105 research outputs found

    Обучение персонала как инструмент реализации стратегических целей на предприятиях нефтегазовой отрасли

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    Объектом исследования является система управления образовательным процессом и принятия решений. Целостная система подготовки персонала, включающая повышение квалификации кадров, рост мотивации, раскрытие потенциала работников, развитие производства, техническое обновление, формирование корпоративной культуры, является образовательной политикой общества ОАО «НК «Роснефть». Предметом исследования является образовательная деятельность открытого акционерного общества ОАО «НК «Роснефть». Цель работы - изучение теоретических и методологических подходов к проблеме обучения персонала, методов стимулирования и совершенствования системы обучения персонал, анализ практики обучения персонала на примере ОАО «НК» Роснефть». В данной выпускной работе были описаны методы симулирования и совершенствования системы обучения; рассмотрены теоретические аспекты обучения персонала на предприятии; изучен порядок работы по обучению персонала и систематизированы методы обучения; проанализированы процессы организационного обучения персонала в ОАО «НК» Роснефть» и влияние на эффективность работы организации.The object of study is the system of management of educational process and decision-making. A coherent system of staff training that includes skills development, increased motivation, potential employees, the development of production, technical renewal, formation of corporate culture is the educational policy of JSC "NK "Rosneft". The subject of research is the educational activities of open joint stock company OAO "NK "Rosneft". Purpose - study of theoretical and methodological approaches to the problem of personnel training, methods of stimulation and improvement of the teaching staff, analysis of the practice of personnel training on the example of JSC "NK" Rosneft". In this graduation work was described simulation and improvement of the system of education; theoretical aspects of personnel training at the enterprise; studied work arrangements for staff training and systematic teaching methods; analyzed the processes of organizational learning of staff of JSC "NK" Rosneft" and its influence on the efficiency of the organization

    Mösyö Lökok'un ihtiyarlığı

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    Fortune de Boisgobey'in Saadet'te yayımlanan Mösyö Lökok'un İhtiyarlığı adlı romanının ilk ve son tefrikalar

    Методы и алгоритмы обработки мелкомасштабной структуры метеорологических полей в приземной атмосфере

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    В данной работе объектом исследования являются метеорологические поля наблюдений, полученные с ультразвуковых термоанемометров. Работа нацелена на разработку методов и алгоритмов обработки мелкомасштабной структуры метеорологических полей в приземной атмосфере. В процессе исследования были изучены возможности аппаратно-программного функционала метеорологического комплекса АМК-03 для получения высокочастотных измерений метеорологических параметров. Исследованы и разработаны параллельные алгоритмы при обработке наблюдений ультразвукового термоанемометра. Разработана структурно-функциональная схема программного комплекса обработки метеорологических данных ультразвуковых метеостанций, позволяющего на заданной выборке метеорологических данных провести первичный статистический анализ.This work contains meteorological observation fields obtained from ultrasonic thermal anemometers. The work is aimed at developing methods and algorithms for processing the fine-scale structure of meteorological fields in the surface atmosphere. During the research, the capabilities of the hardware-software functional of the AMK-03 meteorological complex were studied to obtain high-frequency measurements of meteorological parameters. Parallel algorithms were studied and developed in the processing of observations of an thermoanemometer. A structural-functional scheme of a software complex for processing meteorological data of ultrasonic weather stations has been developed, which allows performing a primary statistical analysis on a given sample of meteorological data

    Las Lunas, Yuncler (Toledo). Un depósito de materiales metálicos del Bronce Final en la Submeseta Sur de la Península Ibérica

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    Se exponen los resultados del primer estudio realizado sobre un nuevo conjunto de materiales metálicos del Bronce Final recuperado a finales de 2008 en las excavaciones arqueológicas del yacimiento de Las Lunas (Yuncler, Toledo, España). La localización geográfica del hallazgo, lejos de las principales zonas de dispersión conocidas para este tipo de conjuntos, la singularidad de los objetos que integra, y las relaciones atlánticas y mediterráneas que evidencian sus materiales, lo convierten en un ejemplo destacado para el estudio de este período en el centro de la Península Ibérica.Peer reviewe

