235 research outputs found

    Configuration of separability and tests for multipartite entanglement in Bell-type experiments

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    We derive tight quadratic inequalities for all kinds of hybrid separable-inseparable nn-particle density operators on an arbitrary dimensional space. This methodology enables us to truly derive a tight quadratic inequality as tests for full nn-partite entanglement in various Bell-type correlation experiments on the systems that may not be identified as a collection of qubits, e.g., those involving photons measured by incomplete detectors. It is also proved that when the two measured observables are assumed to precisely anti-commute, a stronger quadratic inequality can be used as a witness of full nn-partite entanglement.Comment: To appear in Phys. Rev. Lett. (submitted on Jul. 4, 2002

    Photonic multipartite entanglement conversion using nonlocal operations

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    We propose a simple setup for the conversion of multipartite entangled states in a quantum network with restricted access. The scheme uses nonlocal operations to enable the preparation of states that are inequivalent under local operations and classical communication, but most importantly does not require full access to the states. It is based on a flexible linear optical conversion gate that uses photons, which are ideally suited for distributed quantum computation and quantum communication in extended networks. In order to show the basic working principles of the gate, we focus on converting a four-qubit entangled cluster state to other locally inequivalent four-qubit states, such as the GHZ and symmetric Dicke state. We also show how the gate can be incorporated into extended graph state networks, and can be used to generate variable entanglement and quantum correlations without entanglement but nonvanishing quantum discord.Comment: 10 pages, 6 figures, correction of reference list, add Journal ref. and DO

    Fidelity criterion for quantum-domain transmission and storage of coherent states beyond unit-gain constraint

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    We generalize the experimental success criterion for quantum teleportation/memory in continuous-variable quantum systems to be suitable for non-unit-gain condition by considering attenuation/amplification of the coherent-state amplitude. The new criterion can be used for a non-ideal quantum memory and long distance quantum communication as well as quantum devices with amplification process. It is also shown that the framework to measure the average fidelity is capable of detecting all Gaussian channels in quantum domain.Comment: 4pages, No figures, Accepted for publication in PR

    Entanglement of orbital angular momentum states between an ensemble of cold atoms and a photon

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    Recently, atomic ensemble and single photons were successfully entangled by using collective enhancement [D. N. Matsukevich, \textit{et al.}, Phys. Rev. Lett. \textbf{95}, 040405(2005).], where atomic internal states and photonic polarization states were correlated in nonlocal manner. Here we experimentally clarified that in an ensemble of atoms and a photon system, there also exists an entanglement concerned with spatial degrees of freedom. Generation of higher-dimensional entanglement between remote atomic ensemble and an application to condensed matter physics are also discussed.Comment: 5 pages, 3 figure

    Faithful qubit distribution assisted by one additional qubit against collective noise

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    We propose a distribution scheme of polarization states of a single photon over collective-noise channel. By adding one extra photon with a fixed polarization, we can protect the state against collective noise via a parity-check measurement and post-selection. While the scheme succeeds only probabilistically, it is simpler and more flexible than the schemes utilizing decoherence-free subspace. An application to BB84 protocol through collective noise channel, which is robust to the Trojan horse attack, is also given.Comment: 4 pages, 3 figures; published version in Phys. Rev. Let

    Unconditionally Secure Key Distribution Based on Two Nonorthogonal States

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    We prove the unconditional security of the Bennett 1992 protocol, by using a reduction to an entanglement distillation protocol initiated by a local filtering process. The bit errors and the phase errors are correlated after the filtering, and we can bound the amount of phase errors from the observed bit errors by an estimation method involving nonorthogonal measurements. The angle between the two states shows a trade-off between accuracy of the estimation and robustness to noises.Comment: 5 pages, 1 figur

    Entanglement cost of generalised measurements

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    Bipartite entanglement is one of the fundamental quantifiable resources of quantum information theory. We propose a new application of this resource to the theory of quantum measurements. According to Naimark's theorem any rank 1 generalised measurement (POVM) M may be represented as a von Neumann measurement in an extended (tensor product) space of the system plus ancilla. By considering a suitable average of the entanglements of these measurement directions and minimising over all Naimark extensions, we define a notion of entanglement cost E_min(M) of M. We give a constructive means of characterising all Naimark extensions of a given POVM. We identify various classes of POVMs with zero and non-zero cost and explicitly characterise all POVMs in 2 dimensions having zero cost. We prove a constant upper bound on the entanglement cost of any POVM in any dimension. Hence the asymptotic entanglement cost (i.e. the large n limit of the cost of n applications of M, divided by n) is zero for all POVMs. The trine measurement is defined by three rank 1 elements, with directions symmetrically placed around a great circle on the Bloch sphere. We give an analytic expression for its entanglement cost. Defining a normalised cost of any d-dimensional POVM by E_min(M)/log(d), we show (using a combination of analytic and numerical techniques) that the trine measurement is more costly than any other POVM with d>2, or with d=2 and ancilla dimension 2. This strongly suggests that the trine measurement is the most costly of all POVMs.Comment: 20 pages, plain late
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