788 research outputs found

    A Scaling Hypothesis for the Spectral Densities in the O(3) Nonlinear Sigma-Model

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    A scaling hypothesis for the n-particle spectral densities of the O(3) nonlinear sigma-model is described. It states that for large particle numbers the n-particle spectral densities are ``self-similar'' in being basically rescaled copies of a universal shape function. This can be viewed as a 2-dimensional, but non-perturbative analogue of the KNO scaling in QCD. Promoted to a working hypothesis, it allows one to compute the two point functions at ``all'' energy or length scales. In addition, the values of two non-perturbative constants (needed for a parameter-free matching of the perturbative and the non-perturbative regime) are determined exactly.Comment: 9 Pages, Latex, 3 Postscript Figure

    The Orbifolds of Permutation-Type as Physical String Systems at Multiples of c=26 IV. Orientation Orbifolds Include Orientifolds

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    In this fourth paper of the series, I clarify the somewhat mysterious relation between the large class of {\it orientation orbifolds} (with twisted open-string CFT's at c^=52\hat c=52) and {\it orientifolds} (with untwisted open strings at c=26c=26), both of which have been associated to division by world-sheet orientation-reversing automorphisms. In particular -- following a spectral clue in the previous paper -- I show that, even as an {\it interacting string system}, a certain half-integer-moded orientation orbifold-string system is in fact equivalent to the archetypal orientifold. The subtitle of this paper, that orientation orbifolds include and generalize standard orientifolds, then follows because there are many other orientation orbifold-string systems -- with higher fractional modeing -- which are not equivalent to untwisted string systems.Comment: 22 pages, typos correcte

    Multiplicity dependence of identical particle correlations in the quantum optical approach

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    Identical particle correlations at fixed multiplicity are consideres in the presence of chaotic and coherent fields. The multiplicity distribution, one-particle momentum density, and two-particle correlation function are obtained based on the diagrammatic representation for cmulants in semi-inclusive events. Our formulation is applied to the analysis of the experimental data on the multiplicity dependence of correlation functions reported by the UA1 and the OPAL Collaborations.Comment: 14 pages, 7 figure


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    The article is devoted to determining the influence of social capital onthe functioning of network structures in the knowledge economy. Definitionsof networks and network structures are analyzed. Social capital is definedas a common basis for all levels of network structures. The levels ofnetwork structures and social capital are determined. It is noted that socialcapital provides high economic efficiency of network structures by achievinga synergistic effect of the interaction of their individual participants. It isestablished that the effectiveness of innovative development of theenterprise largely depends on the network of socio-economic relations ofthe enterprise, aimed at accumulating its social capital. Socio-economicrelations of the enterprise are considered as a formed system of informationand communication elements of social and economic nature, which allowsthe enterprise to function and develop. The scheme of social and economicrelations of the enterprise in their close interaction and interdependencewith the external environment is given. There are three groups of relationsin the network of socio-economic relations: social external relations, socialinternal relations and economic relations. The structure of each of thegroups is revealed. It is established that the internal relations of theenterprise are reflected in its foreign economic relations and vice versa. Thescientific novelty of the study is to consider network structures through theprism of social capital and the development of the enterprise scheme as anetwork of socio-economic relations, which are the basis for the formationof social capital. in associations with other enterprises, through thedevelopment of social capital. The influence of digitalization on theformation of consumer demand, the satisfaction of which requires newsocial connections and the corresponding social capital, is shown. Furtherresearch requires methods and tools for the formation and development ofsocial capital in network structures at the inter-organizational level ofinteraction.Статья посвящена определению влияния социального капитала нафункционирование сетевых структур в условиях экономики знаний.Проанализированы определения сетей и сетевых структур. Определеносоциальный капитал как общая основа для всех уровней сетевыхструктур. Определены уровни сетевых структур и социального капитала.Отмечено, что именно социальный капитал обеспечивает высокуюэкономическую эффективность сетевых структур через достижение имисинергетического эффекта от взаимодействия отдельных их участников.Установлено, что эффективность инновационного развития предприятияв значительной степени зависит от сети социально-экономическихотношений предприятия, направленной на накопление его социальногокапитала. Представлена схема социально-экономических связейпредприятия в их тесном взаимодействии и взаимозависимости свнешней средой. Выделены три группы связей в сети социальноэкономических связей: социальные внешние связи, социальныевнутренние связи и экономические связи. Установлено, что внутренниевзаимосвязи предприятия имеют отражение в его внешнеэкономических связях и наоборот. Научная новизна исследованиязаключается в рассмотрении сетевых структур через призму социальногокапитала и разработке схемы предприятия как сети социальноэкономических связей, которые являются основой для формированиясоциального капитала.Стаття присвячена визначенню місця та ролі соціального капіталу у мережевих структурах в умовах цифровізації. Проаналізовано визначення мереж та мережевих структур. Визначено соціальний капітал як спільну основу для всіх рівнів мережевих структур. Визначено рівні мережевих структур та соціального капіталу. Зазначено, що саме соціальний капітал забезпечує високу економічну ефективність мережевих структур через досягнення ними синергетичного ефекту від взаємодії окремих їх учасників. Встановлено, що ефективність інноваційного розвитку підприємства значною мірою залежить від мережі соціально-економічних відносин підприємства, що спрямована на нагромадження його соціального капіталу. Представлено схему соціально-економічних зв’язків підприємства в їх тісній взаємодії та взаємозалежності із зовнішнім середовищем. Виділено три групи зв'язків в мережі соціально-економічних зв'язків: соціальні зовнішні зв’язки, соціальні внутрішні зв’язки та економічні зв’язки. Встановлено,  що внутрішні взаємозв’язки підприємства мають відображення у його зовнішньо-економічних зв’язках, і навпаки. Показано вплив цифровізації на формування споживчого попиту, задоволення якого  потребує нових соціальних зв’язків та відповідного соціального капіталу. Наукова новизна дослідження полягає у розгляді мережевих структур  через призму соціального капіталу та розробці схеми підприємства як мережі соціально-економічних зв’язків, які є основою для формуваннясоціального капіталу.