    Исследование состава ароматических углеводородов средних фракций нефти Самотлорского месторождения

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    В работе представлены результаты исследования состава ароматических углеводородов 1-й группы, входящих в состав керосинонгазойлевой фракции (200-300° С) самотлорской нефти. Для исследования были применены методы жидкостной хроматографии, четкой ректификации, УФ- и ПК-спектроскопии. Установлено, что в состав ароматики 1-й группы входят моно-, ди- (-и -м-изомеры), три- (1, 2, 3- 1, 2, 4- и 1, 3, 5), тетра (возможно всех трех типов замещения, а также пентазамещенные бензола

    The effect of impaired speaker’s voice and noise on children's spoken language processing

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    Background – Past studies indicate that listening to either impaired voice or against background noise may compromise children’s ability to process spoken language. However, the interaction of both factors remains largely unknown. Aim – The aim of this study was to investigate single and combined effects of impaired speaker’s voice and noise on spoken language processing in children (aged 5-6). Methods – First-grade primary school children (n = 53) individually performed two listening tasks: A Minimal-Pair Discrimination task assessing speech perception and a Sentence-Picture Matching Task assessing listening comprehension. Speech stimuli were presented in four conditions: (C1) normal voice and no noise, (C2) imitated impaired voice and no noise, (C3) normal voice and speech-shaped noise, and (C4) imitated impaired voice and speech-shaped noise. Task score per condition was calculated as measure of performance. Results – Irrespective of task, children performed significantly lower when stimuli were presented in a combination of impaired voice and noise (C4) as compared to any other condition. The presence of only one adverse factor (C2 or C3) lowered performance in the speech perception task but not the listening comprehension task. Discussion – Results suggest that when processing speech, young school-aged children are highly vulnerable to the combined effect of impaired speaker’s voice and noise. This could be due to increased auditory masking and reduced cognitive capacity available for linguistic processing. With only a single adverse factor present, children seem able to still use semantic or syntactic context cues for correct interpretation. However, performance drops when such cues are unavailable. Conclusion – Favorable listening conditions may be crucial for children’s processing of spoken language and positive learning outcomes. Particularly in the educational context, where listening is affected by voice quality and noise, measures should be taken to enhance the transmission of the speech signal and reduce noise

    Can wall vibrations alter the sound of a flue organ pipe?

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    Physical modeling of the singing voice

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    This thesis deals with the physical modeling of the parts of the voice organ relevant for voice generation plus techniques for the measurement of acoustic voice properties. An introduction to characteristics of the voice signal is followed by a literature survey of existing approaches for the most important functional voice components. Algorithms that seem to be suitable for modeling of the singing voice are adopted and extended. The modeling of the vocal fold movement uses a three-dimensional, symmetric multiple mass model that is capable of simulating different voice registers and voice pathologies that are found in singers. For the wave propagation in the space between glottis and mouth opening, the vocal tract, two algorithms are presented, which have been optimized for different applications. The first model is based on cylinder segments and requires a fixed sampling rate that yields a high resolution in space. The second model allows an arbitrary choice of the sampling rate and makes it possible to reduce the number of parameters for the description of the vocal tract by using conical segments. Since the noise component is required for a natural sounding voice, a model is implemented that simulates vortex shedding and sound generation by turbulences. The dependence of the noise component on the choice of the articulated speech sound is described by analysis of the voice signal in the domains of time and frequency. The resonance characteristics of the vocal tract are evaluated with two measurement approaches: a direct method that determines the transfer function and a mobile, non-invasive set-up for the measurement of the acoustic impedance at the mouth. For comparison of the characteristic radiation of the human voice with an artificial singer, a measurement set-up is described that allows a detailed visualization of the directivity. The final part of this work investigates the interaction of the elements of the model. Some examples for the application of the singing voice model to the simulation of different singing styles and voice pathologies are presented. Different voice registers are modelled with special emphasis on the simulation of overtone singing. The impedance measurements were the basis for the parameter choice of the vocal tract model. As a future application of the model, the investigation of voice pathologies is planned. First attempts to model edema of the vocal folds and singer's nodules are presented and the use of the model as a therapeutic tool for voice therapy is discussed