious disease, Porphyromonas gingivalis being the most implicated pathogen. In the present study, we investigated the role of P. gingivalis HtpG (PgHtpG), a bacterial ortholog of mammalian Hsp90, in the growth of P. gingivalis and also assessed the immunological cross-reactivity of the members of the Hsp90 family. Antiserum against rat liver Hsp90 potently reacted with yeast Hsp90, called Hsc82, and also weakly with human Hsp90 (hHsp90) and human mitochondrial paralog Trap1, but did not react with PgHtpG, Escherichia coli HtpG, or human endoplasmic reticulum paralog Grp94. Moreover, among 19 monoclonal antibodies raised against hHsp90, nine cross-reacted with yeast Hsc82, and one with human Grp94, but none bound to PgHtpG or E. coli HtpG. Among them, three mAbs that strongly reacted with yeast Hsc82 recognized Asn(291)-Ile(304), a conserved region of the family protein. The polyclonal antibody raised against a peptide, Met(315)-Glu(328), of human Grp94, which corresponded to the conserved region of hHsp90, cross-reacted with hHsp90, but not with other Hsp90-family members. Thus, although mammalian Hsp90 shares some immunological reactivity with yeast Hsc82, human Grp94, and human Trap1, it is considerably distinct from its bacterial ortholog, HtpG. Disruption of the P. gingivalis htpG gene neither affected bacterial survival nor altered the sensitivity of P. gingivalis to various forms of stress

    Syntax-Driven Sentence Revision for Broadcast News Summarization

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    We propose a method of revising lead sentences in a news broadcast. Unlike many other methods proposed so far, this method does not use the coreference relation of noun phrases (NPs) but rather, insertion and substitution of the phrases modifying the same head chunk in lead and other sentences. The method borrows an idea from the sentence fusion methods and is more general than those using NP coreferencing as ours includes them. We show in experiments the method was able to find semantically appropriate revisions thus demonstrating its basic feasibility. We also show that that parsing errors mainly degraded the sentential completeness such as grammaticality and redundancy.

    A Novel Multi-Observation System to Study the Effects of Anterior Ocular Inflammation in Zinn’s Zonule Using One Specimen

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    Zinn’s zonule is a fragile and thin tissue, and little is known about its pathogenesis. The aim of this study was to develop an experimental setup for a comprehensive analysis of Zinn’s zonule. Rats were divided into two groups: a control group (n = 4) and an alkali injury group (n = 4). Seven days after injury, the eyes were enucleated, the anterior eye was dissected and embedded in gelatin, and macroscopic observations were made. The gelatin specimens were then embedded in paraffin and observed in detail by low-vacuum scanning electron microscopy, immunofluorescence, and quantitative reverse transcription polymerase chain reaction (RT-qPCR). The results show qualitative changes in Zinn’s zonules in both macroscopic and microscopic observations. In addition, macrophage infiltration and increased matrix metalloproteinase 2 (MMP2) expression were observed in the injured group, consistent with the RT-qPCR results. The experimental system in this study allowed us to capture the morphological and molecular biological changes of Zinn’s zonule and to gain insight into its pathogenesis. In conclusion, this study presents a new experimental setup for the comprehensive analysis of the rat Zinn’s zonule. The results suggest that this system can be used in the future to study and analyze a variety of paraffin-embedded tissues and specimens

    Characterization of substrate specificity and novel autoprocessing mechanism of dipeptidase A from Prevotella intermedia

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    Prevotella intermedia, a gram-negative anaerobic rod, is frequently observed in subgingival polymicrobial biofilm from adults with chronic periodontitis. Peptidases in periodontopathic bacteria are considered to function as etiological reagents. Pre. intermedia OMA14 cells abundantly express an unidentified cysteine peptidase specific for Arg-4-methycoumaryl-7- amide (MCA). BAU17746 (locus tag, PIOMA14_I_1238) and BAU18827 (locus tag, PIOMA14_II_0322) emerged as candidates of this peptidase from the substrate specificity and sequence similarity with C69-family Streptococcus gordonii Arg-aminopeptidase. The recombinant form of the former solely exhibited hydrolyzing activity toward Arg-MCA, and BAU17746 possesses a 26.6% amino acid identity with the C69-family Lactobacillus helveticus dipeptidase A. It was found that BAU17746 as well as L. helveticus dipeptidase A was a P1-position Arg-specific dipeptidase A, although the L. helveticus entity, a representative of the C69 family, had been reported to be specific for Leu and Phe. The fulllength form of BAU17746 was intramolecularly processed to a mature form carrying the N-terminus of Cys15. In conclusion, the marked Arg-MCA-hydrolyzing activity in Pre. intermedia was mediated by BAU17746 belonging to the C69-family dipeptidase A, in which the mature form carries an essential cysteine at the N-terminus