    Right to Freedom of Expression v. Reputation Protection (Based on ECtHR Practice Materials)

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    The urgency of the study is stipulated by the necessity to clarify the criteria allowing courts to determine a balance between the right to freedom of expression (Article 10 of the Convention for the Protection of Human Rights and Fundamental Freedoms) and the right to reputation protection as part of the right to privacy (Article 8 of the Convention for the Protection of Human Rights and Fundamental Freedoms), given the complex nature and equivalence of these rights on conditions of a a democratic society. The purpose of the article is to elucidate, through the European Court of Human Rights practice, the provisions allowing defamation cases to be resolved and additional criteria that can be used to consider such cases to be formed. The research is based on the perception of human rights as natural, inalienable and equal human opportunities, which are universal in nature, but may have a regional content, allowing us to talk about the social and cultural nature of law in general. The study takes into account the implicit nature of the Convention for the Protection of Human Rights and Fundamental Freedoms provisions, which enshrine the relevant human rights, respectively, it is the decisions of the European Court of Human Rights that are “filling” these rights with the “content”. The principle of the Convention’s norms dynamic interpretation is taken into account by the Court, which ensures the effectiveness of human rights institutions and a modern understanding of the content of protected rights. The article clarifies that the criteria for finding a balance between the right to freedom of expression and reputation protection are the following: the content of the publication; degree of public interest in disseminated information; the degree of publicity of the interested person, the form and consequences of the publication, the method of obtaining information, the behavior of the interested party to the publication; as additional criteria for determining the balance between the right to freedom of expression and the protection of reputation, it is suggested to use the purpose of the publication (whether, the publication aims to create a “platform” for discussion of public interest or is used as a means of black PR or this interest is limited to unhealthy curiosity), as well as the results of linguistic examination

    Fluid Dynamics of NSR Strings

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    We show that the renormalization group flows of the massless superstring modes in the presence of fluctuating D-branes satisfy the equations of fluid dynamics.In particular, we show that the D-brane's U(1) field is related to the velocity function in the Navier-Stokes equation while the dilaton plays the role of the passive scalar advected by the turbulent flow. This leads us to suggest a possible isomorphism between the off-shell superstring theory in the presence of fluctuating branes and the fluid mechanical degrees of freedom.Comment: 24 pages Dedicated to the memory of Ian Koga

    Finite-dimensional analogs of string s <-> t duality and pentagon equation

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    We put forward one of the forms of functional pentagon equation (FPE), known from the theory of integrable models, as an algebraic explanation to the phenomenon known in physics as st duality. We present two simple geometrical examples of FPE solutions, one of them yielding in a particular case the well-known Veneziano expression for 4-particle amplitude. Finally, we interpret our solutions of FPE in terms of relations in Lie groups.Comment: LaTeX, 12 pages, 6 eps figure

    Parton Branching in Color Mutation Model

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    The soft production problem in hadronic collisions as described in the eikonal color mutation branching model is improved in the way that the initial parton distribution is treated. Furry branching of the partons is considered as a means of describing the nonperturbative process of parton reproduction in soft interaction. The values of all the moments, and CqC_q, for q=2,...,5, as well as their energy dependences can be correctly determined by the use of only two parameters.Comment: 8 pages (LaTeX) + 2 figures (ps files), submitted to Phys. Rev.

    Jet Energy Density in Hadron-Hadron Collisions at High Energies

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    The average particle multiplicity density dN/deta is the dynamical quantity which reflects some regularities of particle production in low-pT range. The quantity is an important ingredient of z-scaling. Experimental results on charged particle density are available for pp, pA and AA collisions while experimental properties of the jet density are still an open question. The goal of this work is to find the variable which will reflect the main features of the jet production in low transverse energy range and play the role of the scale factor for the scaling function psi(z) and variable z in data z-presentation. The appropriate candidate is the variable we called "scaled jet energy density". Scaled jet energy density is the probability to have a jet with defined ET in defined xT and pseudorapidity regions. The PYTHIA6.2 Monte Carlo generator is used for calculation of scaled jet energy density in proton-proton collisions over a high energy range (sqrt s = 200-14000 GeV) and at eta = 0. The properties of the new variable are discussed and sensitivity to "physical scenarios" applied in the standard Monte Carlo generator is noted. The results of scaled jet energy density at LHC energies are presented and compared with predictions based on z-scaling.Comment: 11 pages, LaTeX, 8 figures, Presented at the XVII International Baldin Seminar on High Energy Physics Problems "Relativistic Nuclear Physics & Quantum Chromodynamics", Dubna, Russia, September 27 - October 2, 200